Mangano Worksheet 3

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Name: Kevin Mallon Total pts = /5 PHED 239: High School Module Worksheet - Chapter 3 Be prepared to discuss in class:

1. As a physical educator, hat are the implications o! "roupin" hi"h school students #y chronolo"ical a"e rather than #y developmental level$ %ive e&amples. ' The implications o! "roupin" hi"h school students #y chronolo"ical a"e rather than #y developmental level are that many di!!erent developmental a"e levels may e&ist ithin a "iven chronolo"ical a"e. (or e&ample, a ) "rade class may have students ho have a developmental a"es ran"in" !rom 1*+15 years old. The developmental di!!erences o! these students ill a!!ect their physical a#ilities and per!ormance in physical activities.

*. ,hare e&amples -at least one each. o! characteristics -physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. o! hi"h school students, and the implications !or each trait. ' /ne physical characteristic o! hi"h school students is that #oys continue to develop muscularity hile most "irls level o!! in this area. An implication !or this trait is that students develop sensitivity !or participatin" ith others o! di!!erin" a#ilities. ' /ne social characteristic o! hi"h school students is that peer "roups are important and help provide #ehavioral standards in areas such as dress, "roomin", and interests. An implication !or this trait is students should have input on dress re0uirements, time !or dressin" in and out and course re0uirements. ' /ne emotional characteristic o! hi"h school students is that pro#lems ith !i"htin", e&treme competitiveness, and ar"uin" over issues start to diminish. An implication !or this trait is teachers should model appropriate #ehaviors and emotional control. ' /ne intellectual characteristic o! hi"h school students is that there is a continued narro in" o! interests and an emphasis on speciali1ation in activities here they perceive themselves to #e competent.

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