Comprehension Test The Dead of Jericho Colin Dexter

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Comprehension Test

The Dead of Jericho

Colin Dexter 1 Who said this in the story ...? Inspector Morse, Anne Scott, Edward M rdoch, Charles !ichards, Celia !ichards. a I was silly enough to marry when I was nineteen ... ............... b What youre doing is blackmail. But I believe what you said in your letter and so Im going to pay you one quarter of what you asked for. ............... c My dear husband didnt want his normal secretary ... to know about the police coming here, so he asked me to be his secretary for today. ............... d Im disappointed in you ewis. If youre ever going to be a good detective, youll have to realise that its these tiny details that solve cases in the end. ............... e We wrote the letter together and sent it. But the ne!t day Michael was taken into hospital, and I felt frightened of what wed done. ............... 20 marks 2 " t the followin# e$ents fro% the story in the ri#ht order. & %'er the% ()*. a b c d e Morse discovered that "onrad #ichards was pretending to be his brother, "harles. $nne %cott killed herself. Morse took over the case from Inspector Bell. Morse met $nne %cott at a party. &eorge 'ackson was murdered. 10 marks 3 Co%plete the followin# sentences with infor%ation fro% the story. a When Morse met $nne %cott at the party ...

b (he front door was open and no one seemed to be at home when ...

c $lthough the blackmail letter had spelling mistakes ...


d Morse was arrested by a policeman when ...


e )dward went to $nne %cotts house every week because ...


30 marks Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 1

4 Are these sentences tr e +T, or false +-,? a b c d e f g h i * Morse went to see $nne %cott a few days after he had met her at the party. Morse was interested in literature. $nne %cott had curtains in her bedroom. "elia and "harles #ichards were happily married. $nne %cott used to work for "harles #ichards company. "harles #ichards had a good alibi for the night of &eorge 'acksons murder. &eorge 'ackson did some repair *obs at $nnes house. &eorge 'ackson couldnt write. Michael Murdoch was $nne %cotts son. Before she died $nne %cott wrote a note to Morse. 20 marks 5 Why did Anne Scott .ill herself?
.................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... ....................................................................................

20 marks

Total marks

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

Multiple-choice Test

The Dead of Jericho

Colin Dexter

Choose the 'est answer. + Morse met $nne %cott for the first time at ,,,,,. a - . $nnes house a - . 123 b - . a party c - . +23 c - . a police station d - . 523 d - . Mrs Murdochs party / 0e believed that the murderer and victim knew each other well in ,,,,, of cases. b - . 423 1 0e decided not to visit $nne for si! months because ,,,,,. a - . she loved someone else c - . he didnt trust her a - . in a modern style b - . she was married d - . he was recently divorced b - . for university students d - . for university professors

6 (he houses in 'ericho, 7!ford, were built ,,,,,. c - . for workers over +22 years ago a - . the door was unlocked

4 When Morse arrived at $nnes house, ,,,,,. b - . she was teaching &erman d - . he found a key in the door b - . been attracted to Morse c - . the bedroom window was open a - . kicked the chair so far from her 8 &eorge 'ackson said that he ,,,,,. a - . had never met $nne b - . had done work in $nnes house d - . liked working for different people d - . Morse c - . used to be in love with $nne a - . )lectricity Man

5 Bell couldnt understand how $nne had ,,,,,. c - . earned enough to live d - . lived in such a small house

9 Walters was worried that ).M. might be ,,,,,. b - . )dward Murdoch c - . a neighbour c - . "onrad #ichards : ,,,,, promised to give "harles #ichards an alibi. a - . 'ennifer 0ills b - . $ friend a - . been pregnant when she died c - . killed herself by accident 20 marks d - . $ colleague +2 (he police doctor said that $nne had ,,,,,. b - . definitely been murdered d - . been very ill at the time of her death

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

Choose the 'est answer. ++ $nne %cott was ,,,,, Morse. a - . more than ten years younger than c - . ten years older than a - . Beethoven b - . about the same age as d - . two years younger than c - . Mo;art d - . the Beatles d - . Inspector Bell

+/ Morse liked to listen to ,,,,, in his free time. b - . 7asis +1 ,,,,, was about fifty and losing his hair. a - . "harles #ichards b - . Morse c - . ewis +6 "elia was sure that "harles ,,,,,. a - . wanted to leave her c - . had had many affairs a - . Morse b - . ewis b - . was a very good publisher d - . wasnt very good with money c - . "onstable Walters d - . Inspector Bell d - . Mrs =urvis

+4 ,,,,, asked <uestions slowly and gently. +5 ,,,,, read $nne %cotts suicide note to &eorge 'ackson. a - . Mrs ewis a - . three months a - . +5/ b - . Mrs #ichards b - . si! years c - . +/5 c - . Mrs Briggs c - . three years d - . /+5 c - . 'ackson d - . )dward and Michael +8 ewis and Morse had been working together for ,,,,,. d - . si! months +9 "onrad #ichards lived at ,,,,, 7!ford $venue. b - . /5+ +: ,,,,, wrote the blackmail letter to get money for drugs. a - . "onrad and "harles b - . )dward /2 ewis found ,,,,, in 'acksons new fishing rod. a - . $nnes letter to Morse c - . $nnes letter to "harles 20 marks b - . another blackmail letter d - . "harles reply to $nne

