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Re St el ees eC ee el ete ele ero aol LLU tele ol THE BLACK VAULT Lee See Re steel laa oad ae Pao eoameto sgh RECORD CLEARING HOUSE IN THE WORLD. THE RESEARCH EFFORTS HERE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECLASSIFICATION OF THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTS THROUGHOUT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND ALL CAN BE DOWNLOADED BY VISITING: RIALS ate eh a7 Ueto) YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO FORWARD THIS DOCUMENT TO YOUR FRIENDS, BUT PLEASE KEEP THIS IDENTIFYING IMAGE AT THE TOP OF THE PDF SO OTHERS CAN DOWNLOAD MORE! Central Intelligence Agency 5 July 2001 Mr, John Greenewald, Jr. Reference: F-2001-01033 Dear Mr. Greenewald: This acknowledges receipt of your letter dated 20 June 2001 in which you request a copy of the document that we sent to you, in part, in response to your 24 April 2001 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records on Project Chatter. We have enclosed the document you requested. This document, “Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources US Senate,” totals 171 pages. However, because fees would be minimal, and as an act of administrative discretion, we have determined that no fees will be charged for this request. I hope you find this information useful. Sincerely, Aaphit Kathryn I. Dyer Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosure Nene eee eee eee a ideo MORI DocID: 163357 ne a PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA’S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION JOINT HEARING BEFORE THE — SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION AUGUST 3, 1997 ee Printed for the us of the Seiect Comanitter on Intelligence and Couimitter on Humon Resources D.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1977 T xm 1 x A er : : Siok Me THANE GS ~ SSS SSS SSS SSS SS SS MORI DocID: 163357 CONTENTS Statements of: Page Agusiral Mtansfield Turner, Director, Central Intelligence Agency : ac- companied br: Frank Laubinger, Cffice of Technical Servicer, Cen- tral Intelligence Ageney: Al Ready. Office of Tnspectar Gepers), Ceniru) Intelligence Agency : Emest Mayerfeld, Office of General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency. and George Cary. Lepistutive Counsel . yes Agency ween ee ht hiip Goldman. former euplosec. Central Intelligence Agency Tat dohp Gittinger, fermer employer, Central Iitelligence Ages 51 Append —NVEL Testing and Use of Chemical and Bivlogienl Agents by the Inteltixence Connyu a . 103 —_ Appendix C.—Docnments Referring to Subprojects_ 109 Material Suluuitted for the Record: . Peyehologiral Assessments, _ - wv Truth” Leng iw Toferrens - Paty Construct - Se Subpre. ay - 4 Dive Testing in For - 8 MKSE, OFT 168 Eniplesees Terninated Recuuse of Their Participation Subprojert 3... 16 QEHILLTOP Defin lit Pl i SSS i MORI DocID: 163357 PROJECT MAULTRA. THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIGRAL MODIFICATION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1977 TOS. Sis vr Shaxed Cospprrer asx Ds Ke asp Suscomaprren on Peart ANT Ss PENTEL Rest. AGU oF Tine Cospst ere on Thess Tesarkcrs. + Washington, D.C. The committees inet. pursuant te notice, at 07 aaa. in room 1202. -_ Tiirksn + Ofer Huikting, > w Daniel K. Inouye (chairnian of the Select Copmnitive on Intelligence) prestuting. Present : Senators Inouye (presiding), Kennedy. Goldwater, Bayh. Hathaway, Huddleston, Hart, Schweiker, Case, Garn, Chafee, Lugar and Wallop. Also present; William G. Miller, staff director, Sclect Committee on Fardligenee: Dr Lawrenre Pharowita. sual dircetor. Subeommaitter on Heateh and Scienttdic paud profer-ianuil stall members of Lath conmittee-, Senator Ixovyr, The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is meeting today and is joined by the Subcommittee on Health and Sejentitic Researeh clatived by Senator Edward Kennedy of Maz sachusetts and Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, Senator Hathaway and Senator Chafee are members of both cammittees. We are to hear (estimony fron: the Director of Central Intelligence. Adm. Stansfield Turner. and front other Agency witnesses on issues concern: ing new documents supplied ta the conumittee in the last week on drug testing conducted by the Central Inteligence Agency. Tt should be made clear from the outset that in general, we are focusing on events that happened over J2 or as Jong a 25 vears apo. Tt. should be emphasized that the programs that are of greatest con- cern have stepped and that we are reviewing these past events in order to better understand what etatates and other guidelines might be necessary te prevent the recurrence of such abuses in the future. We alsn need to know and understand what is now being dane by the CTA in the field of behavioral research to be certain that no current abuses are occurring. I want ta commend Admiral Turner for his full cooperation with this committee and with the Subrommittec_on Health in recognizing that this issue needed our attention. The CTA has assisted our cam- mitters and staffs in their investigative efforts and in arriving at remedies which will serve the best