Emily Morgridge Porfolio

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Emily Morgridge


I believe that teaching should: Promote leadership Embrace a growth mindset approach Celebrate student achievements Be discussion based Engage students using multiple participation structures Differentiate to meet the needs of all learners Nurture higher order thinking Create a student-led mission statement and norms for the development of a healthy and safe classroom community Challenge students to reflect on their learning and create goals for improvements Encourage collaboration and establish a community of learners Hold high expectations for students Allow students to make choices Be driven by data and formative assessments Communicate explicit learning goals Scaffold curriculum Value parent and community involvement Embrace each students rich experiences regardless of language Present curriculum using multiple forms to meet the needs of different kinds of learners (ie. Visual, kinesthetic, auditory) Motivate students to perform to their highest ability through positive classroom management programs
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Table of Contents
The Classroom Community!!..4 Using Data!!..10 English Language Arts!!..13 Math!!..19 Science!!..25 Social Studies!!..28 Celebrations!!..31 Professionalism!!..33




The Classroom Community



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Creating a Classroom Community


Class Mission Statement

On the first day of school we created a class mission statement, incorporating the input of all students. Before displaying the mission statement, it was signed by each student. As a class, we read the mission statement aloud during calendar and discussed how we planned to live by the class mission statement.

Pledge of Respect
Every morning, after the Pledge of Allegiance the Pledge of Respect was recited as a school.

Pledge of Respect
I am a smart, special, valuable leader. I respect myself and I respect others. My words and actions are kind and honest. I accept only my best in all that I do. I am proud to be me!

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Behavior Bingo
Students have the opportunity to earn a Behavior Bingo, meaning they chose a square to write their initials in, when they are displaying exceptional behavior and setting a good example for other students. When the bingo board is full we draw a bingo card and the chosen student eats lunch in the classroom with the teachers.



Transition Checklists
After identifying the need for assistance with transitions, some students are Individual students who struggle with completing transitions are given transition checklists. These laminated checklists allow students to check each box with a dry erase marker after completing a step in their morning or afternoon routine.

Recess Cards
Students who interrupt the class or disturb other students will receive a time off of recess card. The student will lose five minutes of their recess and will need to explain to their parents why they lost that time. '"

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The 7 Habits
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Leadership Data Notebooks

The 7 Habits are integrated into everything we do at Parkview. The students, parents and faculty have made it a goal for all students to be leaders. We track student progress towards being a leader in students leadership data notebooks. In the leadership data notebooks students have written and reflected upon a 7 Habits goal and a personal mission statement.

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Leadership Jobs

Job Applications
This is an example of a job application that was completed by a student.

The Jobs
Some of the jobs include Germ Buster, Litter Leader, Paper Passer, Greeter Leader, Librarian, Line Leader and Teachers Assistant.

The Process
1. Choose three jobs to apply for. 2. Fill out an application for each job. 3. Interview. 4. Find out which job you are hired for at the class reveal.

All students are interviewed for at least one job. At the interview, students individually sit down with the teacher and answer a variety of interview questions.

Youre Hired!
After determining how to best place students, jobs are revealed in class by each student is presenting each student with their application, adorned with a Youre Hired sticker. Students then create a leadership job sign to display their role on the leadership job wall.

Data Wall
On the class data wall we display not only academic data but also behavioral data. Students earn dots on the charts for timely transitions, every time they receive a class compliment from a teacher and when all students give the teacher five. When a certain number of dots are reached a slip is drawn from the box of student-generated rewards such as a pajama day, popcorn for snack or extra recess.

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Using Data


The Celebration of Learning

At the Celebration of Learning in March, students share their data notebooks with their parents. This was a time for families to celebrate the successes and progress of the students. Students also showed their parents around the classroom on this day.
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For some units, students assess their understanding of the learning targets prior to unit. Students record chose where they fall from 1-4 on the Marzano scale and color the corresponding box in yellow. After the summative assessment at the end of the unit, students rate their understanding again, using a different color.




