Everything Is Painful

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Everything is painful, when one forgets the Lord Master. ehw hw kwim n pRwnI ] ] !

"#$% #, &wsw, mhlw '( )ere and hereafter, su*h a mortal is useless. ++ ++ sM, ,.p,wsy hir hir -.wie ] !"#$% #, &wsw, mhlw '( /he 0aints are satisfied, meditating on the Lord, )ar, )ar.

p1nw "#' kir ikrpw &pun2 nwie lwey sr3 s45 pR6 ,umrI r7wie ] rhwa ] !"#'% ,
&wsw, mhlw '( 6estowing 2our Mer*y, 8od, 2ou atta*h us to 2our 9ame: all pea*e *omes 3y 2our ;ill. ++<ause++ sMig hov, ka 7wn, d4ir ] so 7nu mr,w in, in, =4ir ]>] !"#'% , &wsw, mhlw '( /he Lord is Ever%present: one who deems )im to 3e far away, dies again and again, repenting. ++>++ i7in s6u ik?u dI&w i,su i*,v, nwih ] !"#'%>, &wsw, mhlw '( /he mortals do not remem3er the @ne, who has given them everything. mhw i3i5&w mih idnu r2in 7wih ]"] !"#'%>, &wsw, mhlw '( Engrossed in su*h terri3le *orruption, their days and nights waste away. ++"++ khu nwnk pR6u ismrhu eyk ] !"#'%", &wsw, mhlw '( 0ays 9anak, meditate in remem3ran*e of the @ne Lord 8od. gi, pwe&2 gur p4ry tyk ]$ ]"]#A] !"#'%", &wsw, mhlw '( 0alvation is o3tained, in the 0helter of the <erfe*t 8uru. ++$++"++#A++ &wsw mhlw ' ] !"#'%$( &asaa, Bifth MehlC nwmu 7p, mnu ,nu s6u hir&w ] !"#'%$, &wsw, mhlw '( Meditating on the 9aam, the 9ame of the Lord, the mind and 3ody are totally re7uvenated. klml do5 sgl prhir&w ] ] !"#'%$, &wsw, mhlw '( &ll sins and sorrows are washed away. ++ ++ soe idvsu 6lw myry 6we ] !"#'%', &wsw, mhlw '( )ow 3lessed is that day, @ my 0i3lings of Destiny, hir gun gwie prm gi, pwe ] rhwa ] !"#'%', &wsw, mhlw '( when the 8lorious <raises of the Lord are sung, and the supreme status is o3tained. ++<ause++ swD 7nw ky p47y p2r ] !"#'%', &wsw, mhlw '( ;orshipping the feet of the )oly 0aints, imty apd.h mn ,y 32r ]>] !"#'%E, &wsw, mhlw '( trou3les and hatred are eliminated from the mind. ++>++ gur p4ry imil =gF *ukwie&w ] !"#'%E, &wsw, mhlw '( Meeting with the <erfe*t 8uru, *onfli*t is ended,

pM* d4, si6 vsgi, &wie&w ]"] !"#'%E, &wsw, mhlw '(
and the five demons are totally su3dued. ++"++ i7su min vis&w hir kw nwmu ] !"#'%A, &wsw, mhlw '( @ne whose mind is filled with the 9ame of the Lord, nwnk i,su pir kur3wn ]$]$]#G] !"#'%A, &wsw, mhlw '( @ 9anak % I am a sa*rifi*e to him. ++$++$++#G++ &wsw mhlw ' ] !"#'%A( &asaa, Bifth MehlC gwiv lyih ,4 gwvnhwry ] !"#'%G, &wsw, mhlw '( @ singer, sing of the @ne, 7I& ipMf ky pRwn &Dwry ] !"#'%G, &wsw, mhlw '( who is the 0upport of the soul, the 3ody and the 3reath

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