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This project will emphasis on the comparative study of ICICI Bank and HDFC BAN parameter this project will !e hi"hli"htin" the preference of customer for a particular !ank# HDFC was esta!lished in the year $%%&' they are old player in !ankin" sector# The !ank has two principle client se"ments (customer and asset mana"ement# The !ank follows values such as ( Inte"rity' teamwork' respect' professionalism' ) *ission# The se"ment of !ank we are considerin" here is+ Corporate !ankin"# The products out of which have chosen for research is ,avin" Accounts# This research helps us in findin" out the customers view re"ardin" the product and ,ervices offered !y the HDFC !ank and awareness !y promotion and also identifyin" the market potential of the product offered !y the HDFC !ank# The !ankin" sector in India has made remarka!le pro"ress since the economic reforms in $%%$# New private sector !anks have !rou"ht the necessary competition into the industry and spearheaded the chan"es towards hi"her utili-ation of technolo"y' improved customer service and innovative products# Customers are now !ecomin" increasin"ly conscious of their ri"hts and are demandin" more than ever !efore# The recent trends show that most !anks are shiftin" from a .product+centric model/ to a .customer+centric model/ as customer satisfaction has !ecome one of the major determinants of !usiness "rowth# In this conte0t' prioriti-ation of preferences and close monitorin" of customer satisfaction have !ecome essential for !anks# eepin" these in

mind' an attempt has !een made in this study to analy-e the factors that are essential in influencin" the investment decision of the customers of the pu!lic sector !anks# For this purpose' Factor Analysis' which is the most appropriate multivariate techni1ue' has !een used to identify $

the "roups of determinants# Factor analysis identifies common dimensions of factors from the o!served varia!les that link to"ether the seemin"ly unrelated varia!les and provides insi"ht into the underlyin" structure of the data# ,econdly' this study also su""ests some measures to formulate marketin" strate"ies to lure customers towards !anks#

Key Words: Bank:

A !ank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment a"ent for customers and to !orrow and lend money# It is an institution for receivin"' keepin"' and lendin" money#

Mobile Banking:
*o!ile !ankin" 2also known as *+Bankin"' m!ankin"' ,*, Bankin" etc#3 is a term used for performin" !alance checks' account transactions' payments etc# via a mo!ile device such as a mo!ile phone# *o!ile !ankin" today 245563 is most often performed via ,*, or the *o!ile Internet !ut can also use special pro"rams called clients downloaded to the mo!ile device#

Internet Banking:
7nline !ankin" 2or Internet !ankin"3 allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secure we!site operated !y their retail or virtual !ank' credit union or !uildin" society#

Core Banking System:

Core Bankin" is a "eneral term used to descri!e the services provided !y a "roup of networked !ank !ranches# Bank Customers may access their funds and other simple transactions from any of the men!er !ranch offices# 4

An automated teller machine 2AT*3 is a computeri-ed telecommunications device that provides the customers of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a pu!lic space without the need for a human clerk or !ank teller# 7n most modern AT*s' the customer is identified !y insertin" a plastic AT* card with a ma"netic stripe or a plastic smartcard with a chip' that contains a uni1ue card num!er and some security information' such as an e0piration date or C8C 2C883# ,ecurity is provided !y the customer enterin" a personal identification num!er 29IN3# :sin" an AT*' customers can access their !ank accounts in order to make cash withdrawals 2or credit card cash advances3 and check their account !alances as well as purchasin" mo!ile cell phone prepaid credit# AT*s are known !y various other names includin" automated banking machine' money machine' bank machine' cash machine' hole-in-the-wall' cashpoint' Bancomat 2in various countries in ;urope and <ussia3' Multibanco 2after a re"istered trade mark' in 9ortu"al3' and Any Time Money 2in India3#


The 70ford dictionary defines the Bank as'

.An esta!lishment for the custody of money' which it pays out' on a customer>s order#/

Accordin" to ?hitehead'
.A Bank is defined as an institution which collects surplus funds from the p u ! l i c ' s a f e " u a r d s t h e m' a n d m a k e s t h e m a v a i l a ! l e t o t h e t r u e owner when re1uired and also lends sums !e their true owners to those who are in need of funds and can provide security#/ Bankin" Company in India has !een defined in the Bankin" Companies act$%&%'. 7 n e w h i c h t r a n s a c t s t h e ! u s i n e s s o f ! a n k i n " w h i c h m e a n s t h e acceptin"' for the purpose of lendin" or investment of the deposits of money from the pu!lic' repaya!le on demand' or otherwise and withdraw a!le !e che1ue' draft' order or otherwise#/ T h e ! a n k i n " s ys t e m i s a n i n t e " r a l s u ! s ys t e m o f t h e f i n a n c i a l s ys t e m # I t represents an important channel of collectin" small savin"s from the households and lendin" it to the corporate sector# T h e I n d i a n ! a n k i n " s ys t e m h a s < e s e r v e B a n k o f I n d i a 2 < B I 3 a s t h e a p e 0 !ody for all matters relatin" to the !ankin" system# It is the central Bank of India# It is also known as the Banker to All 7ther Banks#



Ancient !ankin" system of India constituted of indi"enous !ankers# They have !een carryin" on their a"e+old !ankin" operations in different parts of the country under different names# The modern a"e of !ankin" constitutes the fundamental !asis of economic "rowth# The term Bank is !ein" used s i n c e l o n " t i me ! u t t h e r e i s n o c l e a r c o n c e p t i o n r e " a r d i n " i t s ! e " i n n i n " # Accordin" to the viewpoint' in "ood old days# Italian money leaders were known as .Banchi/ !ecause they kept a special type of ta!le to transact their !usiness#