interests of onr country. ah tesearcl MORI DocID: 163357 2 The : abuses of the diug testing pro- saranes of yeports of ubknown drug programs and gram amd report= of other previews project~ for beh ioral control underline the necessity far effective oversight prrecedt hath in the executive branel and inthe Con- gress, The Select Committee oy Tnteligenes bas been working very Hlasely with Fresident: Carters the Vier President. and Adiniral ‘Pusner nel his aesociate. in developing basie concepts for statitary wnidelines which will govern ull activities of the infelligenes agencies of the United State: In Wis ay expectation that the Pre-ident will soon annniies his ake eon how le hae decided the intelligence agencies of the Vitek State. shall das orginal, hie coumutive will be working Ment and Adtuiral Turner in placing this new ander Hie hiw and to develop effective eversight procedures, Vt ie clegr that effective oversight 4 that information mast . Jw fall and fortheeniasy information is obviously an necessary if the conn and the pubdie i+ ta die confident that any ve with qaickly and forcefully, One purpose of this hearing is te give the connnittes ond the public an unber Ting ef what new information has been discovered that mills to ree hedge a whibk: fram previous Chureh ond Kennedy fiquities, ane te bear the reasins why these documents were no! availabl: te the Church and Kennedy committess. 1 is alsa the bf this bearing to aiblress the issties raised by any additional ev inperey ities Hat have emerged from the files and to ely veuiedies te prevent such improper activities fron, occurring in. inally. ther is an obligation on the part of hoth thir committee . and the CLA tor every offent to hedp these imlividual. or institu. tints thats have ber harmed by any of Guee dnpraper op ihe netivities, Daneeertain that Admiral Turner will work with dis eon mitten fa see that this will be dane, T wenld new dike te welcome the mest di-tingsi-led Senator From Misucliett. Che chairnun of the Health Subcommittee, Senator Remedy. Senator Kes Atihiteal to je eeoy. Thank vou very nich, Mr. Chairman, We are Ter di thds very important area mf public in- qqaity umd pulidie “4, . Some 2 oy the Senate Health Sabeomnitter heal ehibing * fetinony about the han espa itoentitiog getivitics of the Central Tite eo Agenesy. The Depots Director of the CTA revented that amd an were involved in ane “extensive ‘ wowldeh inelided cavert drug J digh amd dw, native trvelved the adarinis- Th social sittin.” from these activities. = hiade Tittle scientific hot qualified: seiendifis sible bevond the first he test subject becante if] -npossible, over 30 ndversi testing ainl exp det. ononwilfl Amerie aml t raf Lslrte tw diling: sabes At deast ope death, that af Pa. sen. result . M4 The Avene ieelf acknas led seter. The agents deine them abeetiers, The test sulijeets we ‘ hours ef the test. Dna mmber af ites for homes or days. ak eflertive fallen 6 Vi deat ae aed Ww sublone See ee ee errr ee eee MORI DocID: 163357 Le 3 Other esperiment. were equally offensive, For example. heroin Addicts were enticul inte participating in LSD experiments in order to get a rewarsl—beroin. Perhaps wost disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of ex- perimentation on has subjerts was unknown, The records of all these activities were roved jn Junvary 197: at the instruction of then CTA Ditectos Richard Helnus. Tu spite of persistent inquiries by both the Health Subcommittee and the Intelligence Committes. no additional reeerds or information were forthvoming. And no one~ no single individual—eaukd be foul who remembered the details. not the Director of the CLA. who ordered the dueuments destroyed, not ‘ the official responsible for Che pragrans nor anv of his associates. We Delioved that the record. incomplete as it was, was as complete as it was going to he. Then one individual. through a Freedom of In- formation request, accomplished what two U.S. Senate committees could not, He spurred the ageney inte fimbing additional records pore taining to the CLAS program of expormuentation with human aubjects. Those new reenrds were discavered ly the ageney in March, Their existence was not mady known to the Congress until July. The records reveal a far wore extensive -eries of experiments than had previously heen thaaght. E six Universities or institutions were involved. New instances of un wl behavior were revealed, The intelligence conmmnity of this Nation, which requires a shroud of secrecy dn oorder te operate. Ie avery sacred trust from the American peaple, The CLAS pr m of human experimentation of the fifties and sixties viahated that trist, Te wae violated avain on the day the balk of the agency’~ records were destraved in 1973. It is violated cach time a responsible official refuse~ to recollect the details of thr program. The last safegnand inst alnises in the future is a complety public aeemanting af the almses of the past. T think this is iMastrated. as Chairman Inanve pointed out. These . are issues, are questions that happened in the fifties and sixties, and po back tee on Entelligence and the Subeamnitter on He i search (9 investigate eunetances of these activities in whatever detail