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MineSight and Microsoft SQL Server

intec continuously strives to expand MineSights efficiency and effectiveness by staying current with improvements in technology. For this reason, all our new products including MineSight Schedule Optimizer, MineSight Haulage, MineSight Axis, and MineSight Torque, as well as the new features in MineSight Interactive Planner, are based on Microsoft SQL instead of Microsoft Access. With this technology, we are able to provide faster data access, better security, and improved data management, and also use proven database tools in MineSight. We include Microsoft SQL Express 2005 on the MineSight Update CD for clients who want to use a free, but limited, version of Microsoft SQL Server. This version accommodates small local databases and is powerful enough to handle many of the tasks that MineSight users will encounter. The standard version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2008 is needed by clients who have larger data sets and want to run MineSight on a network. SQL Server 2005 or 2008 requires purchase from Microsoft or a third party supplier. We want your operation to benefit from the advances in MineSight technology. For any clients who use MineSight Interactive Planner and want to take advantage of the new scheduling tools, you will need to convert your MineSight Planning Database from Microsoft Access to SQL Server. If you plan to use MineSight Torque, our new drillhole management system, you will be required to use SQL Server. Please contact our Technical Support Specialists, who will be happy to answer questions or assist with your Access to SQL database conversion.


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