Chorus: "A Lesson in Every Lyric"®

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"A Lesson In Every Lyric"

Attentlon leuse! Muy l huve your uttentlon leuse!
1hls ls u 8ULLY lRLL 2CNL! l reeut, u 8ULLY lRLL 2CNL!
No bullylng wlll be toleruted ln thls school, lt's u 8ULLYlRLL 2CNL!

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8ullylng ls u cowurdly uct, 'ubuse' ls how lt's ruted.
ln our school there ls u rule, lt won't be toleruted!
Lveryone must luy u urt, to kee lt sufe und frlendly
Eeur the messuge loud und cleur you're not ullowed to bully!

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Lveryone ls vulued here und ull must be rotected.
Negutlve behuvlour ut ull tlmes wlll be rejected!
1rylng to unnoy someone does not bulld good relutlons,
lt's u form of whut ls known us rlvute suce lnvuslon.


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Cossllng und belng meun, und muklng others teurful,
Pushlng, lnchlng, gunglng u, und muklng others feurful,
Nusty emulls, SMS, und other cyber teuslng,
Never cun be justlfled, there's never u good reuson!.


+,%-, 3
Alwuys thlnk ubout the wuy unother mlght be feellng.
Show resect for roerty no dumuglng or steullng!
lf someone ls bullylng you, then lt must be reorted,
1hut's the only wuy thut bud behuvlour cun be sorted.

So tell me, whut ls lt? A 8ULLY lRLL 2CNL, yeuh, yeuh, lt s u 8ULLYlRLL 2one!

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