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SECTION C Questions 16-20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 16. She _________ my sister. A. are . o!r C. is ". their 1#. Ali$s mother li%es ________ &!ala L!mp!r. A. at . in C. between ". in 'ront o' 1(. )e m!st *ri%e __________ on the roa*. A. care'!lly . +race'!lly C. hope'!lly ". attenti%ely 1,. -!an &elly an* her h!sban* __________ two chil*ren. A. has . ha* C. ha%e ". ha%in+



.0. /era$s ho!se is bi++er than mine0 b!t yo!rs is ________. A. bi+ . bi++er C. e1pensi%e ". the bi++est

Question 21 Choose the wor* that has the same meaning as the !n*erline* wor*. Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. .1. 2rs )on+ bo!+ht that rin+ 'or 324000.00. It is %ery expensive. A bi+ *ear C cheap " bea!ti'!l

Questions 22-23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai e aan yang betul. ... The _________ mo%es in the water. A s!bamrine s!bmanine C s!bnarime " s!bmarine




.4. They pass by a _________ plantation on the way to the %illa+e. A pinapple pineaple C pineapple " pinaaapple

Questions 2!-2" Choose the sentence with the correct pun#tuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tan$a %a#a yang betul. .4. A 2!th!s 'ather is )or5in+ as a 'ireman. 2!th!s$ 'ather0 is wor5in+ as a 'ireman C m!th!$s 'ather is wor5in+ as a 'ireman. " 2!th!$s 'ather is wor5in+ as a 'ireman.

.6. A 7elp8 7e snatche* my ba+. 7elp0 he snatche* my ba+8 C 7elp. 7e snatche* my ba+8 " 7elp8 7e snatche* my ba+0




SECTION & Questions 26-30 Choose the best answer to 'ill in the blan5s in the passa+e that 'ollows. Pilih jawapan yang ter%ai' untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

-!an Aini is a ___________. She is sewin+ clothes in her shop. She !ses a 9.6: _____________ to sew them. She ;!st ___________ a 'ew rolls o' cloth 'or her stoc5. 9.#: 9.(:

There ___________ se%eral rea*y<ma*e clothes han+in+ in the war*robe. ________ also 9.,: 5eeps all the 'ol*e* clothes in the *isplay rac5. She p!ts the !nsewn clothes in a bi+bas5et _________ her. 940:




. 6 A

s a i l o r +rocer

C cobbler " seamstress .# A sewin+ machine washin+ machine C laminatin+ machine " photocopyin+ machine .(. A b!y b!ys C b ! yi n + " bo!+ht

.,. A She 7e C )e " They

40. A o%er besi*e C between " in 'ront o'


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