van consider ry. Pans provic your coumittve with al]of the documenta: Teds Hien. inclinding all of the names, on a classified basis. T hope that this will facilitate vour investigation while still protceting the individuals wield the institutions dnvoh ed, Let me emphasize again that the MEULTRA events ate 12 ta 2 years in thy past.and ] assure you that CEA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of druge today, ily. Dam working cloely with the Attorney General on this matter, We are making available to the Attorneys Goneral whatever Waterigks he may deem necessary to any investigations that he may Glet to undertake, Bevomd that. we are also working with the Attorney General ta detevinine whether it ix practicable from this new evidence to identify any of the persons ta whom drugs may have been admin- ister) mnwittingly. : _partof these ecards, We have hot identified the int nals fo when drag~ were administered. brit we are trying now te determine if there are adequate clues to Jead to their identification, and if se how best to go about frifitling the Gor- erpment’= respamsibilitics in this malter. Mr. Chairman. at we proceed with that process of attempting to ilentify the individuals and then detomuining what is our proper re- sponsibility to them. 7 will keep both of these eammittecs fully ad- vised. | thank vou. sir, Senator Tx Thank you ve spibit of casperation jx much apy ted. F would like to announce to the committee that in order fo give every iInember an opportunity to participate in this hearing. that we weuld set a time limit of 10 minutes per Senator, Aubnital Turner. please give this committes the ponesis of MKTT. TRA. Who or what committee ar enmmi--ion or ageney was responsi- Ile far dyemnine up this grandiose and sindster project, and why was i c?} What js the rationnle or justification for snch a project ntof ithe United State. aware of thi? Mr. Chaimuan, Tam going to ask Mr. Brady on inv sight, who is a Tong-tine member of the CLA to address that in ietail, F believe everything that we know alone the gonesis was nd over tothe Chuvh committee and is contained in that ma- torial, Basically. it was a CTA-initiated project. Tt started out of a concern of our being taken advantage of by other powers who would wee dias aginst ote personnel. and it wasapreoved in the Agency. I have asked the queetion you just asked me. and have heen assured that there is ne evidence within the Ageney of any invelvenent at higher echelons. the White House. for instance, or sporific approval, That does not say there was not. but we have no such evidence. much, Admiral Tamer. Your yearn ay MORI DociID: 163357 14 Mr. Brody. wouhl vou amplify anniv coment: there, please? Mr. Brony. Mr. Chairman, 7 realy have very little to add to that. Toony knowledge. there was ne idienhal kiewledye of this proj- eorat the Cine, Do wars a CLA pe anil as the admiral said, if wes projet designed to attempt te counteract what was then thought to beg serious Chrent by our enenies ef using dru, inst us. Most of shat cles we know about iti in the Sonate Church committee report. itor Ewer ye, Were the authorized mianuhers of the Congress fe aware af ths project threugh the budgetary process ? Air. Baowy. We have ne kines ledge of that. sir, Senator Pyouve. Are vou suggesting that it was intentionally kept away from the €or * and the President of the United State~? : PTs No. six, We are only saving that we have no evi- defies one way or the tlw as to whether the Co « was informed of this particnley project, There are no records to judicnte, Semitor Txovyrn, Admiral Tnrner, are you persaundly satisfied by actual investigation that this newly discovered information was not intentionally kept away fron the Senate of the Viited States? Admiral Tose. T have no way to prove that, sir, That is my con- viction from ¢ Thing DT liave seen of it, enter PNot y awsawe have been advised that these documents e initially disemvered in March of this year, and vou were notified in duh of this ver. or June of this year. and the committee was noti- tn Judy. Can cver tellus wha the Director of Central Tatelligence lend fie the after ite initial discovery, why the delay? Admired Ts Yes. sir, All this started with several Freedon of Tnformation Act requests, and Mr. Lanbinger on my Jeft was the ine dividual sho took it upon himself te presne these 1 requests with great diligenee. and gat tission to ya tothe Retired Record. Center, and then nade the derision ta Jook net only under what would be the ex- Peete = files, but through every file with which the branch that conducted this tupe of activity had any conceivable connection, Vers date iy Miret, le discovered thear seven boxes, He arranged to have them shipped from the Retired Record. Center to Washing- fon. toon healpuartcers. They arrived in ly April, Te advised his appropriate superior, who asked him how longs he thought it would take him to go through these and screen them appropriately, clear (hem for Freedom of Jnfol ion Act release, There are. we originally estimated, 3,000 pages bere. We now think that was aa underestimation, and it may be closer te §.060 pages. He estinuated Ho wonld take abeat $5 da yointe the mile ef May