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1542 Bruce Court Santa Rosa, Ca. 9540 / 707.849.1024 / /Harr !"


1998%2010 1998%2007 1972%1972 1971%1972

Santa Rosa &unior Co''e(e )ono*rint +orksho*s ,rt -e. #n('an$, Su""er +orksho*s )ono*rints, ,/stract 0aintin(, Boston )useu" Schoo'/ 3ufts 4ni5. B!, 0aintin( 6 Cera"ics Schoo' of 7isua' ,rts

#8hi/itions 2019 Solo Show Monoprints: Landscapes, figures, abstractions Gallery II / Sebastopol Center for the Arts In itational Show Arts Guild of Sono!a Su!!er "ational #uried Show Marin Museu! of Conte!porary Art $onorable Mention %&'% %&'& %&&/ %&&1 %&&2 %&&' %&&' '//9 (hose )ho Can*(each+, Art Institute of San -rancisco "ew .hotography, Sebastopol Center for the Arts I!pressions, #uried .rint!a0ers show Coordinators award, Sebastopol Center for the Arts Me!bers Show Sebastopol Center for the Arts 3e/In ented Collage 4 Asse!blage, Sebastopol Center for the Arts 5old 67pressions, Sacra!ento -ine Arts .rint!a0ing: Illustrating the 8i ersity of the Mediu! Artwor0s 8owntown, San 3aphael 6ccentric Circles, / Group Show $ollis Street .ro:ect, 5er0eley, Ca; (he Color of Mood, -eel of Light,


Color .hotography Sebastopol Center for the Arts California S!all )or0s Show, California Museu! of Art Santa 3osa, Ca;

So'o #8hi/itions


/ August

Gallery II Monoprints: Landscapes, figures 4 abstractions Sebastopol Center for the Arts Coordinators award I!pressions, .rint!a0ing Sebastopol Center for the Arts Award of 67cellence Sacra!ento -ine Arts Center 5est of Show 8i ersity in print!a0ing 5est of show





#urors Award (he Color of Mood, the -eel of Light Sebastopol Center for the Arts



.etalu!a Maga=ine (he Art of (eaching


(S$ contract sales and design

Los Angeles, Ca; #eff 4 >ristina Car!ichael*>ing Santa, 3osa Ca; Gary 4 5eth 5ardo i

Monte Nido Ca. #ohn >alb/6? Charging .ros "o ato Ca; $a!!ond -ine $o!es Cotati Ca;

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