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Reading/Spelling Lesson Plan

NAME ___Sarah K___________________________ DATE_3-31_____________ Activity Name: _Reading/spelling /ur/ words ________ Subject Area(s):_Reading and Spelling_______________ Grade Level of Children: __first grade_________________________________ Time: 8:45-9:45 Materials: -Teachers manual -Read aloud anthology -vocabulary cards -Student reading books -Reading Chart Rationale: This lesson will be taught to review /ur/ words, spelling words, to distinguish between genres, and to gain reading fluency. Standards:

1.R.1.3 Students can blend sounds of words to read text 1.R.1.7 Students can read high-frequency words in text. 1.R.2.3 Students can read fluently to comprehend text 1.R.3.3 Students can identify the differences between genres including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry

Children will be able to read from the chart fluently. Children will be able to identify different genres. Children will be able to blend sounds to make words.
Procedure: Introduction (Anticipatory Set) I will begin this lesson by reading a read aloud from the Read Aloud Anthology book on the carpet. This Story is a fairy tale, Jack and the Bean Stalk. We will discuss various genres and reading fluently. I will then move into phonemic awareness and phonics. For both of these we will be blending /ur/ words. They will first listen and say the word after blending it. Then they will read the word as they blend it. To finish up the phonics part of the lesson they will be adding un and re to words to make new words. I will have the children turn around on the carpet before we begin the phonics part of the lesson. Once they are turned around for this part and the phonics is over we will go over the fluency chart. We will review our /ur/ words and then move on to chart 130. This is a compilation of sentences that the children are to read fluently. We will practice reading these by drawing sticks. Closure (Finish)

We will finish up this lesson by reading pages 150-151 in our reading books. This is a poem. We will discuss poetry. If there is extra time we will play Spelling City or Sparkle with our spelling words.
Assessment (Check for understanding) .

I will be observing children throughout this lesson. I will record my observations.

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