to do that, He wae told to proceed. audias he did +0 there was nothing nueovercd in the beginning of the-e 146 eases that appeared partion. larly startling or partient: aby alditive te the knowledye that had al- realy f sen to the Chirch comnsittee, sane details, but na major mw fons. He and his asso iates pre eededt with Avliberatencss, Int not a great sense of urgency : big retivitivs that eame : Vitis time wile, Ne was not ble to "pit TLL at of his ail there didi net apy tobe cause fora great rich here. We were trving to be responsive fa the Freedom of Information Act request within (he nits of our manpower and our priorities, MORI DocID: 163357 15 Ti early Fane, however, le discovered twa projects, the one related te Kodirngs and the one related te the fandin the institution, and ved daauediately that he had salstantial new information, and i Hately reperted tus te dis superiors. Two actions were taken. One was to notify the lawyers of the prin cipal Fremloiw of Tnformation Act requestat that we would have sul- stintal new inateri) and that ie weald be forthcoming as rapidly as 1 nd the oe was to start ad oramhine up the chain at nilicatedt his beef dhat we shouk? notify thie Senate mniiter on bntelligence of this disvcavery levause of the cha of thee two documents. ake that pranevded uh from the Mth of June, at each echelon we had fe vo through Che beyrad offies. the legisiotive Fisison offices anil at each echelon aout the sane question was asked of him: Wave vou gone throngh ali ef this. so that when we notify the Senate select Com. mittes we de not notify half of the importint relev ations and not the other half? The last thing Powant. Mr. Chairman. is inv any way to ho on any topir. gi ance On any topic of heing recalcitrant, relnctant ar havir al drag things ont ef me. and my suh- orlinates. mach (amy pleasure, had each asked. have yon really gone _- through these su pages enough to know that we are not poing to ra bombshell down at the bottom? Hiv late Jane, ahond the 29th, this process reached my deputy, He notitied me after his review of tan the th of July. which is dhe first i knew of it. TD Iearan reading inte it. T asked the same prohing ques- tron alirectiy. T tien notified my superiors. and on the 15th delivered to you my fetter Jefting von knew that we hat this, and we lave been workin. neaiy peaple. may honre since then. ta be sure that what we are telling veu today does inelude all the relevant material. Mor Pxorye, T wool] Hike to vend Mr. Lanhinger for his weestel expertise. hit was this dihgence the resnlt of Qhe Free- dean of Information Mer or coukd this diligence lave boon exercised shoving the Churel Why was it not exercised? Achoiral Trasni. eis ne question that theoretically this dili- toe could have hoes exerciscd at any tite. and it may well le that tle lon of Dafornimtion Let dis made as inore aware of this. Wook vou speak for vonr-elf. pt - Me Lavitsxcrk T really dou't steribute it. Senator, to diligence so Woeloas theroughuess, Tf you can iuagine the pressures under an arganigstion tang tetespand, whick P think the CLA did at the time af the Clavel eotaittes heat thy hallways of the Aoor Tam on were fill ef boxes fren or pecoreds conten, ry boy that anyon: fheaght cond possibly comain anvthing was ealed up for seared. It was ane of a frantic fort (a vomply. ‘of th situation coals dewn, and vou can start «apt te Bid things thet vou ueatd that is what happened Seloct Com- ractor at least wouldn't amder the heat ie verash | yrs Tete. or Tact rn. Plank von vers i tonalor Kennedy? or Kexscby. Adinbal ‘Tirner, in un enarmanshy distress- ings ie report (hat you give tothe American Congres. and tothe American peeple today. Ga ated it happened many years ago, but what we ere SSS yy MORI DocID: 163357 16 Dasewty talking abn isan activiny which tenk place in the eountry that iivetved the perversion anid the rarruptian of many of our out- stimeling esearch centers in this eoans ry. with CLA finds. where some af our top yesearchers were unwittingly invelved in research spon- sored bw the Agency in which they had ae knowledge of the hack frend or the support for, Much of if wis done with American citizens whe werr completely anknew ing interns of Guking various drugs. and there are perhaps any nindes of Americans who are walking around today on the east Coast orowesl coast whe were given Arups. with all the kinds oF plivsicn? and pevchologival deniage that can be caused. We have gone over that ia very careful detail. and it js significant and severe dudecd. ° Tole not kana what could he done ina less deynocratic eanntry that woald de nore alien to ont own trarlitions than was really done in this narres aren. and P wive Chis report ta the eonunittes, woukl Tike te pet some sense of your own concern about this type of ‘ activity. and hew vou react larving tssuned this iuportant respaneibil- ity with the confidence af President Cartor and the ov erwhelming support, alvioudy. of the, Congress. ander thie set of cireunistances. did net get ninch of a feeling in reviewing roar statement here this - morning of the kind of abborrence to this type of past activity whieh PT ithink the American peoply woukl certainty deplore and