Web Quest Marking Rubric-2

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Web quest marking rubric

Name: Lesson 1 Learning area: Science Strand: Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions (ACSSU112) Tagxedo brainstorm Objective: Demonstrate prior knowledge by completing tagxedo brain storm. Yes Student completed brainstorm. Student adjusted font style or size. Student created personalised shape. Student experimented with colour options. Students ideas were relevant to the topic. Food web activity Objective: Complete food web activity in an appropriate time frame. Yes Food web was completed correctly. Food web was completed in an appropriate timeframe. Smore Objective: Create pamphlet on organism from food web activity using ICT program Smore. Yes Student successfully created a pamphlet. Pamphlet was interesting and well presented. Information was relevant and well structured. No Comment No Comment No Comment Date:

Used adequate spelling grammar and text organisation/layout. Answered all set questions. Students worked well with partner. Student blog contribution Yes Comment on other students blog Personal reflection No Comment

Name: Lesson 2


Learning area: Science Strand: Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions (ACSSU112)
Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts (ACELY1728)

Objective: Construct a book on responsible and sustainable fishing practices using apple book creator.

Yes Students worked collaboratively in groups. Book addressed set topics from the PowerPoint. Students created a creative and engaging booklet. Content was age appropriate and would appeal to wider community. Students included extra information or interesting features. Peer assessment Yes Student gave feedback to 3 groups on Kid blog. Students feedback was positive and constructive. Student blog contribution Yes Comment on other students blog Personal reflection







Name: Lesson 3


Learning area: Science Strand: There are differences within and between groups of organisms; classification helps organise this
diversity (ACSSU111)

Objective: Create a flowchart, visual representation of the ways sea animals live together in their habitat




Demonstrate the differences between the types of groups of animals, students then

Demonstrate understanding of the key concepts

Use the Information communication technologies appropriately Work collaboratively in a group situation

Student blog contribution Yes Comment on other students blog Personal reflection No Comment

Name: Lesson 4


Learning area: Science Strand: Create a visual representation of how the crown of thorns starfish can change a tropical reef
environment Slide.ly presentation Yes Ability to answer the inquiry based questions relevant to the topic No Comment

Demonstrate understanding of how a sea creature can change the environment in which they live

Use the appropriate links shared on blend space, to research topic Formulating and representing an insightful and intelligent response to inquiry question

Student blog contribution Yes Comment on other students blog Personal reflection No Comment

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