Today !anks have !ecome a part and parcel of otak Bank@s life# There was a time when

dwellers of the city alone could enjoy their services# Now !anks 7 f f e r a c c e s s t o e v e n a common man and their activities e0tend to areas h i t h e r t o u n t o u c h e d # Banks cater to the needs of a"riculturalists' industrialists'

traders and to all the other sections of the society# In modern a " e ' t h e ! a n k i n " c o n s t i t u t e s t h e f u n d a me n t a l ! a s i s o f e c o n o mi c " r o w t h # Thus' they accelerate the economic "rowth of a country and steer the wheels of the economy towards its "oals of .self reliance in all fields/# It naturally arouses otak Bank@s interest in knowin"

more a!out the ABank> and the various men and the activities connected with it#

Indian Banking System

Bankin" in India has its ori"in as early as the 8edic period# It was !elieved that transition from money lendin" to !ankin" must have occurred even !efore *anu' The "reat Hindu Curist' who has devoted a section of his work to deposit advance and laid down rules relatin" to rates of interest# Durin" the *o"ul period' the indi"enous Bankers played a very important role in lendin" money financin" forei"n trade and commerce# Durin" the days of ;ast India Company' it was turnin" over the a"ency houses to carry on the !usiness# .The Deneral Bank of India/ was the first to join sector in the year $6EF#The others that followed were the Bank of Hindustan and the Ben"al !ank# The !ank of Hindustan is reported to have continued till $%5F while the other two failed in the mean time# In the first half of the $% th century the ;ast India Company esta!lished three !anksG $# Bank of Ben"al 2$E5%3# 4# Bank of Bom!ay 2$E&53# =# Bank of *adras 2$E&=# These three !anks are also known as 9residency Banks were independent units and functioned well# These three !anks were amal"amated in $%45 and Imperial Bank of India was esta!lished on 46th Canuary $%4$' which started as private shareholders !anks' mostly ;uropeans shareholders' with the passin" of time Imperial !ank was taken over !y the newly constituted ,tate !ank of India act in$%BB#In $EFB Allaha!ad Bank was esta!lished and first time e0clusively !y Indians' 9unja! National Bank Htd# was set up in$E%& with head1uarters at Hahore# Between $%5F and $%$=' Bank of India' Central Bank of India' Bank of Baroda' Canara Bank' Indian Bank' and Bank of *ysore were set up# <eserve Bank of India came in $%=B# 7n Culy' $%F%' $&

major !anks of India were nationali-ed and on $B th April' $%E5 si0 more commercial private !anks were also taken over !y the "overnment#

Reser&e Bank o' India

The Bankin" system is an inte"ral su!+system of the financial system# It represents an important channel of collectin" small savin"s from the households and lendin" it to the corporate sector# The Indian !ankin" system has The <eserve Bank of India 2<BI3 as the ape0 !ody from all matters relatin" to the !ankin" system# It>s the .Central Bank/ of India and act as the !anker to all other !anks# Functions of <BIG I Currency issuin" authority I Banker to the "overnment# I Banker to other Bank# I Framin" of monetary policy# I ;0chan"e control# ICustodian to forei"n e0chan"e and "old reserves# I Development activities# I <esearch and development in the !ankin" sector#


Different countries of the world have different types of !ankin" systems# However' commercial !ankin" had "rown under all these !ankin" systems# To understand the structure of !ankin" system' let us take up various types of !ankin" systems one !y one# These types areG 2$3 :NIT BAN INDG :nit Bankin" ori"inated in the :nited ,tate of America# It "rew in the :nited ,tates of America# As a counter part of independent or industrial units# ,An inde-endent .nit bank is a /or-oration t0at o-erates one o''i/e and t0at is not related to ot0er banks t0ro.g0 eit0er o1ners0i- or /ontrol)22 S0a-er3 Solomon and W0ite) Thus under unit !ankin"' a sin"le !ank is a complete or"ani-ation in itself havin" its own mana"ement# The scale of operation is small and the area is restricted to a locality only# :nit !ankin" is locali-ed !ankin" and is much more responsive to the needs of the locality# It has !etter understandin" of the local pro!lems and conditions' which helps it to cater to the needs of the area in a !etter way# The staff of the unit !ank is "enerally local and is in a !etter position to determine the standin" or desira!ility of the customers# The failure of the unit !ank will not endan"er the !ankin" system and economy# It is free from the difficulties and diseconomies of lar"e scale operations# It will not drain out the financial resources of villa"es and small towns to !i" industrial centers and will ensure a !alanced "rowth#


J To find out the customer preferences while openin" ,avin"s AKc# J J To increase the !usiness of the !ank# L To find out the comparison of ICICI !ank with HDFC !ank on various attri!utes


Indian !anks have a lon" way to "o !efore they reach the si-e of their international counterparts# ;ven the !i""est Indian !ank' ,tate Bank of India' is nowhere on the international scale' with assets in the ran"e of MB5!illion# A!sence of si"nificant scale !enefits and hi"her implicit costs of several services are perpetuatin" the poor rankin" of Indian !anks in the international lea"ue ta!les# ,hareholdin" structure' "overnment re"ulations and sheer si-e of the country ensure that the e0istence of Indian !anks is not at stake at this sta"e# ?hat is at stake is the !ankin" support that is availa!le for Indian economic activity' and there!y the international competitiveness of various sectors# ?hat is also at stake is the scope for the !ankin" industry to earn superior returns throu"h differentiated wider services# Further' it is 1uite conceiva!le that with passa"e of time' as "overnment holdin" in !anks is pro"ressively divested' re"ulatory authorities will !e una!le to hold !ack the international "iants from !uyin" out Indian !anks# ;ven economies with a Ndomestic mindsetN' such as France and Dermany' have !een forced to !ow !efore the international capital market forces# It would !e a shame if painstakin"ly !uilt retail stren"th is offered on a platter to some predator# The challen"e can !e met throu"h some concerted action +


a)7 Origin and de&elo-ment o' t0e ind.stry:8 Bankin" in India ori"inated in the first decade of $Eth century# The first !anks were The Deneral Bank of India' which started in $6EF' and Bank of Hindustan' !oth of which are now defunct# The oldest !ank in e0istence in India is the ,tate Bank of India' which ori"inated in the NThe Bank of Ben"alN in Calcutta in Cune $E5F# This was one of the three presidency !anks' the other two !ein" the Bank of Bom!ay and the Bank of *adras# The presidency !anks were esta!lished under charters from the British ;ast India Company# They mer"ed in $%4B to form the Imperial Bank of India' which' upon India@s independence' !ecame the ,tate Bank of India# For many years the 9residency !anks acted as 1uasi+central !anks' as did their successors# The <eserve Bank of India formally took on the responsi!ility of re"ulatin" the Indian !ankin" sector from $%=B# After India@s independence in $%&6' the <eserve Bank was nationali-ed and "iven !roader powers# A couple of decades later' forei"n !anks such as Credit Hyonnais started their Calcutta operations in the $EB5s# At that point of time' Calcutta was the most active tradin" port' mainly due to the trade of the British ;mpire' and due to which !ankin" activity took roots there and prospered# First of all we must note the fact that these institutions have chan"ed very much in character since their ori"in' and conse1uently nowadays perform many functions unknown to those of former times# The first !anks seem to have arisen in connection with the !usiness of e0chan"in" money# In ancient times and especially in the *iddle A"es the varieties of coins were "reater even than at the present day' and they were much less perfectly and honestlyminted#