English Language Arts



I believe that the teaching of literacy should: Allow opportunities for students to set goals with Caf strategies to improve their reading Integrate other subject areas Teach the writing process (brainstorming, drafting, reusing, editing, publishing) Give students many tools for monitoring their own comprehension Include a variety of texts and genres Incorporate anchor charts and thinking maps to help students organize their thoughts Give students choices Expand students vocabulary Frequently assess reading progress using oral running records Include time for students to share-out what they have learned Encourage students to be metacognitive Build upon a students stamina Provide conferences for students in reading and writing Let students choose reading and writing topics of interest Comprise a variety of participation structures Incorporate aspects of the work of Kathy Collins and Lucy Calkins Encompass phonetic skills needed for decoding words Differentiate instruction for all students

Include visuals and simplified directions to support English Language Learners


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Reading Workshop

The mini-lessons include clear objectives, modeling of the strategy being taught, interactive SMART Board lessons, turn and talk with a partner, and explicit directions for read to self or read to someone.

Read to Self or Read to Someone

Students practice using the strategy while reading in their leveled books. Students use a sticky note to mark pages where a strategy was used.

Conferencing and Guided Reading

While students are practicing Read to Self or Read to Someone they receive individualized attention based on their need in the form of conferencing or a guided reading instruction with other students.

Share Out
Students apply their learning by sharing how they used the strategy with the whole class.


Book Nooks
Students love to get cozy in their book nook while reading. Book nooks are special places around the room where students can read. Each student is assigned their own book nook and we rotate book nooks every Monday.


Caf Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies associated with each Caf strategy help students remember the names and purposes of different strategies, for example Lips the Fish helps you to remember to use your lips and sound out the beginning sound of a word.




Persuasive Letter Writing

I used Blueprint for Exceptional Writing (BEW) to teach the unit on persuasive letter writing. After seeing many examples of letters during the immersion phase students organized their ideas in thinking maps, then created a blueprint. After drafting, revising, editing and writing a final copy, we had some pretty impressive letters.
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I believe that the teaching of mathematics should: Promote a growth mindset Differentiate for all learners Be driven by data from pre and post assessments Flexibly group students Encourage students to talk through solutions Support classroom discussions using talk moves Avoid memorization and promote understanding Display data through charts and graphs on a data wall Continually re-assess students as they master each learning goal Allow the use of manipulatives to promote higher- level thinking Show real world applications Strengthen problem solving skills Expand math vocabulary Comprise open-ended questions Integrate other subject areas Teach logic and reasoning Prompt students to use multiple methods and strategies Give students choices Use a workshop model to allow movement around the classroom Make use of ongoing formative and summative assessments Encompass exploration to discover patterns
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Math Workshop
The mini-lesson includes a quick review of mental math skills, an introduction to the days learning target and explicit directions for each station. Students are grouped flexibly by their understanding of the learning target, based on their performance on the pre-assessment and the way they rated their prior knowledge in their leadership notebook. " " " "


Teacher Time
Each group will receive a mini-lesson based on the same learning target, with the material presented in different ways. This time is utilized for differentiation of process, content and interest.

At Your Seat
Students work independently or with a partner to practice the skills they have been taught by completing pages in their math journal or math reflection journal.

Students apply their learning at the games and computer station through math games or on the computers using IXL.

Students reflect by answering an essential question in their reflection journal and explaining their thoughts in writing.


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Hallway Display

This hallway display showed students heights during our measuring unit. Each student created a face and we placed the face at the same height as the student. Then students were asked to compare their height to those of the tree, the girl and the flower.

During some lessons, students were given a menu with choices for the day. Choices were strategically given different amounts of points and students were challenged with earning as many points as they could, encouraging them to complete the tasks worth the most amount of points first. Then usually there would be a group of activities with the same amount of points for students to chose between. At the end of a math block, students would be asked to add up all of the points on their menu.



Visual Support
The SMART Board and other visuals, such as this Even Steven Odd Todd poster and the math vocabulary wall, are utilized during math workshop.