which I believe th odo. bit contd you comsnent wpon that question, and also perhaps give us what ideas you have to insure that jt cannot happen Again? el daire| Trexen Senater Kennedy. it is totally abborrent to me to fhink of using a Wangan being asa guinea pigand in any way jeapardiz- jag hie Efe ned bis healt. ne matter how great the eanse, Fam not here te pass Tidgouent on gay predecessors. bd Tran as-ure you that this is tetaly bevend the pate of any coatenplation of activities that the CEA or ane other of our intetligence agencies shawl undertake. Tamt gound base take what T lebere are abloguaty step to Jnsnre that sel thin, lot con inaine today. Senutor Keascey. Could ven tell ae a lirde bit about that? Adnina Tosi. Thave aeked fora special report assuring mo that Here are nodug setivities extant. that is, deug activtiies Qat invalve esperimentation, Obs iousty. we cotlert intelligence about deug~ and UNGiit t= being Vurve had a -pecial nncovered sone years ian ad seme toxic matters at the CUAL) have find ay actual depeetion nude pf the storage places and tan from the people in charge of those that there ae ne tel inatertals present in oar keeping, and } have Jesuedt es press orders that that ‘Admiral TURNER. I don't know of thom if there are. 1 would have to answer that for the record. sir. Senator Watror. F would appreciate that. [The materia] referred to follov STRUTH' LOGS IN UN TERRUG ATION The search for offertive aide to interrogation fs probably ag ald as mane nee f 1a WDcoUpeTAT Ne su ond os persistent as his ys patt. Tr Che als Of paler ipvesti«: sralestititesd fer yxtin: ve ark thine melts Mir Fumes ra degree” prac ters by the pediew of Tretia: His far p rabling red pepper dis a peer devs eyes tat te ge alent ite The site limiting a evidence.” More recently, polive offieii ls in some countries hate turtad to drugs fer aesist- fice bn extracting confessions from aceiaed persebs, drugs Which are esuuied a ra Ss MORI DocID: 163357 v3) ste tbe pobit that he nnkvowihgiy pavenis tryths Spektor BUA TA TAN LL sorties. Stil) cuises series qiestions of individaal dn this country. where drugs have & Toonty mating) Sowork. thot use kas proveked eres of “pavehalogien! third abd bas preiphiated metticolegat versies MAT ffer a quarter ot Vy fla aba the 9 aa a ine work is Similar tw the accupted of ee de tie fe precedures lies ivetives The police investigator is coneeraod with empirical het Te suspedt. ad therefore mle aadely whtl of the cnspwed's revelations depends Riba tel cre beeplinee db ovidet areonrt af how. Phe pexediatist. on the ather hand, ct Ue scehee “im drags tnd aids seed preset mentaty GL, L THHRTHY Cone EO Tits papehetagion? cruble or pss cheb liry rather than . empiri 2A patient's alereutivn eo reaisy fer him at the tin (hey ecenr. and anaecanie aeceaat of these fantasies aid delsiens, rither Hn reliable pit events. eit be cha ta reruverr, Aion of denes capable of ihiainaring bidhl of the mind. tele dng tee hen) phe mental torn preventing op reversing the nibearrioge of Suction, . hae provided an exeetlingiy darebhe chen for tha} ss rned po ar literatnre, do pedis the indi nash edit hel ‘ ome Whihe aeknon tedetng that “irnth senw oe Twire overthe drice are not xe sot necessarily I forth probuctive frit Jour istie Aecuuuits continue te expledt Ohe ty The furnals is to play ap n few spectienlar “tran abi success IMA eAl tha wee be i nore whe Ry he adavitres., (hat promises an increment of success in extracting information cm yemplos ed ane ritninal jiivestigatton thon 1a: ef aren. wieligeses, The Western servicer Ainst is possible ea fiderdanding of “ruth” droge, thelr characterbe thes, Positive tive, for eliciting useful infacian aden ist Chom. This discussi bp tewurd such ap ounderstanding. draws primarily apan openly | Im Te has the Jizctatiots of prujecting trom crit tal insvestigariy sfod fron the petinissive atinesphere of drug perebu iberapy acHons, and Dhebr petentiali- ne is Pimdamenutal to eu RUOPCLASINE 4K UTRUTIC RERUM Fark dn thie aaitury plrsicians begin to emplor aropolatine. along with thotphine and chhoreforn, te beduce a stite af “pwilighe Rleeq” during chijdbirn AD rorsiiteeat of herbie, seopeliuaiine was kena te prodioe sedativen and cron el- Tess. untusian stud diner incoardintion, med gmnesia for events ex- periereed Guarine itstan dea tite. bysiginns pede (har weiner du twilight sleep lous aecnrately and offen tolnpteered eacepdingly cand] renuarks. Fred te Robert Hause, a Dallas. Texas obstetrician, that a similar féerhrique night be empiossd in the interrogation of Kuspected criminals, smd he . Strangel be onterview auger scopehminze to priseners in the Dallas county Jai! hese gi ecmed cleatds eoutinined. Coder the drug. both nen denied the charges on whieh Wes were hed: and beth. byon teint, were foal net wuilgs House coneledad that a patient ander tbe infivuence of eunnath rrente a liv cdi (her is ae power te think ar rea. son.” | 14] His experiment and this canelusion attracted wide attention, and the idea af actos” drug wae thas kaunched npor che pobtic ¢ ATES Ess truth serma” is believed te have appeared fest ii nens pepart joent in he Bor dage doa Beeard, sametine i Tt, Hise pesjsped fhe term: fora While bet @contaally came fe pinptey Rorecubkerly biaeself Pe . Neidio sania ees tp Sr seamed sar tle 3 en TAL With a notion. shermiea) zea] as ine went on, WW M3 as Sun ething af femeht turned finally Inte sn dedicated ertiaiade by the “father of Cb serine an behalf of bis affepriog, sherein fie ‘grassy indulgent af its Mans ward beh jum stulternts prod sof its miner aehicvesuents 11] rr SSS SSS ss MOR] DocID: 163357 27 r nl of cases in which scopotamine war used for police joterrogs- Le ee eee potice. thongb there ix evidence rurcerting that some police forces quay bave used it extensively. [2. 