,pecialists were' therefore' re1uired to determine their e0act value and e1uivalence and to e0chan"e coins of one minta"e for those of another' and their BAN were in "reat demand at

fairs and other places where merchants of different nations met for purposes of trade# In as much as they kept their !o0es or chests of coins on !enches or N!anken'N the name !ankers came to !e applied to them# 7n account of their technical knowled"e and the fact that they were o!li"ed constantly to keep on hand considera!le 1uantities of the precious metals' this !usiness in the early *iddle A"es was usually carried on !y "oldsmiths' !ut later it was sometimes assumed !y the "overnments of lar"e commercial cities' as' for e0ample' !y Amsterdam in $F5%' !y Ham!ur" in $F$%' and !y Nurn!er" in $F4$# 7f these latter the Bank of Amsterdam was the most important and may !e re"arded as typical of these early institutions# From the earliest times also' !ankers have !een the chief a"ents throu"h which forei"n e0chan"es have !een conducted# As dealers in coin and !ullion they had international connections and a knowled"e of international affairs not possessed !y other merchants' and were' therefore' in a position to undertake the settlement of international accounts !y means of orders drawn on !ankers in other countries or other cities with whom they had re"ular !usiness transactions# As keepers of other people@s money they also promoted savin"' and !anks thus !ecame in time the chief savin"s institutions of the country# b) $ro1t0 and -resent stat.s o' t0e ind.stry:+ Currently 2455%3' !ankin" in India is "enerally fairly mature in terms of supply' product ran"e and reach+even thou"h reach in rural India still remains a challen"e for the private sector and forei"n !anks# In terms of 1uality of assets and capital ade1uacy' Indian !anks are considered to have clean' stron" and transparent !alance sheets relative to other !anks in compara!le economies in its re"ion# The <eserve Bank of India is an autonomous !ody' with minimal $4

pressure from the "overnment# The stated policy of the Bank on the Indian <upee is to mana"e volatility !ut without any fi0ed e0chan"e rate+and this has mostly !een true# ?ith the "rowth in the Indian economy e0pected to !e stron" for 1uite some time+especially in its services sector+the demand for !ankin" services' especially retail !ankin"' mort"a"es and investment services are e0pected to !e stron"# 7ne may also e0pect *)As' takeovers' and asset sales# In *arch 455F' the <eserve Bank of India allowed ?ar!ur" 9incus to increase its stake in otak *ahindra Bank 2a private sector !ank3 to $5O# This is the first time an investor has !een allowed to hold more than BO in a private sector !ank since the <BI announced norms in 455B that any stake e0ceedin" BO in the private sector !anks would need to !e vetted !y them# Currently' India has EE scheduled commercial !anks 2,CBs3 + 46 pu!lic sector !anks 2that is with the Dovernment of India holdin" a stake3after mer"er of New Bank of India in 9unja! National Bank in $%%=' 4% private !anks 2these do not have "overnment stakeP they may !e pu!licly listed and traded on stock e0chan"es3 and =$ forei"n !anks# They have a com!ined network of over B='555 !ranches and $6'555 AT*s# Accordin" to a report !y IC<A Himited' a ratin" a"ency' the pu!lic sector !anks hold over 6B percent of total assets of the !ankin" industry' with the private and forei"n !anks holdin" $E#4O and F#BO respectively Introduction of many more products and facilities in the !ankin" sector in its reforms measure# In $%%$' under the chairmanship of * Narasimham' a committee was set up !y his name which worked for the li!erali-ation of !ankin" practices#


The country is flooded with forei"n !anks and their AT* stations# ;fforts are !ein" put to "ive a satisfactory service to customers# 9hone !ankin" and net !ankin" is introduced# The entire system !ecame more convenient and swift# Time is "iven more importance than money# In $%%B' the Brookin"s Institution pu!lished a paper entitled .The Transformation of the :#,# Bankin" IndustryG ?hat a Hon"' ,tran"e Trip It>s Been#/ :sin" a !reathtakin" array of facts and fi"ures' the paper descri!ed in "reat detail the dramatic chan"es that had occurred in the :#,# commercial !ankin" industry over the $B years from $%6% to $%%&# The !ankin" industry was transformed durin" that period' accordin" to the paper 2p# $463' !y .the massive reduction in the num!er of !ankin" or"ani-ationsP the si"nificant increase in the num!er of failuresP the dramatic rise in off+!alance sheet activitiesP the major e0pansion in lendin" to :#,# corporations !y forei"n !anksP the widespread adoption of AT*sP #and the openin" up of interstate !ankin" markets#/ The paper went on to e0plain that most of these major chan"es in !ankin" could !e traced to two developmentsG 2$3 the e0traordinary num!er of major re"ulatory chan"es durin" the period'from deposit dere"ulation in the early $%E5s to the rela0ation of !ranchin" restrictions later in the decadeP and 243 clearly identifia!le innovations in technolo"y and applied finance' includin" improvements in information processin" and telecommunication technolo"ies' the securiti-ation and sale of !ank loans' and the development of derivatives markets# 7ther research would later confirm the paper>s assessments and its e0planation of the course of events in the !ankin" industry over the period $%6%($%%&#