Who said or wrote this? /+ "leverest detective Ive ever met. a - . 'ackson a - . 'ackson b - . Inspector Bell c - . %ergeant ewis b - . "elia c - . Morse d - . Walters d - . "onstable Walters // >ou should have asked me how I got into the house. /1 Ill kill you with my bare hands? Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 4

a - . )dward a - . )dward a - . $nne a - . Walters

b - . "harles

c - . Michael d - . 'ackson d - . "harles d - . Morse

/6 Im free this afternoon. %houldnt you be at work@ b - . 'enny c - . "elia b - . "elia c - . ewis b - . ewis /4 >ou still havent told me the truth? /5 Aont you see@ (he 'erI"0o (esting abo#$(ory. c - . Bell d - . Morse c - . )dward d - . Michael d - . )dward /8 (he doctor says hes lost the sight in one eye completely. a - . Mrs Murdoch a - . 'ackson a - . Morse a - . $nne b - . "elia /9 BAear "harles.B (hat was how she started the letter? b - . "onrad b - . "harles c - . Mrs =urvis c - . ewis /: When did you discover the truth@ d - . "onrad 12 I hoped you would contact me C but you didnt. b - . 'enny c - . Morse d - . )dward

20 marks

Choose the 'est answer. 1+ to hit or move something with your foot a - . kick a - . bet b - . clap b - . fine c - . touch c - . bridge d - . knock d - . fate d - . impatient d - . forwarding 1/ money paid as punishment 11 e!pecting a baby a - . pregnant a - . promotion a - . bear b - . confident c - . childish 16 getting a more important *ob b - . management c - . improvement 14 to kill with a rope around the neck b - . hang c - . call d - . fold c - . affair d - . siren d - . odd *obs 15 a se!ual relationship between two people who are married, but not to each other a - . account a - . even *obs b - . case 18 small repair work in the house or garden b - . tiny *obs c - . all *obs 19 written information given to the police a - . alibi b - . phrase c - . statement 5 d - . sentence

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

1: marks made by fingers which can be used as proof a - . fingerproofs 62 to not tell the truth a - . convince 20 marks b - . recover c - . admit d - . lie b - . fingermarks c - . fingerprints d - . handprints

Choose the 'est answer. 6+ Morse found ,,,,, in $nnes fireplace. a - . burnt pieces of a letter c - . burnt clothes b - . the murder weapon d - . another key b - . behind a phone bo! d - . in $nnes shed b - . parking his car near "anal #each

6/ &eorge 'ackson picked up the money that #ichards left ,,,,,. a - . in a hole in a tree c - . at $nnes house

61 "harles #ichards denied ,,,,,, the afternoon that $nne died. a - . arguing with his wife c - . driving to 7!ford a - . a darkDblue raincoat c - . a lightDblue raincoat a - . )dward d - . meeting an old friend b - . a brown leather *acket d - . a black *acket c - . Michael d - . "onrad b - . was asking for too much money d - . couldnt communicate well b - . she thought she had slept with her own son

66 "harles was lying because ,,,,, hadnt been left at $nnes house.

64 ,,,,, said he couldnt remember where he was when 'ackson was murdered. b - . "harles 65 Morse said that the writer of the blackmail letter ,,,,,. a - . had very good handwriting c - . was pretending to be uneducated a - . she didnt want to be on her own c - . she didnt like small children a - . )dward and Michael c - . "harles and "onrad

68 0e thought that $nne might have killed herself because ,,,,,. d - . Morse hadnt contacted her

69 ,,,,, had confused Morse and ewis by switching identities. b - . 'ackson and "onrad d - . "elia and 'ennifer b - . she was in love with "onrad

6: $nne killed herself because ,,,,,. a - . she was depressed about her *ob c - . her situation was unbearable d - . her husband had died in a car crash

42 (he real ,,,,, was responsible for causing 'acksons accidental death. Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 6

a - . "elia

b - . "onrad

c - . )dward

d - . "harles

20 marks

Total marks

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

The Dead of Jericho

( a $nne %cott b "harles #ichards c "elia #ichards d Inspector Morse e )dward Murdoch / a 4 b / c 6 d + e 1 0 a ... he talked to her Eall eveningF. G he thought she was attractive. G he liked her a lot. G she gave him her address. b ... Morse went to $nne %cotts house. c ... t was written by an educated G clever person. G ... the person who wrote it was educated. d ... he went to &eorge 'acksons house at night. e ... he was learning &erman G he was having &erman lessons with her G he was having private lessons. 1 a H b ( c H d H e ( f ( g ( h H i H * ( 4 %tudents individual answers.

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

The Dead of Jericho

Setting + / 1 6 4 5 8 9 : +2 d b b c a a b d c a

Characters ++ +/ +1 +6 +4 +5 +8 +9 +: /2 a c b c c d b d d a

Dialogue /+ // /1 /6 /4 /5 /8 /9 /: 12 b c b a d d a c b a 9

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5

Vocabulary 1+ 1/ 11 16 14 15 18 19 1: 62 Plot 6+ 6/ 61 66 64 65 68 69 6: 42 a b b a d c b c c d a b a a b c d c c d

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5 10

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