16) One Inlice writer claims that the thread of seupolainine interrogation bes been eevtive iu extracting confeastons from criminal snspects, W: e told thes will first he rendered wucunacious br ehlora} bvarate placed covertly Db theie coffer or drinking water.[18] Horause of a nntsber af undesirable side effects, scopolamine was shortly ais- qualified ax @ “truth” drng. Amoug the moet disabling of the wide effects are hathucinalions. disturbed perceptian, somualence, and pbssiulogiea} phenomena such ax headache. rapid heart. and Dlarred vision, which distract the eobjeet from the central prtpose of the interview. Furthermore, the physical action ts hag, far outhasting the pstchoogical effects Seopolamibie continues, in aome cases, fo make anesthesia and surpery safer by drring the mouth and throat and reducing secre ions that might ebstrect the air passages. Hint the Tantastirally, almort painfully. exert” month brongit oa by the drug is hardly conducive tu free ialking. even inn tractalle subject. TUE MARRITIRATER The grat sugcestion that drmgx might farilitate cammaunication with eto- Ciegally disturiad patieut~ came quite Is accident in W816, Arthur S, Lovenbart fhd his asseciates at the Calversite of Wosconsin, experimenting with revpirators stimulants. were surprived when, after i noaf actin cranide, # catatonic patkeot who had baut been mute and 7 elaxed. uppned Bis eres, aud . even answered a few questians. Br the carly 2930s a number of parchiotrists - were experimenting With Arugs as an adjunet tr estaltished method of therapr At ahant this time police officials. still attracted by the poseltdtity nat drugs Dich help in the Interrogation of suspects and witnesses, turned to a clase of depire 1 drugs know as the barbiturites. By TK Clarence W. Muchl berger, heard he Michigan Crime Detection Latwratery at East Lanelug, was using Larhilorates an reluctant suspects, though police work ommdimed to he bampered othe courts) rejection of drug-induced confessions except in a few carefully MUliserEbed nslanees. The barhitorates, Orst sruthesized in 1903, are among the oldest of modern @rnig~ jing the post versatile of al) depressants. In this half-century some 2. have baa prepared. and alent two doton of these hate won ah important place ino nedeane. An extimated three te four billie deses of harbiturates are pre- seriied by ply ve dn the Vaited States each rear. and they have came te be Kaews by a varies of rem PEptessions : “gaot- . dalle” Tammi Nombatal, mo "ete. Theres af thet whieh are used in na drugs are sodinn lesser eX ent sec Poasecobarhitaly. ee pharmacalogist explains it, a kubiecr coming under the influence of a fotebiirde dhipeetéd Diteivencust; gets Ustough all the sages of progee-aite Qronkennese. but the time seale is an the order of mines fnstend of hours on Dy the sedarian effect is dramatic, expecinily if the snlyect ina paychiatric Patient i: tension. Hix features slacken, his body relaxes. Some people are mopenturily excited: a few Ieocme silly aud gigely. This asnaliy passes, and med ibdects foll asleep. emercing later he disariented sear -wakefulness. he daseetit inte narcosis and bevend with progre sively Lorger dasex can be divides! ax follaws + } Tee stage. Nisitss, WI exaggerated reflexes (hyperactive rage). JIL. Vnennsciogsness, wirhont reflex even te paivful stimuli. IV. Tivath Whether all these stages can be distinguished in ant given subject depends Jatgely an) the dove mud rhe rapidity with which the drug is induced. In anesthesia. ktages Daud 2 mis Ing only two ae thre: seconds, ‘The fest or weadative stace enw le furcher divided : Tlane 1 No evideat effect. ur slight sedative effect. Thane 2 Cloudiness calmness, amnesia. (Cpe recovers, the aubject will . net remermler what hapyatid att or “lower” planes or singes.} Thane 3. Slorred speech, wht thoughe patrerns disragted. doabilits to inte Rrate ar Jeary new potteras. Poor courdinuation, Suljject heeomes unaware of peniful stimuntt. halysis and eseeny service as “troth” | Rentetbab sadium erhiapental). and toe ii ei SS SS SS hs SSS SS MORI DocID: 163357 hc 2B Plane $ ir the perchistric “work” stage. It may last only # few minntes, but it can We extended by further slew Injection ef Urug. The usual practice te to bring the sunject quickly to Stage I] and to conduct the interview ak be passes back into the sedative stage on the was to full consciousuess. —o~, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The general abborrence ia Western countries for the use of chemical agents “te make pecple do (hings agaiomt their will’ bes precluded serious eratemetic Study (ae least as ptiblished openty? of the potentialities of drags for intertoga- thon. Louis A. Gotiscbalk. surveying their use in tnformation-xeeking inter: views.