7ver the two decades $%E&(455=' the structure of the :#,# !ankin" industry indeed underwent an almost unprecedented transformationQone marked !y a su!stantial decline in the num!er of commercial !anks and savin"s institutions and !y a "rowin" concentration of industry assets amon" a few do-en e0tremely lar"e financial institutions# This is not news# As mentioned a!ove' the decline in the num!er of !ankin" or"ani-ations has !een on"oin" for more than two decades and has !een well documented in the literature# Nevertheless' a !rief overview will serve to clarify !oth the scope of the decline and the increasin" concentration of assets amon" the nation>s lar"est !ankin" or"ani-ations#




HDFC Bank is India@s second+lar"est !ank with total assets of <s# ='E&%#65 !illion 2:,M E4 !illion3 at ,eptem!er =5' 455E and profit after ta0 <s# $6#&4 !illion for the half year ended ,eptem!er =5' 455E# The Bank has a network of a!out $'&55 !ranches and &'B=5 AT*s in India and presence in $E countries# HDFC Bank offers a wide ran"e of !ankin" products and financial services to corporate and retail customers throu"h a variety of delivery channels and throu"h its speciali-ed su!sidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment !ankin"' life and non+life insurance' venture capital and asset mana"ement# The Bank currently has su!sidiaries in the :nited in"dom' <ussia and Canada' !ranches in :nited ,tates' ,in"apore' Bahrain' Hon"

on"' ,ri Hanka' Ratar and Du!ai International Finance Centre and representative offices in :nited Ara! ;mirates' China' ,outh Africa' Ban"ladesh' Thailand' *alaysia and Indonesia# 7ur : su!sidiary has esta!lished !ranches in Bel"ium and Dermany# HDFC Bank@s e1uity shares are listed in India on Bom!ay ,tock ;0chan"e and the National ,tock ;0chan"e of India Himited and its American Depositary <eceipts 2AD<s3 are listed on the New Sork ,tock ;0chan"e 2NS,;3#


HDFC Bank was ori"inally promoted in $%%& !y HDFC Himited' an Indian financial institution' and was its wholly+owned su!sidiary# HDFC@s shareholdin" in HDFC Bank was reduced to &FO throu"h a pu!lic offerin" of shares in India in fiscal $%%E' an e1uity offerin" in the form of AD<s listed on the NS,; in fiscal 4555' HDFC Bank@s ac1uisition of Bank of *adura Himited in an all+stock amal"amation in fiscal 455$' and secondary market sales !y HDFC to institutional investors in fiscal 455$ and fiscal 4554# HDFC was formed in $%BB at the initiative of the ?orld Bank' the Dovernment of India and representatives of Indian industry# The principal o!jective was to create a development financial institution for providin" medium+ term and lon"+term project financin" to Indian !usinesses# In the $%%5s' HDFC transformed its !usiness from a development financial institution offerin" only project finance to a diversified financial services "roup offerin" a wide variety of products and services' !oth directly and throu"h a num!er of su!sidiaries and affiliates like HDFC Bank# In $%%%' HDFC !ecome the first Indian company and the first !ank or financial institution from non+Capan Asia to !e listed on the NS,;#



An easy+to+operate savin"s account that allows you to issue che1ues' draw Demand Drafts and withdraw cash# Check up on your !alances from the comfort of your home or office throu"h NetBankin"' 9honeBankin" and *o!ileBankin"# Need money ur"entlyT ?ithdraw cash from any of the ='B6= AT* centres spread across the country# !eat.res 6 Bene'its ?ide network of !ranches and over thousand AT*s to meet all your !ankin" needs no matter where you are located# Bank conveniently with facilities like NetBankin" and *o!ileBankin"+ check your account !alance' pay utility !ills or stop che1ue payment' throu"h ,*,# Never overspend+ ,hop usin" your International De!it Card that reflects the actual !alance in your savin"s account# 9ersonalised che1ues with your name printed on each che1ue leaf for enhanced security#


Take advanta"e of Bill9ay' an instant solution to all your fre1uent utility !ill payments# Instruct for payment over the phone or throu"h the Internet# Avail of facilities like ,afe Deposit Hocker' ,weep+In and ,uper ,aver facility on your account# Free cash withdrawals on any other Bank@s AT* Free 9aya!le+at+9ar che1ue!ook' without any usa"e char"es upto a limit of <s#B5'555K+ per month# Free InstaAlerts for all account holders for lifetime of the account# Free 9ass!ook facility availa!le at home !ranch for account holders 2individuals3#

Introducin" the !est !ankin" option for you with HDFC Bank ,avin"s 9lus Account# Now you can "et access to some of the finest !ankin" facilities with HDFC Bank@s ,avin"s 9lus Account# All you have to do is maintain an Avera"e Ruarterly Balance of <s# $5'555K+ and e0perience the !enefits as mentioned !elowG !eat.res 6 Bene'its ?ide network of !ranches and over thousand AT*s to meet all your !ankin" needs no matter where you are located# Free cash withdrawals on any other Bank@s AT*U# Free International De!it Card for all account holders for life time of the account# Free 9aya!le+at+9ar 29A93 che1ue!ook' without any usa"e char"es upto a limit of <s# B5'555 45

per month# A!ove <s# B5'555' char"e of <s#4#%5K+ per <s# $'555K+ on the full amount# Free Demand Drafts on HDFC Bank locations' upto a limit of 4B'555K+ per day# Free Bill9ay ) InstaAlerts for all account holders for lifetime of the account Free ;lectronic Funds Transfer facility' NetBankin"' 9honeBankin" ) *o!ileBankin" ,pecial relationship discount on purchase of Dold Bars 4BO+off on the Hocker rental for the $st year 2only3# Intercity Bankin" K *ulti+city Bankin"# Free 9ass!ook facility availa!le at home !ranch for account holders 2individuals3# Free ;mail ,tatement facility#


Com-any %ro'ile
ICICI Bank Htd is a major !ankin" and financial services or"ani-ation in India# The Bank is the second lar"est !ank in India and the lar"est private sector !ank in India !y market capitali-ation# They are a pu!licly held !ankin" company en"a"ed in providin" a wide ran"e of !ankin" and financial services includin" commercial !ankin" and treasury operations# The Bank and their su!sidiaries offers a wide ran"e of !ankin" and financial services includin" commercial !ankin"' retail !ankin"' project and corporate finance' workin" capital finance' insurance' venture capital and private e1uity' investment !ankin"' !rokin" and treasury products and services# They offer throu"h a variety of delivery channels and throu"h their specialised su!sidiaries in the areas of investment !ankin"' life and non+life insurance' venture capital and asset mana"ement# The Bank has a network of 4'5=B !ranches and a!out B'B$E AT*s in India and presence in $E countries# They have su!sidiaries in the :nited <ussia and Canada' !ranches in :nited ,tates' ,in"apore' Bahrain' Hon" in"dom'

on"' ,ri Hanka'

