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Interpretations ~ 5
(This supplement is not p;1rt of ASME/ ANSI 831.3 or its Addenda.!
It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the 631 Committee concerning 631.3 as
part of the subscription service. This supplement includes interpretations concerning 631.3 issued
between September 1, 1986, and June 30, 1987. They have been assigned interpretation numbers in
chronological order. Each interpretation applies to the latest Edition or Addenda at the time of issuance
of the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the reply. Subsequent revisions to the Code
may have superseded the reply.
These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and
editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some instances, a review of the
interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised reply,
bearing the original intrepretation number with the suffix R, is presented.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretationswhen or if additional infor-
mation is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons ag-
grie\(ed by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated
in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not "approve," "certify," "rate," or
"endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
""-- .
Para. 300.2, Category 0 Fluid Service .
Paras. 304.2.3 and 304.7.2; Use of Fillet Welded Circumferential Reinforcement
8ands; Miter 8ends .
Para. 304.3 and Table 0-1, Flexibility Factor and Stress Intensification Factor Tables .
Para. 304.7.2, Pressure-Temperature Ratings of Socket Weld and Threaded
Steel Valves ' ..
Paras. 308.2.1 and 308.2.4; Use of Slip-On Flanges; Cyclic loading .
Para. 319.3.6, Table 0-1, Flexibility Factor and Stress Intensification Factor .
Para. 323.3 and Table 323.3.5, Impact Testing Methods-Specific limitations .
Paras. 327.4 and 336.4, Weld Imperfections-Radiographic Examination .
Para. 327.4.1 and Table 327.4.1A, Acceptance Criteria for Tungsten Inclusions .
Paras. 331.1.2 and 331.3.4, Temperature Monitoring of Stress Relieving of Pipe Welds
In Series .
Para. 336.5.1 and Appendix E, Material Manufacturer's Certifications-
Specification Dates .
Para. 337.3, Hydrostatic Test .
Para. 337.5.1, Special Alternative Tests .
Table 323.2.2, Toughness Test Requirements-Required Heat Treatment .
Table 323.2.2, lower Temperature limitations : .
Table 327.4.1A, Definition of T

Table 327.4.1A, limitations On Imperfections in Welds-Internal Porosity , .
Table 327.4.1A, Porosity limitations , , .
Table 327.4.1A, Requirements For Unexamined Girth 8uttwelds .
Table 327.4.1A, Acceptance Criteria For Welds .
Table 331.3.1 and Para. 331.3.6, PWHT-8ranch Connection Welds .
Hydratest Preparation .
Introduction and Para. 337.1, SCope and Applicability of Code ;.
Interpretation File No.
5-03 831-85-018
5-11 831-86-018
5-01 831-85-030
5-05 831-86-001
5-12 831-86-020
5-15 831-86-032
5-14 831-86-022
5-09 831-86-016
5-17 831-86-010
5-08 83186-009
5-10 831-86-017
5-02 83185-017
5-07 831-86-005
5-19 831-86-044
5-21 831-87-007
5-04 831-85-036
513 831-86-021
5-16 831-85-0368
5-18 831-86-023
5-20 831-86-045
5-06 831-85-037
5-23 83186-033
5-22 831-87-011
631.3 Interpretations No. S
Interpretation: 5-01
: 5-01
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.8, Paras. 831.41 and 831.6 and Table E-1 and ANSI/ASME
B31.3, Para. 304.3 and Table D-l; Flexibility Factor and Stress Intensification
Factor Tables
October 17, 1986
Question (1): What is the difference between a "welding tee per ANSI B16.9" and an "extruded
welding tee" as stated in Appendix D, Table D-l of ANSI/ASME B31.3 and Appendix E, Table E-1 of
Reply (1): A "welding tee per ANSI B16.9" complies with all requirements of ANSI B16.9. An
"extruded welding tee" complies with the requirements of para. 304.3 of ANSI/ ASME B31.3 or paras.
831.41 and 831.6 of ANSI/ASME B31.8.
Question (2): Is the difference related to ANSI 816.9 dimensions as defined by ANSI/ASME 831.3
and ANSI/ASME B31.8?
Reply (2): No.
Question (3): Is the difference related to manufacturing?
Reply (3): ANSI 816.9 does not specify manufacturing methods.
Question (4): When a "welding tee per ANSI 816.9" does not meet the radius and thickness limits
spe<!ified in Appendix D, Table D-l of ANSI/ASME 831.3 or Appendix E, Table E-l of ANSI/ASME
831 ~ 8 is it permissible to use the flexibility characteristic h for an "extruded welding tee" provided
, is greater than or equal to 0.05D
and T
is less than 1.5T?
Reply (4): .Yes, provided the tee is formed by an extrusion process; otherwise it is the responsibility
of the designer to determine the proper flexibility characteristic.