[13} citex 190 references; but only two touch upon the extraction of luceltigence tifurtation, and one of these couclidex merely that Russian tech- niques in interrogation and indectrination sre derived from ageold police nurthods and da mot depend of the wee of drugs. Gn the validity of confessions . obtained with drugs, Gottuchalk found oult three published experimental studies that be deeined worth reparting. Gne of these reported experiments by 1). P. Morris in whieh Intravencus sodium. anstal was helpful in detecting malingerers.[12}] The aubjects, noldiers, were Ot frst sullen, nesntiviade, and non-productive under anivtal, but as the inter- f Flew proceeded thes revealed the fact of and causes for their mallngering. Usually the interviews turued up o nenrotic or pescbotic basie for the deception. was? The other two confession mtudies. heing more relevant to the Dighly special feed. untouched area of drugs in intelligence interrogation, deserve more detailed review, Gerson and Victoroff [121 conducted ams tal iuterviews with 17 nearoperchlatric patients, wolliers who bed charges againet them. at Tilton General Hospital. Fort Pitz. First ther were interviewed without amytal by a Peycehiatrist, who, Deither ignoring nor etreséing their situation ax prisonere or muspecta under iY. Urge each af them te diveuss bls social and fatuilr background. bis coreer, abd Bis vetslon of the charges pending agninst him. The patients were told only a few minutes in udvance that narenanalysix would be perfurmed. The doctar wus considerate, bur positive and forthright. He indi- cated that ther had wo chalce but fo the suspect wysix in experite bb) far corrobarition of his Testi Trists bol drug ata pexehibyist, however apprehetionels : td tialiy, Th iedieabed, (De potiee peveliatriet freqnently eTpaihil, and sane erder af Ther pelea abcd Telatiotshiqe eree ine tee Meera a Ws with ow sick SITIES evely er. el a ae 2 RR MORI DocID: 163357 31 Rarch has a drug interfesstion invelved “normals” individuals in # bostile er ely threatening milieu. Jt War from a petethrentenboe experiments! SeTTin t Erie Lindemann could say that bis “nortgal” subjects “reported # Reneral sense of enphorin, ease and confidence. and they exbilited s marked {n- eredeu tu mikativensss and eonmmunicabllity. [18] Gerson and Vietornt? list poor “pat and au- Tappert ax one factor interferiug with the enn plerenes: ichty of confersions by the Fort Dix aoidiers, caught as ther were in # and performance and told they had no choice but to submit to parce tious, anbject-Interrogator rapport Ix nsually erucial ta obtaln- ing the ye poligical release which may lead to aupuarded disclosures, Role-phiy- fog ob the part of the interrogator might he o possible solution to the problem af establishing rapport with @ drugceal subject. In therapy. the British parecer apalyse Wiliam Sargent recommends that the therapist deliberately distort the facts of (he patients lifeexperinuce to achieve heightesied emutioun! response gtal abreactiaeg2ty dn the drunken state of hareounalysis pationss are prone to accept the Cheraplsc= false const actions, There ix consent 1 expect that a drugeed subject wind commnnicate freels with an inlerrogater playing the role of rela- Hite. colleague, physles: domediate enperi or any other person to whom his background didivated be ld be responsive. Even when rappert it poor, however thi remains one facet of drug action eminent: expleiialde in dnterrogation—the fact that subjects emerge from Harcesis feeling ther have revenied a great deal, even When they have bot. AB Gerson and Vietoroff dewetistrated ay Fore Dix. this perchological set provides & iwajor opening for obtaining genuine confessions. PORBIALE VARIATIONS Tn xtudies by Beecher and hit associates.[3-6] onethird to one-half the individuals tested proved t de placelw reuctors. subjects whe respond with spinpteuintic relief to the administration of any erripge. Hill, or eapeule, regard- sof what it contains. Although ne studies are known to have been made of the HeTOR AX applied to maree-interrogation ft sepnix reasonable thet Then a subjects sense Of gHilt interferes Ww ith productive interrogation, @ placeko fop jeeude-Larersis could have the effect of alwolving him of ihe responsibility for his gets and thus clear the wie for free communication, If is notatle that qlicebes are mest Jikels be effective ty situations of stress, The Inditiduals ineet Hkely ta reset fe plueebos are The more AnXins, mere selfcentered, more dependent on outside sfinnlation, those whe express their needs more freely socially, talkers whe drain af anxiety by conterxing with others. The peo- pencters are foe clinically more rigid and with better than average emotional control, Nu sex or DQ. differences between reactors aud non-reactors have been found. ‘Alother possibility might be the eonibined mse of drugs with hypnotic trance gad pret Ly punti estlean: Lrpriosis eoutd preaimally prevent any recollec- ten of the drug eXpertenece. her a sutject can he braught to trance against