Ratar and Du!ai International Finance Centre and representative offices in :nited Ara! ;mirates' China' ,outh Africa' Ban"ladesh' Thailand' *alaysia and Indonesia# 7ur : su!sidiary has esta!lished !ranches in Bel"ium and Dermany# The Bank@s e1uity shares are listed in India on Bom!ay ,tock ;0chan"e and the National ,tock ;0chan"e of India Himited and their American Depositary <eceipts 2AD<s3 are listed on the New Sork ,tock ;0chan"e# The Banks is the first Indian Bank listed on New Sork ,tock ;0chan"e# ICICI Bank Htd was 44

incorporated in the year $%%& as a part of the ICICI "roup with the name ICICI Bankin" Corporation Htd# The initial e1uity capital was 6B#5O !y ICICI and 4B#5O !y ,CICI Htd' a diversified finance and shippin" finance lender of which ICICI owned $%#%O at Decem!er $%%F# 9ursuant to the mer"er of ,CICI into ICICI' ICICI Bank !ecame a wholly+owned su!sidiary of ICICI# In ,eptem!er $5' $%%%' the name of the Bank was chan"ed from ICICI Bankin" Corporation Htd to ICICI Bank Htd In *arch $5' 455$' ICICI Bank ac1uired Bank of *adura' an old private sector !ank' in an all+stock mer"er# ICICI Htd alon" with their wholly owned retail finance su!sidiaries' namely ICICI Capital ,ervices Htd and ICICI 9ersonal Financial ,ervices Htd amal"amated with the Bank with effect from *ay =' 4554# In *ay 455=' the !ank ac1uired the entire paid+up capital of Transamerica Apple Distri!ution Finance 9vt Htd 2now known as ICICI Distri!ution Finance 9vt Htd3 which primarily en"a"ed in financin" in the two+wheeler se"ment# In ,eptem!er $4' 455=' the Bank incorporated ICICI Bank Canada as a $55O su!sidiary company# In *ay 455B' the Bank ac1uired the entire paid+ up capital of Investitsionno+ reditny Bank' a <ussian !ank with their re"istered office in Bala!anovo in the alu"a re"ion and a !ranch in *oscow# Thus' I B !ecame a su!sidiary of

Bank with effect from *ay $%' 455B# In Au"ust 455B' the Bank ac1uired additional FO of the e1uity share capital of 9rudential ICICI Asset *ana"ement Company Htd and 9rudential ICICI Trust Htd from 9rudential Corporation Holdin"s Htd and thus these two companies !ecame the su!sidiaries of the Bank# Durin" the year 455F+56' ICICI Bank Canada incorporated ICICI Health *ana"ement Inc as a su!sidiary company# In April 4556' ,an"li Bank Htd mer"ed with the Bank with effect from April $%' 4556# In 4556 Cune' the Bank entered into an a"reement with networkin" solutions provider DTH Htd to lease out their call centre facility at *ahape worth of around <s $55 crore for a period of 4B years# Durin" the year 4556+5E' the Bank


increased their !ranches ) e0tension counter from 6BB Nos to $'4F4 Nos' includin" the addition of a!out 455 !ranches throu"h the mer"er of ,an"li Bank# They increased their AT* network from ='46$ AT*s to ='EE$ AT*s# They launched mo!ile !ankin" service ena!lin" a wide ran"e of !ankin" transactions usin" the mo!ile phone# Durin" the year 455E+5%' the Bank increased their !ranches ) e0tension counter from $'4F4 Nos to $'&$% Nos# They also received licenses for BE5 additional !ranches from <BI# They increased their AT* network to &'6$= AT*s from ='EE$ AT*s# In April 44' 455%' ICICI 9rudential 9ension Funds *ana"ement Company Htd was incorporated as a su!sidiary company of ICICI 9rudential Hife Insurance Company Htd# Durin" the year 455%+$5' the Bank increased their !ranches ) e0tension counter from $'&$% Nos to $'656 Nos# They also increased their AT* network from &'6$= AT*s to B'4$% AT*s# ICICI ?ealth *ana"ement Inc#' a su!sidiary of ICICI Bank Canada' has !een dissolved effective Decem!er =$' 455%# In Canuary 45$5' the Bank and First Data' a company en"a"ed in electronic commerce and payment services' formed a merchant ac1uirin" alliance and a new entity named ICICI *erchant ,ervices' E$O owned !y First Data' was formed' which ac1uired ICICI Bank@s merchant ac1uirin" operations for a total consideration of <s#='6&& million# In *ay 45$5' the Bank approved the scheme of amal"amation of Bank of <ajasthan Htd with the Bank throu"h share+swap in a non+cash deal that values the Bank of <ajasthan at a!out <s ='555 crore# ;ach $$E shares of Bank of <ajasthan will !e converted into 4B shares of ICICI Bank Htd# In Au"ust 45$5' as per the scheme of amal"amation' Bank of <ajasthan was amal"amated with the Bank with effect from the close of !usiness on $4 Au"ust 45$5# The mer"er of Bank of <ajasthan added over &B5 !ranches to the network# Includin" these' their !ranch network increased from $'656 !ranches at *arch =$' 45$5 to 4'B4% !ranches at *arch =$' 45$$# They also increased their AT* network from B'4$% AT*s at *arch =$'


45$5 to F'5BB AT*s at *arch =$' 45$$#

ICICI Group Companies


------------------------------------------ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company

------------------------------------------ICICI Securities

------------------------------------------ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company

