District Judge Scott Laird's Crime Watch

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Robert A. Eckenro d e
Ma !"t er! a# $!"tr!ct %&d e $!"tr!ct Co&rt '() *) '' +,+ ROSE$ALE $R. MANCHESTER . PA '-* . / P HONE 0 1-'-2 +33) 34(' FA50 1-'-2 +33) 34( / http://districtcourt19311.webs.com/

M!tc6e# 7ra8

$o9er: PA

$UI: Po""e""!on o; Mar!<&ana: U"e=Po""e""!on o; Para>6erna#!a Po""e""!on o; S?a## A?o&nt o; Mar!<&ana: U"e=Po""e""!on o; $r& Para>6erna#!a U"e=Po""e""!on o; $r& Para>6erna#!a: O>erat!on o; Ve6!c#e @!t6o&t Va#!d In">ect!on

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Ca?eron %. P!#kerton

York Ha9en: PA

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

W!##!a? Le@!"

Mt. Wo#;: PA

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Ma&reen Fer &"en

York: PA

Fa#"e Re>ort"

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

%o6n E. M&nc6e## III

York: PA

Fe#on8 Cr!?!na# Tre">a""

He#d ;or Co&rt

Te!"6a M. Aod@!n

York: PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Wend8 M. Re an

Co#&?b!a: PA

$UI: $r!9!n @6!#e S&">ended

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

A&"t!n C. M&??ert

$o9er: PA

Po""e""!on o; a S?a## A?o&nt o; Mar!<&ana: Scatter!n R&bb!"6

He#d ;or Co&rt

$!ane M. M!##er

Mt. Wo#;: PA

T6e;t: Rece!9!n Sto#en Pro>ert8

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Pa e ' o; +

Week o; A>r!# .: +,'.


Robert A. Eckenro d e
Ma !"t er! a# $!"tr!ct %&d e $!"tr!ct Co&rt '() *) '' +,+ ROSE$ALE $R. MANCHESTER . PA '-* . / P HONE 0 1-'-2 +33) 34(' FA50 1-'-2 +33) 34( / http://districtcourt19311.webs.com/

%ordan M. Aot@a#t

York: PA

U"e=Po""e""!on o; $r& Para>6erna#!a: Reta!# T6e;t

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

$an!e# N. Scarboro& 6

York: PA

Corr&>t!on o; M!nor" Endan er!n t6e We#;are o; C6!#dren: Reck#e""#8 Endan er!n Anot6er Per"on: $r!9!n W!t6o&t a L!cen"e: $!"re ard!n a F#a"6!n Red S! na# A ra9ated A""a&#t: Re"!"t!n Arre"t: P&rc6a"e: Con"&?>t!on o; A#co6o# b8 a M!nor

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Sa"6a S. OBenre!der

Lanca"ter: PA

He#d ;or Co&rt

Tra9!" %. We!""!n er

Mt. Wo#;: PA

He#d ;or Co&rt

%e;;re8 R. S6ank %r.

Mt. Wo#;: PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

V!ncent L. Ro##er

Manc6e"ter: PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

%a?e" $. Wa#?er %r.

Manc6e"ter: PA


Wa!9ed to Co&rt

$!##on M. Sterner

Mt. Wo#;: PA c=o York Co&nt8 Pr!"on

U"e=Po""e""!on o; $r& Para>6erna#!a: $r!9!n @!t6 S&">ended Re !"trat!on

Wa!9ed to Co&rt

Pa e + o; +

Week o; A>r!# .: +,'.

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