Ap Progress Checklists

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Project Checklist for Graphic Organizer (Mark the date when completed) Name : _____________________________ Topic : ____________________________ 1) ______

2) ______ Read article thoroughly as a group and make sure every group member reads. Construct group graphic organi er based on the !ollowing criteria" ___#ne labeled image relevant to your group$s assigned theory ___%tatements correctly addressing each o! the !our natural selection postulates ___&ach group member contributed at least one statement ') ______ )) ______ Met with one other group that was assigned the opposite theory and e(changed in!ormation. Constructed a second part o! the graphic organi er based on in!ormation gathered !rom another group* includes the !ollowing criteria" ___#ne labeled image relevant to your group$s assigned theory ___%tatements correctly addressing each o! the !our natural selection postulates ___&ach group member contributed at least one statement +) ______ ,iscuss with another group whether each gira!!e population will undergo nnatural selection or not. Remember to e(plain why or why not. -dd to graphic organi er. /atch 0ou1ube video o! 2ill 3ye$s e(planation o! gira!!e evolution ,etermine which theory is more closely related to 2ill 3ye$s e(planation and determine what is happening to each population (adaptation versus acclimati ation). -dd this in!ormation to your group$s graphic organi er. Date : _________

.) ______ 4) ______

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