------------------------------------------ICICI Prudential AMC & Trust

------------------------------------------ICICI Venture

ICICI Direct

ICICI Foundation

5istory 4B

ICICI Bank was ori"inally promoted in $%%& !y ICICI Himited' an Indian financial institution' and was its wholly+owned su!sidiary# ICICI@s shareholdin" in ICICI Bank was reduced to &FO throu"h a pu!lic offerin" of shares in India in fiscal $%%E' an e1uity offerin" in the form of AD<s listed on the NS,; in fiscal 4555' ICICI Bank@s ac1uisition of Bank of *adura Himited in an all+stock amal"amation in fiscal 455$' and secondary market sales !y ICICI to institutional investors in fiscal 455$ and fiscal 4554# ICICI was formed in $%BB at the initiative of the ?orld Bank' the Dovernment of India and representatives of Indian industry# The principal o!jective was to create a development financial institution for providin" medium+term and lon"+term project# In the $%%5s' ICICI transformed its !usiness from a development financial institution offerin" only project finance to a diversified financial services "roup offerin" a wide variety of products and services' !oth directly and throu"h a num!er of su!sidiaries and affiliates like ICICI Bank##

After consideration of various corporate structurin" alternatives in the conte0t of the emer"in" competitive scenario in the Indian !ankin" industry' and the move towards universal !ankin"' the mana"ements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view that the mer"er of ICICI with ICICI Bank would !e the optimal strate"ic alternative for !oth entities' and would create the optimal le"al structure for the ICICI "roup@s universal !ankin" strate"y# The mer"er would enhance value for ICICI shareholders throu"h the mer"ed entity@s access to low+cost deposits' "reater opportunities for earnin" fee+!ased income and the a!ility to participate in the payments system and provide transaction+!ankin" services# The mer"er would enhance value for ICICI Bank shareholders throu"h a lar"e capital !ase and scale of operations' seamless access to ICICI@s stron" corporate relationships !uilt up over five decades' entry into new !usiness se"ments'


hi"her market share in various !usiness se"ments' particularly fee+!ased services' and access to the vast talent pool of ICICI and its su!sidiaries#

In 7cto!er 455$' the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the mer"er of ICICI and two of its wholly+owned retail finance su!sidiaries' ICICI 9ersonal Financial ,ervices Himited and ICICI Capital ,ervices Himited' with ICICI Bank# The mer"er was approved !y shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank in Canuary 4554' !y the Hi"h Court of Dujarat at Ahmeda!ad in *arch 4554' and !y the Hi"h Court of Cudicature at *um!ai and the <eserve Bank of India in April 4554# Conse1uent to the mer"er' the ICICI "roup@s financin" and !ankin" operations' !oth wholesale and retail' have !een inte"rated in a sin"le entity#

ICICI Bank has formulated a Code of Business Conduct and ;thics for its directors and employees




() R S ARC5
The term research is also used to descri!e an entire collectin" information a!out a particular su!ject#

9)R S ARC5 M T5ODO#O$+

<esearch methodolo"y is defined as human activity !ased on intellectual application in the investi"ation of matter# The primary purpose for applied research is discoverin"' intereptin"'and the development of methods )system for the advancement of human knowled"e on wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe#


n the social sciences' ;.antitati&e resear/0 refers to the systematic empirical investi"ation of 1uantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships# The o!jective of 1uantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models' theories andKor hypotheses pertainin" to phenomena# The process of measurement is central to 1uantitative research !ecause it provides the fundamental connection !etween empirical o!servation and mathematical e0pression of 1uantitative relationships# 4%

Ruantitative research is used widely in social sciences such as psycholo"y' economics' anthropolo"y' and political science# <esearch in mathematical sciences such as physics is also @1uantitative@ !y definition' thou"h this use of the term differs in conte0t# In the social sciences' the term relates to empirical methods' ori"inatin" in !oth philosophical positivism and the history of statistics' which contrast 1ualitative research methods# Rualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied' and any more "eneral conclusions are only hypotheses# Ruantitative methods can !e used to verify' which of such hypotheses are true# :UA#ITATI" R S ARC5 :.alitati&e resear/0 is a method of in1uiry employed in many different academic disciplines' traditionally in the social sciences' !ut also in market research and further conte0ts#V$W Rualitative researchers aim to "ather an in+depth understandin" of human !ehavior and the reasons that "overn such !ehavior# The 1ualitative method investi"ates the why and how of decision makin"' not just what' where' when# Hence' smaller !ut focused samples are more often needed' rather than lar"e samples# Rualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied' and any more "eneral conclusions are only propositions 2informed assertions3# Ruantitative methods can !e used to seek empirical support for such research hypotheses#

Resear/0 Ob<e/ti&e: To find out the customer preferences while openin" ,avin"s AKc# To study !rand ima"e of the !ank# To increase the !usiness of the !ank#

To find out the comparison of ICICI !ank with HDFC !ank on various


%rimary data so.r/eG All the people from different profession were personally visited and Interviewed# They were the main source of 9rimary data# The method of collection of primary data was direct personal interview throu"h a structured 1uestionnaire# Se/ondary Data So.r/eG It was collected from internal sources# The secondary data was collected on the !asis of or"ani-ational file' official records' news papers' ma"a-ines' mana"ement !ooks' preserved information in the company>s data!ase and we!site of the company# SAM%#IN$ %#AN: ,ince it is not possi!le to study whole universe' it !ecomes necessary to take sample from the universe to know a!out its characteristics# Sam-ling UnitsG Customers Sam-le Te/0ni;.eG <andom ,amplin"# Resear/0 Instr.mentG ,tructured Ruestionnaire# JConta/t Met0odG 9ersonal Interview# SAM%# SI= : *y sample si-e for this project was $55 respondents# ,ince it was not possi!le to cover the whole universe in the availa!le time period' it was necessary for me to take a sample si-e of $55 respondents#



The followin" information contains the data interpretation of the 1uestionnaires# The respondent>s responses for the 1uestions have !een interpreted and a findin" has !een made !ased on the respondents responses# !re;.en/y table 'or t0e demogra-0i/ details o' t0e ICICI Bank res-ondent2s

Table *)( A$ O! T5 R S%OND NTS Fre1uency 4BS<,+=BS<, =FS<,+&BS<, &FS<,+BBS<, AB78; BBS<, Total 4B =B =5 $5 $55 9ercent 4B =B =5 $5 $55