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I believe that the teaching of science should: Be inquiry based Allow students to perform experiments Embrace each students rich experiences regardless of language Give students a chance to learn from one another Encourage students to use science vocabulary in their speech Engage students using experiments Actively incorporate analysis of data Allow students to find patterns within their data and observations Group students in learning communities Foster participation by all students using group roles Assess using written and project assessments Promote critical thinking Lead to big ideas that help students make sense of patterns in the world Ask students to use the scientific method Integrate other subject areas Place value on predictions Address students curiosity and wonderings about their understanding of the world Make connections to everyday life " " Give clear expectations using modeling during the mini-lesson "





Social Studies


I believe that the teaching of social studies should: Develop students into active citizens Embrace diversity Connect to students lives Create awareness Integrate other subject areas Actively assimilate the core democratic values Encourage students to form an opinion and use persuasion in conversation and writing Pose questions that elicit higher order thinking Introduce students to multiple sources of information such as timelines, maps, and graphs Promote service learning Engage students using simulations, demonstrations, and a narrative approach Comprise economics, sociology, history, geography, government Foster logical debate Include multiple perspectives Assess student learning in a variety of ways Value parent involvement Allow for learning outside of the classroom on field trips Build upon students background knowledge Investigate cause and effect relationships Inspire students to research topics of interest "
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Spring 2014 Mid-Term Evaluation Enter the Intern's Name: First Name: Emily Last Name: Morgridge MSU Email:(Sparty@msu.edu) morgrid2@msu.edu Enter the Field Instructor's Name: First Name: Susan Last Name: Schreiber MSU E-Mail: schrei49@msu.edu Enter the Mentor Teacher's Name: First Name: Kerry Last Name: Kowalczyk Email: kkowalczyk@novi.k12.mi.us Select the semester: FS13 Mid-Semester AOP Completed by: Field Instructor Assessment of Intern Progress Final Consensus Form Evaluate the intern's performance relative to the 8 Teaching Standards listed below on a scale of 1 to 5: Standard 1. Acts as an educated person: Communicates effectively; shows that s/he values learning; promotes both individual responsibility and individual rights; models respect both individual diversity and for community; models knowledge of American government and economics; models global perspectives. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 2. Teaches elementary subject matters: Researches and validly teaches subject matter through short-range and long-range planning; connects subject matter to the world beyond school; promotes critical and higher order thinking; promotes independent learning and problem solving; engages students in inquiry and promotes curiosity; models and coaches analysis, synthesis, evaluation of ideas, skills and information. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 3. Works with students as individuals: Respects, cares for, and


communicates with all students, and holds high expectations; adapts the curriculum to them, setting measurable goals; employs multiple strategies for teaching them; motivates and engages all students; includes, accommodates, and differentiates instruction; assesses and adjusts instruction to serve individuals. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 4: Organizes and manages a class: Organizes and introduces rules and routines; uses a range of participation structures; promotes shared values and expectations for learning; teaches students how to participate; responds to student inattention and misbehavior; assesses class interaction and adjusts the organization as needed. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 5. Uses an equipped classroom: Designs the classroom for safety and learning: uses multiple modes and media for instruction: uses information technology for instruction and assessment: teaches students to take care of the room; assesses activity and adapts the room to support students and promote learning. 5 Exceeds Expectations Standard 6. Joins a faculty and school: Attends to school policies; works with other teachers and administrators as needed; participates in school assessment, evaluation, and grading processes; participates in formal and informal professional learning for and by teachers. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 7. Engages families and community: Communicates with parents and guardians about students' activity and learning; recognizes and responds to diverse family structures; uses community history, issues, and resources in teaching; recognizes patterns of evidence that indicate threats to students' welfare; advocates for students’ interests. 4 Meets Expectations Standard 8. Teaches deliberately and learns from experience: Understands and accepts a teacher's responsibilities; employs a thoughtful and informed