hin will or unaware, however. is a matter of sone disagreement, Otbe, In a surver of the podentiad tases of Lis paresis: iyferrogation. ea asserts that it be denht- fil. despite many apparent indicntions te the contrary. that tranee can be induced in resistant ovbjects De anny De possitle, Tie nds, te Hypnotize a subject una were. bet tis would require a positive relatiopstiy with the hyrpuotist net likely to fe fonted in the interrdndin, settins Tn medical Rrpnosis. pentothal sodinin i sometimes employed when only light induced ond depper naccesis is desired. This procedure is a on. but if a xatisfaetary bevel of nmarensis could be achieved (rough Lyphetic trance there would appear tu be 30 need for drugs. DFFENAIVE MEASURES There jx ne known way of buibling tolerance fora “truth” drng without creat- ing a disabling addiction. or of arresting the action of a barbiturate once induced. Hrd agaist darce-titerragotion be to prevent the adminis: the ding. Shai this, the best defense is to nthe use of the name thar snerests drags for usive operations: Hf a mbject knows that fay emerging fron. nareesis he wilh have av exuggetatel netion of how mech be haw peveuled he can better resclve de deny he has said anything. errr SS MORI DocID: 163357 82 . The disadtanitages and shortcomings of druce in offensive operations become 5 Positive fedtires of the defeise pasture, A ruldect in narca-interrngation is ‘ x intezicaled, wavering bet wern deep sicep and seni-wakefinew. His kpeech 1s 1 i garbled and irrational, the amount of onzput drastically diminished. Drugs 5 disrupt established thimght patterns, iecluding ibe will to resist. but ther do so y Indiscrimta hod (is alse [plerfere with the patterns of auistantive infor. * i fantion Che fiterrogater keeks. Even onder the conditions most favorable for the interrogator, optyw1 will be contaminated by fantasy. distortion, and untruth i Possibly the min? effective ow to athe Oneself! aetinst uareeinterragntion t would be too maderge nm "dry rans” A Prin? dpig interrogation with eHItpas Tapes} r for playbuck would familiarize on individual with bis ov renctions toe cia” ‘ drugs. sid this familiarity wonld bey te reduce the effects of harassment by é the iaterrogiion before aml after the drag bas been adininistered, From the view: Reto ef the jntetlipence service, the teint exposure of a partieninar operntive te - on: i $ ar night provide a rough denehnark for assessing the kind and amount of Anfeciuation he wane divulge in aarerists There niny be a meobrer the poshility of dre addiction jurentioually or archientilly indeed by cus adversity service, Mest drugs will emaxe addiction With prokaiged tse, amd ee barbiturates are ve exception, In recent studies at the ToS. Publie Heateh Service Uespitat for addicts in Lesington. Kr. subjects Feevived Jarge doses of barkiturs® + over a period of months, Upon removal of wo the di. they experieuerd some withdrawal x¥mptoms and behared i Vike chroaie alerhadios. ara their fu ds extremely short, bnwever. sid because there is little likelitieat chit diey would be adutuisierad regularity nver g proiépmed period, barldt orate Orics present sight risk af aperational addiction. If the adversary ner were intent on creating athilietion in arder te exploit with: dad, it werd have other. more ripick news of producing stutes ax unpleaeant every as withdraw Pp sets . The hotaenatery sed psychotaminetic drags such as mescaline, matibnana. Ls]o fed] nierotiie ire sanetines mistekenty asserted wilh warenapabyrie intetrogation These dre dtetort the perception and interpretation at the eee Rory tajett te fhe cenerid servis systei aint adect cisian. audition. smell. the sélection ef the sizeof bely pacts aud their position im space. ete. Mescaline and ESTES have been used de ereate experinentas “psychotic states.” gud in Inver way as mids je psyche herarpy. ' Sikes jufermation abtajied froma persos ina parchotie dic state would be - Wrreatistie, bignere. alnl extremely didicnt to assess, the selfaidtmbiistration of a, Which is effertise in minute toss Offer an ooperaine teqiporary protection agains! interragation. Conceivably Ue ether ha ‘adversary services comhl use sacle dingy to prodace nnxbety or Thy iusaplistionted subjects nuiabke to distinguish deng-induced hi rt fosanity. At enlizttevet operative conht nat he this . fricivened, , kheting that the effeet of thesp hallucinogenic agents: ix transient i ermal indlividtals, Most branily re is evidence thit drugs have least effect on welkndjueed Fndividnals with good defenses nid good ettoliotue eoutral aud Uhat anyone whe ean wither the stress of aitipetent interne tin the waking «tate can do . so ip narcosis: The essential resirees for resistauce thas appear te be within . the mudividnal. DANG LUSION ‘ ' The salient peinds that emerge from this discissio are the following No such Magic bre ae the popear dan af teath seran: exists The barbiturates. tiy divrupetie defeusive patterue, may sometimes be Helpfat in butercucttier:. but even tinder the best catiditions they wil] elitit ab attput contaminated by decep: tien. fantasy, gopkled speech. ele, Amador yok Wits they prodaer ia the

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