$ra-0: *)(
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

36yrs-45 46yrs-55 ABOVE 55 TOTAL



From the a!ove ta!le 4BO respondents are !elon"in" to the a"e cate"ory of 4Byrs+=Byrs# And =BO respondents are !elon"in" to the cate"ory of =Fyrs+&Byrs and &Fyrs+BByrs# And =5O respondents are !elon"in" to the cate"ory of a!ove BByrs#


Table *)9 $ ND R O! T5 R S%OND NTS Fre1uency F;*AH; *AH; Total F5 &5 $55 9ercent F5 &5 $55

$ra-0: *)9
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 frequency percent fe !"e !"e 3-# $%"u n 3

Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le F5O respondents are !elon"in" to the cate"ory of female# And the remainin" &5O respondents are !elon"in" to the cate"ory of male

Table *)* ==

OCCU%ATION O! T5 R S%OND NTS Fre1uency ,AHA<I;D 9;<,7N 9<7F;,,I7NAH, ,:9;<8I,7< *ANAD;<IAH Total 45 =5 &5 $5 $55 9ercent 45 =5 &5 $5 $55

$ra-0 *)*

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 frequency percent s!"!r&e' pers%n pr%fes&%n!" super(&s%r !n!)er&!"



From the a!ove ta!le 45O of respondents are fallin" under the cate"ory of salaried person# And =5O of respondents are fallin" under the cate"ory of professionals and supervisor# And $5O of respondents are !elon"in" to the cate"ory of mana"erial#

Table *)> INC7*; H;8;H 7F TH; <;,97ND;NT, Fre1uency <s#B'555+<s#$B'555 <s#$B'55$+<s#4B'555 <s#4B'55$+<s#=B'555 A!ove <s#&B'555 Total &5 =5 45 $5 $55 9ercent &5 =5 45 $5 $55

$ra-0 *)> 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1st *tr 2n' *tr 5000-15000 15001-25000 25001-35000 ABOVE 45000 TOTL



From the a!ove ta!le &5O of respondents are fallin" under the income ran"e !etween <s#B' 555+ <s#$B' 555# And =5O are fallin" under the income ran"e !etween <s#$B' 55$+<s#4B' 555# And 45O of respondents are fallin" under the income ran"e !etween <s#4B' 55$+<s#=B' 555# And 45O of respondents are fallin" under the income ran"e !etween A!ove <s#&B' 555#

$ra-0*)?# Do you have a !ank aKcT 7ption Ses No 9ercenta"e $55 5

% $ # " ! &'S () &'S ()

Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le $55O respondents have a Bank AKc


$ra-0*)@ In which !ank do you have an accountT

O-tion HDFC Bank 7ther Bank

%er/entage BB &B

# * " + ! %

** "*

,DFC )T,'-



Inter-retation: 7ut of $55 respondents BBO have a HDFC Bank AKc and &BO have a other !ank AKc


$ra-0*)@ ?hat is the reason to choose the services of the !ankT R ASON TO C5OOS T5 S R"IC Fre1uency ;FFICI;NT C:,T7*;< ,;<8IC; TI*; ,A8IND T<AN,CATI7N C7,T, T;CHN7H7DS *7<; AT*, Total $ra-0 *)@
25 20 t& e s!(&n) 15 10 5 0 tr!nsc!t&%n c%st tec+n%"%)y %re AT,

9ercent 45 4B $B 45 45 $55

45 =B $B =5 45 $55



Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le=BO of respondents are sayin" that the reason to choose ICICI is they are providin" efficient customer service# And 4B#EO of respondents are sayin" that the reason to choose ICICI is they are reducin" our waitin" time# And %#6O of respondents are sayin" that the reason to choose ICICI is Transaction costs# And =#4O of respondents are sayin" that the reason to choose ICICI is Technolo"y# And $4#%O of respondents are sayin" that the reason to choose ,BI is they are provided more AT* facility#


$ra-0*)A ?hat type of services do you prefer the mostT T+% O! S R"IC %R ! R T5 MOST Fre1uency AT* ,;<8IC; INT;<N;T BAN IND *7BIH; BAN IND C7<; BAN IND ,S,T;* Total =5 4B $B =5 $55 9ercent =5 4B $B =5 $55

$ra-0 *)A
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 frequency percent AT, ser(&ces &nternet -!n.&n) %-&"e -!n.&n) c%re -!n.&n)

!re;.en/y table 'or t0e demogra-0i/ details o' t0e 5D!C res-ondent2s Inter-retation:


From the a!ove ta!le F$#=O of respondents prefer the AT* service# And %#6O of respondents are preferred the internet !ankin" and mo!ile !ankin"# And $F#$O of respondents prefer the core !ankin" system#

$ra-0 *)B If yes with whom you have a !ank aKc HDFC' ICICI' ,BI of any other specify# O-tion ,cheme Better service Hi"h rate ) interest For any specified %er/entage $5 6B B $5

$ . # * " + ! %


Sc/eme 0etter Ser1ice ,i2/ rate & Interest % Sc/em e 0etter Ser1ice * % For any specified

,i2/ rate & For any Interest specified

Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le $5O respondents have a scheme ' 6BO have a !etter AKc' BO have a Hi"h rate ) interest and $5O have a for any specified#


$ra-0*)C # ,pecify a re"ion for continuin" BankT


%er/entage F5 &5

# * " + ! %

" ,DFC 0A(3 ICICI 0A(3

,DFC 0A(3


Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le F5O have a HDFC Bank and &5O have a ICICI Bank AKc


$ra-0 *)(D # Do you want to continue with a consisted !ankT O-tion S;, N7 %er/entage F5 &5

# * " + ! %

" &'S ()



Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le F5O say yes and &5O say No#


$ra-0 *)((# Do HDFC provide home !ankin" facilityT O-tion S;, N7 %er/entage F5 &5

# * " + ! %

" &'S ()



Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le F5O say yes and &5O say No#


$ra-0*)(9 #If yes what are the various factor which lead you to avail the facility of how !ankT

O-tion 4& Hour $4 Hour

%er/entage F5 &5

# * " + ! %

" &'S ()



