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The Healthy Pantry Initiative: Utilizing Emergency Food Boxes

Amanda Rosenberg

Target Audience:
Low income individuals receiving emergency food boxes from the Oregon Food Bank.

This program will teach participants about foods located in their emergency food boxes and how to utilize their emergency food box to create the most nutritious meals.

I taught participants how to make kale and bean soup with purple kale from the community garden. I taught participants how to make a mushroom marinara sauce with USDA commodity ingredients. ` Samples were prepared in Good Roots kitchen using their equipment.


Participants will be able to identify every food in their emergency food box. Participants will be able to identify a recipe they can use that utilizes emergency food box items. Participants will participate in food preparation and/or taste test prepared food items.

Literature Review:
There are several barriers to healthy eating including1: Cost Food preparation and skill Taste Participants receiving emergency food boxes want2: Cooking demonstrations Nutrition education

Lasting Impact:
This outreach is part of The Healthy Pantry Imitative, where Oregon Food Banks are graded based on healthy food marketing. This outreach is utilizing Train the Trainer.

Participant Feedback:
Marinara is good but too chunky Soup is yummy Brown stuff [kale] in the soup is weird You should cook for us every week

1. Mason, M, Jaskiewicz, L, Christoffel, K. Learning from Program Participants: Obtaining Participant Input on Service Development in an Emergency Food Program. Journal of Applied Social Science 2010. 1-17. 2. Mobley, A. Emergency Food Programs: Untapped Opportunities for Extension? Journal of Extension 2012. 1-7.

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