Reccomendation For Rebecca Hawkins

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4/8/2104 To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to recommend Rebecca Hawkins or a teachin! position in art" Rebecca student tau!

ht with me in the all o 201#" $he e%hibited a positi&e and enthusiastic attitude towards teachin! and !enuine warmth or the children" Her industriousness and hard work showed e&ery day as she anticipated what we needed to set up and break down or each class" $he used multiple teachin! strate!ies and e ecti&e 'uestionin! skills" Rebecca tau!ht many classes and presented lessons in a clear and concise manner" $he is a natural at classroom mana!ement, creatin! a sa e and air en&ironment or the students" (irculatin! throu!h the classroom, she assisted and encoura!ed children in their work in a pro essional manner that accommodated di erences in students" $he treated our special education students with compassion and understandin!, simpli yin! the lessons to what best suited the indi&idual student" ) ter teachin! a lesson, she analy*ed the lessons and sel re lected in order to impro&e and !row" Teachin! in&ol&es workin! well with sta and parents, and Rebecca is also a natural in this area" $he communicates well and directly, creatin! positi&e ener!y with those to whom she con&erses" $he was punctual, responsible and reliable while student teachin!" Rebecca would be an asset to any district, and students would be ortunate to ha&e her or an art teacher" +lease eel ree to contact me at hendric,-aaps"k12"mi"us with any 'uestions" $incerely, .anice Hendrick, )rt Teacher /ines 0lementary 1101 2ewport Rd" )nn )rbor, 3I 4810#

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