Inter-retation: From the a!ove ta!le F5O say 4& Hours and &5O say $4 Hours#


,um 7f the respondents to choose the HDFC !ank is !ecause the !ank is provin" more AT* facility to the customers# And many of the respondents are sayin" the reason to choose the services of the HDFC !ank is !ecause they are "ood in efficient customer service# And the income level of the respondents who are havin" an account in HDFC !ank fallin" under the income level of <s# B'555 ( <s#$B#555# The a"e "roup of 4Byrs ( =Byrs respondents mostly is havin" an account in HDFC !ank# The !oth "ender are e1ually havin" an account in HDFC !ank# And many of the respondents are not aware of the many services rendered !y the HDFC !ank# The few are deposit of cash in AT*' re1uest for che1ue !ook in AT*' end of the day !alance in mo!ile' etc# ,um 7f the respondents to choose the HDFC Bank is !ecause the !ank is more relia!le to the customers# And many of the respondents are sayin" the reason to choose the services of the HDFC Bank is !ecause they are "ood in efficient customer service and efficient complaint handlin"# And the income level of the respondents who are havin" an account in HDFC Bank fallin" under the income level of <s# B'555 + <s#$B#555#


The a"e "roup of 4Byrs + =Byrs respondents mostly is havin" an account in HDFC Bank#

The male "ender is mostly havin" an account in HDFC Bank#

And many of the respondents are not aware of the many services rendered !y the HDFC Bank# The few are deposit of cash in AT*' re1uest for che1ue !ook in AT*' end of the day !alance in mo!ile' etc#


Almost all the Banks offer similar features and facilities with their ,avin"s accounts# There are certain reasons for e0istin" customers of ,avin" Account of any Bank to shift to another Bank# The level of service in terms of deliverin" whatever is promised' fast response in case of pro!lems' is the most important !enefit that the customers seek' from the Bank they have a ,avin" Account with# $# Network reach and visi!ility of a Bank is a very important criterion for the customer while openin" a ,avin" Account# ?e can also conclude from our analysis that network reach in terms of Branches and AT*s is directly proportional case of 9rivate 9layers# 4# In case of a new customer' if a !ank approaches it first for openin" a ,avin" Account with them' then there is a "ood chance for the !ank of "ettin" many future !usinesses and cross sales from the deal# =# A""ressive *arketin" is the key to increasin" the market share in this area' since the market has a lot of potential !oth in terms of untapped market # to the market share in


,ince many of the respondents are not aware of there key services# The !ank has to take some initiatives# The !ank can post a list of services that they are rendered to the customers inside the !ank 9remises# And they can post demo of all these services in their !ank we!site# They can concentrate more on the respondents are fallin" under the a"e "roup 4Byrs ( =Byrs# The HDFC Bank can concentrate on customer complaints handlin"# The HDFC Bank can concentrate on the female "ender# The !ank can also send a post to there customers !y informin" there services and how to proceed with that and all details they can mention it in the post#



,ome of the limitations of the project are listed as !elowG $# The time !ound period is the major limitation in research projects# 4# Due to the financial and time constraints a cluster analysis of the population so as to "et !etter results was not feasi!le# =# The research conduct in *orada!ad city only# &# It was difficult to !reak the ice with the common people initially# It was a dauntin" task to Convince them to fill in the personal details of the 1uestionnaire where they have to mention the monthly income' occupation etc# B# To convince the people for a proper interviewin" process is also difficult# F# Compilation of data on competitor analysis was difficult due to non+availa!ility of correct information# 6# The fi"ures have !een taken as appro0imations#


BIB#IO$RA%5+ BooksE
() othari# C#<#' <esearch *ethodolo"y *ethods ) Techni1ues' 8ishwas 9rakashan' edition 455= New+Delhi'# 9) otler' 9hilip#' *arketin" *ana"ement' 9earson ;ducation 2,in"apore3 9vt# Htd' $$th edition new Delhi# *) 8arshney' <#H# ) Bhattacharya' B#' International *arketin" *ana"ement' ,ultan Chand ) ,ons edition 455= new delhi# Websites: www#hdfc!ank#com

www#icici!ank#com ?ikipedia#or"KwikiKhdfC!ank ?ikipedia#or"KwikiKICICI Bank www#icicidirect#com#comK


%ersonal details

$# NameG 4# A"eG a3 X 4Byrs+ =B yrs !3 X =F yrs + &Byrs =# DenderG a3 *ale X !3 Female X &# ;ducational RualificationG a3 Illiterate X !3 ,chool X c3 :D X d3 9D X e3 9rofessional Course X f3 7thers X c3 X &F ( BB yrs d3 X a!ove BB yrs

B# 7ccupationG a3 House wife X !3 ,tudents X c3 ,alaried person X d3 Business man X e3 9rofessionals X f3 ,upervisor X "3 *ana"erial X h3 pensioner X F# Income levelG a3 <s#B'555 ( <s#$B'555 !3 <s#$B'55$+<s#4B'555 c3 <s#4B'55$+ <s#=B'555 d3 <s#=B'55$+<s#&B'555 e3 A!ove <s# &B'555 6#Do you have a !ank aKcT a3 Ses !3 No B$

E# In which !ank do you have an accountT a3 HDFC BAN X !3 7TH;< BAN X

%# ?hat is the reason to choose the services of the !ankT a3 ;fficient customer service X !3 efficient complaints handlin" X c3 Time savin" X d3 transaction costs X e3 technolo"y f3 7thers YYYYYYYYY pls specify $5# ?hat type of services do you prefer the mostT a3 AT* service !3 Internet Bankin" c3 *o!ile Bankin"

d3 Core !ankin" system e3 7thers YYYYYYYYYYYYY pals specify $$#If yes what are the various parameter for havin" aKc in HDFCT a3 ,chemes !3 Better service =3 Hi"h rate) interest &3 For any specified# $4# ,pecify a re"ion for continuin" BankT a3 HDFC !3 ICICI

$=# Do you want to continue with a consisted !ankT a3 Ses !3 No#

$&# Do you HDFC provide home !ankin" facilityT a3 Ses !3 No#

$B#If yes what are the various factor which lead you to avail the facility of how !ankT a3 4&hour !3 $4hour#


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