Interpretation: 5-02
5-02, 5-03, 5-04
Date Issued:
831.3 Interpretations No.' 5
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition with the ANSI/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Para. 337.3, Hydrostatic Test.
November 13, 1986
' ..
Question: The piping for a project is fabricated in sections having several circumferential welds.
If these sections are then pressure tested in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ ASME B31.3,
do these previously tested joints, which have met the requirements of' the Code, have to be left
uninsulated and exposed during the hydrostatictest required before the initial operation of the piping
Reply: No, see para. 337.3.
Interpretation: 5-03
Date Issued:
ANSI/ ASME B31.3, Para. 300.2, Category D Fluid Service
November 13, 1986
Question: As defined in ANSI/ASME B31.3, para. 300.2 for Category D fluid service, is damage e
to human tissue caused by leakage of a fluid having a design temperature not over 366F, considered 'ii2
to be "reversible" when the fluid is otherwise innocuous to skin, eyes, and exposed mucous mem-
. Reply: Yes. It should be noted that contact by persons with fluid contained in the piping under
design conditions is not possible because the expansion and dilution of leaking fluids reduces both
pressure and temperature. It should also be noted that the owner is responsible for identifying Category
D fluid service [see para. 300(b)(1 ).
Interpretation: 5-04
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition with the ANSI/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 327.4.1 A, Definition of .
November 13, 1986
Question: What is the definition of as used in Table 327.4.1A o( ANSI/ASME B31.3?
Reply: is defined in ANSI/ASME B31.3 as the nominal wall thickness of the thinner of the
components joined by a butt weld. The definitions for all symbols used in ANSI/ ASME B31.3 are in
Appendix J Nomenclature.
83 t.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-05
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3, Para. 304.7.2, Pressure-Temperature Ratings of Socket Weld
and Threaded Steel Valves
November 13, 1986
Question (1): May API 602-1985 be used for selecting socket weld or threaded valves in piping
subject to the requirements of ANSI/ ASME B31.3?
Reply (1): Yes, provided that the requirements of para. 304.7.2 are satisfied.
Question (2): May MSS-SP-84 be used for selecting socket weld and threaded valves in piping
subject to the requirements of ANSI/ASME B31.3?
Reply (2): Yes, provided that the requirements of para. 304.7.2 are satisfied.
Interpretation: 5-06
... "
Date Issued:
ANSI/ ASME B31.3-1984 Edition with the ANSI/ ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 331.3.1 and Para. 331.3.6, PWHT-Branch Connection Welds
December 2, 1986
Question: Is postweld heat treatment required by ANSI/ASME B31.3, Para. 331.3.6 for branch
connection welds when the thickness of the components at the joint is greater than the nominal
thickness listed in Table 331.3.1, but the thickness through the weld in any plane is less than two times
the nominal wall thickness listed?
Reply: No, see para. 331.3.6(al.
Interpretation: 5-07
831.3 Interpretations No.5
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition with the ANSf/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Para. 337.5.1, Special Alternative Tests
December 2, 1986
Question (1): Is it permissible under the rules of ANSI/ ASME B31.3 to apply the requirements of
para. 337.5.1(b) even though the conditions of para. 337.5.Ha) are not met?
Reply (1): No.
Question (2): In accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.3, may the owner waive the requirement of
meeting the condition of para. 337.5.1(a)?
Reply (2): No.
Interpretation: 5-08
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition, Paras. 331.1.2 and 331.3.4, Temperature
Monitoring of Stress Relieving of Pipe Welds In Series
December 2, 1986
Question (1): When local heat treatment of welds is performed in accordance with ANSI/ ASME
B31.3, para. 331.3.7, does ,each weld require temperature measurement?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): Several identical welds are separately locally heat treated using electrical resistance
heaters in series. Is temperature measurement of each weld required to ensure that the required
temperature range exists over the complete circumference?
Reply (2): Yes.
Question (3): Do temperature measurements taken in accordance with para. 331.3.4 to ensure
the required heat cycle have to be documented?
Reply (3): No.
B31.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-09
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition, Paras. 327.4 and 336.4, Weld
Imperfections - Radiographic Examination
December 2, 1986
Question (1): Do limitations on imperfections for 100% radiography apply when 100% radio-
graphic examination is not required by the Code, but is required by the engineering design?
Reply (1): Yes, unless the engineering' design states otherwise.
Question (2): Do the blackened areas in Figs. 327.4.1A and 327.4.1B depict lack of fusion?
Reply (2): Yes.
Interpretation: 5-10
Date Issued:

ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Para. 336.5.1 and Appendix E, Material Manufacturer's
Certifications - Specification Dates
December 2, 1986
" ",
!'-: l. ';,

Question (1): Is it a requirement of ANSI/ASME B31.3 that material manufacturer's certifications
must be supplied with pressure-retaining materials and components?
