Meditate Continually On The Name of The Lord Within Your Heart

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Meditate continually on the Name of the Lord within your heart. sMgI swQI sgl qrWe ]1] ( !

"#$% &wsw% mhlw '( )hus you shall sa*e all your com+anions and associates. ,,1,, gu- myr. sMig sdw h. nwly ] ( !"# % &wsw% mhlw '( My /uru is always with me% near at hand. ismir ismir iqsu sdw sm0wly ]1] rhwa ] ( !"# % &wsw% mhlw '( Meditating% meditating in remem1rance on 2im% I cherish 2im fore*er. ,,1,, 3ause,, qyrw 4I&w mI)w lwg. ] ( !"#"% &wsw% mhlw '( .our actions seem so sweet to me. hir nwmu +dwrQu nwn4u mWg. ]$]"$]! ] ( !"#"% &wsw% mhlw '( Nana4 1egs for the treasure of the Naam% the Name of the Lord. ,,$,,"$,,! ,, &wsw mhlw ' ] ( !"#"( &asaa% 5ifth Mehl6 sw78 sMgiq qir&w sMsw- ] ( !"#'% &wsw% mhlw '( )he world is sa*ed 1y the 9aadh 9angat% the :om+any of the 2oly. hir 4w nwmu mnih &w7w- ]1] ( !"#'% &wsw% mhlw '( )he Name of the Lord is the 9u++ort of the mind. ,,1,, crn 4ml gurdy* i+&wry ] ( !"#'% &wsw% mhlw '( )he 9aints worshi+ and adore the Lotus 5eet of the 7i*ine /uru; +8<ih sMq hir +=Iiq i+&wry ]1] rhwa ] ( !"#>% &wsw% mhlw '( they lo*e the ?elo*ed Lord. ,,1,,3ause,, <w 4. msqi4 ili@&w ?wgu ] ( !"#>% &wsw% mhlw '( 9he who has such good destiny written u+on her forehead% 4hu nwn4 qw 4w iQ- sohwgu ]$]" ]!"] ( !"#>% &wsw% mhlw '( says Nana4% is 1lessed with the eternal ha++y marriage with the Lord. ,,$,, " ,,!",, &wsw mhlw ' ] ( !"#A( &asaa% 5ifth Mehl6 mI)I &wig&w i+r 4I lwgI ] ( !"#A% &wsw% mhlw '( )he Brder of my 2us1and Lord seems so sweet to me. sa4in /r 4I 4Miq iq&wgI ] ( !"#A% &wsw% mhlw '( My 2us1and Lord has dri*en out the one who was my ri*al. +.& sohwgin sIgwir 4rI ] ( !"#C% &wsw% mhlw '( My ?elo*ed 2us1and has decorated me% 2is ha++y soul#1ride. mn myry 4I q+iq hrI ]1] ( !"#C% &wsw% mhlw '( 2e has quieted the 1urning thirst of my mind. ,,1,, ?lo ?ieD +.& 4ih&w mwin&w ] ( !"#C% &wsw% mhlw '( It is good that I su1mitted to the Will of my ?elo*ed Lord. s8@u sh<u iesu /r 4w <win&w ] rhwa ] ( !"#!% &wsw% mhlw '( I ha*e realiEed celestial +eace and +oise within this home of mine

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