philosophy of teaching; exhibits a teacher's thoughtful and professional manner; exercises good judgment in planning and teaching; habitually reflects on and makes use of feedback to improve teaching; deliberately draws upon professional education as a resource; uses assessments, feedback, and continuing education to improve performance. 4 Meets Expectations Intern is making progress towards the achievement of the MSU Teacher Preparation Program Standards? Yes AOP Conference Comments: Strengths and Evidence *Standard 1 *constantly wondering and questioning *interested in learning *incorporates Seven Habits, both language and practice*uses 800-level classes as resources *students have leadership roles in the classroom; gives reminders, followup *makes connections to literature *leads children in understanding how their behavior affects other's learning *checklists for morning routine *taught social studies unit on citizenship *led a lesson on home celebrations and ethnic holidays *uses Tween Tribune and Scholastic News *Developed a home/school connection through a reading month plan *helps develop students schema, connections to self, sharing *develops and models classroom routines *encourages children to solve their own problems; assists when necessary *communicates with parents through phone, email, and in person *uses Marzano scale to gauge students' understanding *prepares and uses rubrics Standard 2 *solicits prior knowledge *uses questioning to draw students into the discussion and assess their understanding *shares targets with students *uses graphic organizers, charts, etc. *uses students to help model activities *connects new vocabulary to familiar activities and concepts *models and coaches analysis in writing and literature *models activities and tasks *use of inquiry model in science *encourages higher level thinking and connections across all subjects, home, selves, literature *long range planning *school planning for Parkview parks and Girls on the Run *researches subject matter SIOP, thinking Maps, CAFE, Daily 5, BEW *guided reading group planning *howto writing unit planning *uses manipulatives and games* *weekend journal *students assess their own writing and goals for improvement *noticing charts during writing workshop,immersion lessons *teaches different ways to approach solving a problem *leadership notebooks Standard 3 *partner work*Individual reading levels *conferencing with students *workshop model *purposeful grouping *develops instructional models to include children in the discussion *asks children to explain their thinking *individual management strategies for students who need them *leadership notebooks *goal setting with students *guided reading groups based on individual needs *differentiates 'teacher time' during math workshop GOAL - work with struggling students - find time to ensure they are progressing Standard 4 *various participation structures and groupings


*develops norms with student input *helps students develop responsibilities for the classroom and their belongings *uses a variety of strategies, changing as needed *describes expected and behaviors regularly *fishbowl strategy effective and engaging *students participate in management by asking their classmates to comply *gives multiple reminders of expectations *uses compliments to encourage compliance *models what is expected prior to asking students to do it *provides alternate work spaces *repeats and rephrases *reinforces routines and modifies when needed *data wall charts to promote cooperation *adjusts instruction based on students' needs *parent information forms GOAL; stop instruction when students are not listening. Redirect students when they are off task. Communicate with home when students are off-task and disruptive. Standard 5 *uses ELMO, SMART Board, computer, microphone, videos, literature, manipulatives, book baskets, slates *follows curriculum guides *manages and refines seating arrangements *fishbowl activity *students are responsible for classroom *stresses safety *Marzano applications *shares and reviews targets *adjusts lighting in classroom *students use book nooks *established "tape seats" for certain students *opportunities for "shake breaks" *adjusts seating *uses a variety of software *books on tape *math and reading tool kits *use of mentor texts Standard 6 *plans with mentor and entire first grade *attends staff meetings and professional development *adjusts calendar tasks per principal expectations *involved in PARKS committee and Girls on the Run *uses Marzano language *uses reading records and other assessments *worked with other first grade teachers to assess students' writing on district assessments Standard 7 *Attends parent meetings *participates in Parent Teacher Conferences *BEAR Club *emails parents *plans for parent volunteers *customizes Friday newsletter *manages parents who "just show up" *involves parents with student goal writing and weekend journals *involves parents with students at home reading with book bag and student log *helped plan classroom parties and accompanying center activities, including parent volunteers *scans and sends homework assignments to parents *worked with girls in classroom to problem-solve issue *works with students individually when behavior threatens others *persuasive writing unit connected to personal lives Standard 8 *responsive to feedback *questions her practice and asks for ideas and suggestions *actively discusses during debriefing *lesson planning and materials prepared in advance *curious *professor feedback and follow up *uses data *unit learning goals *adjusts instruction to meet students' learning needs *uses behavior modification strategies *works with and uses data *states targets at the beginning of lessons; encourages students to apply goals to unit study *seeks and uses feedback from others *creates daily outlines to use during instruction" "


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