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New week set up Copy Original Tab Rename Original Tab to this week date (The links stay with the original Tab) Copy and hard paste top section of "previous report weeks data sheet" (Rows 1 to 60) previous weeks tab Paste previous weeks data onto "LOWER SECTION" of this report weeks sheet (Onto row 61 to 120) Copy Livorno current weeks column "C" and paste into column "F" GRAPH Copy and hard paste columns S2 to Y32 into R2 to X32 Cost codes reports from planners Obtain Livorno dwd manhrs- from Susan Samual & Paste Livorno dwd manhrs into Livorno Tab Copy and hard paste planners CC reports Copy and hard paste planners CC reports into relevant CC sheets Check rows 124 to 130 to ensure numbers have been calculated in summary sheet Check rows 137 to 143 to make sure that the "WEEK" values increased the same as the "CUMMULATIVE" values Narratives Locate last weeks production project summary report email Select "REPLY ALL" Each planner will submit there current weeks naratives explaining CPI and SPI variance Printing PDF each CC Tab that has been progressed into new folder 2010 12 xx There are Summary's for projects that have not yet started - When started change the o to x in cloumn A and B Apply filter to Column A select x Remove filter from Column A Apply filter to Column B select x Print Graph In order insert all printed sheets into Production Project Summary Report WE XX Dec 10 Send to Hemant for approval, once approved by Hemant send to all recipients The End


Check if any new lines have been inserted - add new lines if required May have to click in formula bar and hit enter to calculate from CC sheets Some minor "adjustments" may be made

Check that it is explained properly

Some projects have not started yet Save PDF as compare Save as Production Project Summary Report WE XX Dec 10 Save

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