Reply (1): No, see para. 336.5.1 (c).
Question (2): Is it a requirement of ANSI/ ASME B31.3 that a material manufacturer's certification
shall show the edition date of the standard to which the material or component is manufactured?
Reply (2): No.
Question (3): How are materials and components verified as complying with the edition dates
listed in Appendix E?
Reply (3): The Code does not specify a means for verification.
5-11 B31.3 Interpretations No. :5
Interpretation: 5-11
Date Issued:
ANSI!ASME B31.3-1984, Paras. 304.2.3 and 304.7.2; Use of Fillet Welded
Circumferential Reinforcement Bands; Miter Bends
December 2, 1986
Question (1): Does ANSI! ASME B31.3 prohibit the use of fillet welded circumferential reinforce-
ment bands to join piptng in Category D fluid service, in lieu of butt welding?
Reply (1): No, provided that the requiremehts of para. 304.7.2 are met, considering all applicable
loadings. See also para. 301.
Question (2): In accordance with ANSI! ASME B31.3 what is the method (equation) for calculating
minimum wall thickness for piping using miter bends?
Reply (2): Pressure design of miter bends is covered in para. 304.2.3.
831.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-12
'. '-:
~ . . Subject:
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition, With the ANSI/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Paras. 308.2.1 and 308.2.4; Use of Slip-On Flanges; Cyclic loading
December 2, 1986
Question (1): Does ANSI/ ASMEB31.3 permit the use of slip-on flanges in services where cyclic
loading is caused by pressure variations?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): Does ANSI/ASME B31.3 permit the use of slip-on flanges under severe cyclic
conditions, if safeguarded?
Reply (2); Yes.
Question (3): What is meant by safeguarding, and how is it achieved when a flange is subjected
to cyclic loading due to pressure variations?
Reply (3): See Appendix G.
Question (4): Does ANSI/ ASME B31.3 permit the use of welding methods other than those in Fig.
327.4.2B for services not listed in para. 308.2.1?
Reply (4): Yes, see para. 327.4.2(b).
Question (5): What is the difference between cyclic loading and severe cyclic conditions?
Reply (5): Severe cyclic conditions are defined in para. 300.2. Cyclic loading refers to any type
of cyclic service other 'than severe cyclic conditions.
Interpretation: 5-13
5-13, 5-14
Date Issued:
B31.3 Interpretations No.5
ANSI/ ASME 831.3-1984 Edition, With the ANSI/ ASME 831.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 327.4.1A, Limitations on Imperfections in Welds-Internal Porosity
December 2, 1986
1': ... '
~ .. ::'
Question (1): In ANSI! ASME 831.3, Table 327.4.1 A, under internal porosity forfillet, socket, seal
and reinforcement attachment welds, the wording NA (not applicable) is indicated. Does this mean
that radiographic examination is not required (or this type of joint configuration?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): What limitations on imperfections for porosity are specified by the Code if the
engineering design requires radiographic examination of socket welds but does not specify limitations
for porosity as required by para. 336.6, Supplementary Examination? .
Reply (2): None.
Interpretation: 5-14
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME 831.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME 831.3a-1984 Addenda,
Para. 323.3 and Table 323.3.5, Impact Testing Methods-Specific Limitations
December 2, 1986
Question (1): In accordance with ANSI! ASME 831.3, is - 20F an acceptable design temperature
for A 53 and A 106 materials without impact testing?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): In accordance with ANSI/ ASME 831.3, is there a minimum thickness limitation
within which carbon steel materials can be used without impact testing?
Reply (2): No.
831.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-15
5-15,: 5-16
Date Issued:
ANSI/ ASME 631.3-1984 Edition With Addenda through ANSI/ ASME
631.3b-1986, Para. 319.3.6, Table 0-1, Flexibility Factor and Stress Intensification
December 2, 1986
Question: What flexibility or stress intensification factors should be used for reinforced or unrein-
forced branch connections intersecting the run at less than 90 deg.?
Reply: The determination of the flexibility or stress intensification factors for component geome-
tries not included in Appendix 0 is the responsibility of the designer (see also para. 319.3.6).
Interpretation: 5-16
Date Issued:
ANSI/ ASME 631.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ ASME 631.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 327.4.1 A, Porosity limitations
May 5, 1987
Question: In ANSI/ASME 631.3, Table 327.4.1A, Note (3) specifies porosity limits using f..,.
When evaluating the limitations on a radiographic image, is T
used, or is the thickness t used as
f i ~ in 6PV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4?
Reply: The thickness t is used. f.., in Note (3) is used to define a division of limitations.
