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ARTICLE REVIEW FORM URISA JOURNAL Name of Article Reviewer: Date of Review: Title of Article: Author of Article: Please

answer YES or NO to the following questions and add further comments as a ro riate! "! The article title is a ro riate! #! The a$stract accuratel% reflects the content! &! The ur ose or thesis of the article is stated clearl%! '! The ur orted significance of the article is e( licitl% stated! )! The article adequatel% ties to the relevant literature! *! The research stud% methods are sound and a ro riate! +! The literature review and research stud% methods are e( lained clearl%! ,! The rimar% thesis is argued ersuasivel%! -! The writing is clear concise and interesting! ".! All figures/ ta$les/ and hotos are necessar% and a ro riate! ""! The conclusions or summar% are accurate and su orted $% the content! "#! The article is of interest to man% 0R1SA mem$ers! Specific Reviewer Comments an S!""estions: 2These comments ma% $e in addition to or in lieu of reviewer comments inserted into the te(t of the article! 0se as man% lines as needed!3

Reviewer Recommen ation: Please indicate which of the following actions %ou recommend! 2 3 "! Pu$lish/ no significant alterations suggested! 2 3 #! Pu$lish/ $ut suggest changes to the article as s ecified in this review! 2 3 &! Pu$lish/ $ut suggestions as s ecified in this review must $e addressed $% either ma4ing e( laining wh% changes would $e ina ro riate 2 3 5hec4 here if altered article should $e resu$mitted to the reviewer 2 3 '! Re6ect/ $ut encourage author to tr% a ma6or revision and a second eer review 2 3 )! Re6ect/ do not encourage a rewrite 7urther Reviewer 5omments Regarding Dis osition of the Article:

changes or

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