Lesson Plans Grad Level

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Lessons and Curriculum Part One Graduate Level Lesson I. Neurosciences and Physiology A.

Medical Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary course that is organized jointly by Neurology and Neuropathology, with assistance from the departments and/or divisions of Cell Biology, Physiology, Psychiatry, Neuroradiology, Internal Medicine, and Neuroscience. Emphasis is placed on applying basic anatomical and physiological principles to problems in neuropathology and clinical neurology. B. The Medical Physiology course examines the physiological function and regulation of major organ systems and their components in the human body. Topics include membranes and transport mechanisms; skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle; and the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems. 1. Instruction is composed of lectures, problem-solving and case-study sessions, and clinical correlation sessions taught by practicing physicians. The course emphasizes mechanistic and integrative functions of normal physiology and explores abnormal function that occurs in many human diseases. C. Chapters for entire lessons 2. Chapter 4 pgs. 49-62 "Smaller than Sand" 3. Chapter 5 pgs. 65-72 "Making Blood" 4. Chapter 6 pgs. 75-80 "Where the Blood Flows" D. Background reading 5. Go to following link below. Read each section and write a paragraph summary on each section. Sections 11.2-12.7. Interactive activities on each section may help with understanding(does not work on portable device, try a computer) II. http://nba.uth.tmc.edu/neuroscience/m/s4/chapter11.html 6. Go to following link blow. Read Lactate Physiology in health and disease. Take notes on key points - will be discussed in class. III. http://ceaccp.oxfordjournals.org/content/6/3/128.full (1) Key points: (a) Blood lactate concentrations reflect the balance between lactate production and clearance. (b) Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and pyruvate conversion to and from lactate are linked with NAD+ and NADH. (c) Failure of oxidative mechanisms can affect both production and clearance of lactate. (d) Lactate concentrations >5 mmol litre1 with severe metabolic acidosis predicts high mortality. (e) Impaired lactate clearance, rather than hypoxic tissue production of lactate, is the cause of hyperlactaemia in stable septic patients. II. Papers E. Case study 7. Student will choose ONE of the THREE topics to discuss, study, and evaluate. The case study will have to include research on the internal and external human body with an anonymous patient (consent forms will be given out). APA format, 25 pages, 10 background resources. a) Topics: (2) Memory: The human memory is made up of four types of memory: working, episodic, semantic and remote. Each type uses a different network in the brain, and therefore, one type can be affected by disease or injury while another type functions normally. The student will need to discuss how specific

memories that have occurred in TWO peoples life are affected by injury or disease one patient will have a specific disease or injury and person two will be constant(healthy). The student will have to look at the working, episodic, semantic, and remote memories (3) Art and Creativity: Creativity combines elements of emotion, planning and sensory perception. Furthermore, creative expression can involve linguistic, graphic and/or motor skills as well. The student will need evaluate how specific activities induced creativity in the brain. (4) Behavior: Neurodegenerative disease can lead to changes in a loved ones social interactions. These changes may occur because of structural and neurochemical changes in the brain that affect a persons ability to process and act on information. The student will need to study how behavior can change with disease. Student will chose a patient will a neurological disorder that is known to change emotions and memories of love ones and how that affects those around the patient as well as the patient. The student will need to discuss how the brain is affected as well as which parts and why does this occur. III. Exam F. Exam part 1 8. Student will be evaluated on what was learned about neuroscience and their clinical ability with neurological diseases. Student will need to be able to spot out specific diseases of the spinal cord, and brain that are affected by diseases, in blood as well a healthy brain and spinal cavity. G. Exam part 2 9. Student will be evaluated on their ability to understand the components of blood including blood lactate levels, and what level of lactate blood solutions do to specific tissues. Student will also have to recite blood flow and how the failure of inadequate blood flow can affect each body system, and the body as a whole.

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