Interpretation: 5-17
B31.3 Interpretations No.' 5
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME 631.3-1984 Edition, Para. 327.4.1 and Table 327.4.1A, Acceptance
Criteria for Tungsten Inclusions
May 5, 1987
Question (1): In accordance with ANSI/ ASME 631.3, Table 327.4.1 A, are elongated tungsten
inclusions evaluated as'an elongated indication?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): In accordance with ANSI/ASME 631.3, Table 327.4.1A, what acceptance criteria
arE:! used to evaluate tungsten inclusions which are not elongated?
Reply (2): ANSI/ASME 631.3 does not address tungsten inclusions which are not elongated.
Consideration will be given for the development of criteria.
Interpretation: 5-18
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME 631.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME 831.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 327.4.1 A, Requirements For Unexamined Girth 6utt Welds
May 5, 1987
':' <
Question (1): Is it a requirement of ANSI/ASME 831.3 that girth butt welds which have not been
visually examined or radiographed, in a designated lot which required only the Code's minimum 5%
radiography, be capable of complying with the limitations on imperfections as specified in Table
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): Assuming the Engineering Design requires fabrication to ANSI/ASME 631.3, requir-
ing the minimum' 5% visual examination and random radiography of girth butt welds, what is the
minimum weld quality required by the Code for butt welds which have not been individually examined,
but were represented by a successful random visual and radiographic examination?
Reply (2): See Question (1) and Reply (1). The Code accepts such welds subject to leak testing.
Note: The Code assumes that the 5% which were required to be examined will be representative of
the entire lot, but a guarantee of such is a contractual matter to be specified by the engineering design.
See Note (1), Table 327.4.16.

831.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-19
5 9 ~ 5-20
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition With Addenda Through ANSI/ASME
B31.3b-1986, Table 323.2.2, Toughness Test Requirements- Required Heat
May 5, 1987
Question: In accordance with ANSI/ ASME B31.3, Table 323.2.2, when the conditions of Note
(2) are met, may the material be furnished in any heat treated condition that conforms to the material
specification? .
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: 5-20
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME B31.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME B31.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 327.4.1 A, Acceptance Criteria for Welds
May 5, 1987
I ' '}
Question (1): In accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.3, Table 327.4.1A, for surface porosity and
exposed slag inclusion (3/16 in. nominal wall thickness and less) imperfections, should there be some-
thing listed under "When Required Examination Is:"
Reply (1): No. S ~ the requirements in para. 336.5.
Question (2): In ANSI/ASME B31.3, Table 327.4.1A, for surface porosity and exposed slag
inclusion (3116 in. nominal wall thickness and less) imperfections, listed under each weld type are the
words "None permitted." Is this requirement excessively stringent?
Reply (2): No, considering the limitations of the required examination methods. (Please note that
Table 327.4.1A has been relocated and revised as Table 341.3.2A in Addenda b of ANSI/ASME
Question (3): In accordance with ANSI/ ASME B31.3, what acceptance criteria should be applied
to surface porosity for wall thickness greater than 3116 in.?
Reply (3): ANSI/ASME B31.3 does not address acceptance criteria for surface porosity for wall
thickness greater than 3/16 in.
Interpretation: 5-21
831.3 Interpretations No. 5
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME 631.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME 631.3a-1984 Addenda,
Table 323.2.2, Lower Temperature Limitations
May 5, 1987
Question: Is it the intent of ANSI/ ASME 631.3, Table 323.2.2, Note (2), to apply to deposited
weld metal and heat affected zone in Column 6, 60x 2?
Reply: Yes.
Interpretation: 5-22
Date Issued:
ANSI/ASME 631.3-1984 Edition With the ANSI/ASME 631.3a-1984 Addenda,
Introduction and Para. 337.1, Scope and Applicability of Code
MayS, 1987
Question (1): Are current ANSI/ ASME631 .3 requirements applicable to new construction and to
revisions and replacements of piping in existing facilities?
Reply (1): Yes.
Question (2): When applied to revisions of piping in an existing facility, what is the intent of
ANSI/ ASME 631.3, para. 337.1 "Prior to initial operation .."?
Reply (2): It applies to the portion of a piping system on which work was performed.
Question (3): Is it intended that the current Edition of the ANSI/ASME 631.3 Code apply retroac-
tively to piping in existing facilities?
Reply (3): No. See the Introduction.
Question (4): If it has been determined that the ANSI/ ASME 631.3 Code Section is applicable,
whose responsibility is it for compliance and for establishing the requirements for design, construction,
examination, and testing of piping systems?
Reply (4): The owner's.
Question (S): What is required by OSHA standards in the examination and testing of piping?
Reply (5): ANSI/ASME 631.3 does not address the application of regulatory requirements.

831.3 Interpretations No. 5
Interpretation: 5-23
Date Issued:
ANSI/ ASME B31, Hydrotest Preparation
June 11, 1987
Question: Mayall joints, including welds, used in piping systems covered by ANSI/ ASME 831.1,
B31.11 be primed and painted prior to hydrotest?
Reply: Yes.

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