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Lesson Title: What does it mean to immigrate?

Lesson #:13 Kathryn Grell General Objective: What struggles do immigrants face during immigration? Specific Objectives: looking at issues from someone elses perspective helps us to grow in understanding and empathy Knowledge: historic & contemporary issues affect real people and how they feel Skill: engage in active inquiry and critical thinking; Language: students will be introduced to the terms criteria inclusion exclusion Introduction (i.e. Bridge): Just like we couldnt accept everyone yesterday who needed a class, Canada cant accept everyone who wants to immigrate Pre-Assessment: create a special section of the room with pillows, plants, etc. Have a written list of entry criteria (wearing blue shirt, wearing a shirt, no jeans) With the class still separated discuss how it feels to be accepted/ included and how it feels to be denied entry ask for examples from books weve read too Does anyone know anything about some of Canadas criteria? Participatory Learning: Time 10 minute 10 minute 15minute Participation (teacher) pre-assessment sorting teacher is facilitating Brainstorm how Canada influences who comes and who doesnt in table groups have students look at immigration forms, articles and cartoon about immigration process, how refugees are aided, how businesses help economic immigrants.. monitor Participation (student) moving; discussion talking noting in partially filled note taking sheet each group member read 1, summarizes and presents it. Then as a group try to create written summary of the most important points

in table groups and compare and contrast handout puzzle pieces about how their characters experience character experienced the immigration process 3 minute Today we learned that immigration is a complex and experienced differently by different people. Tomorrow we will get to hear from some immigrants. Homework option 1) relate a story about how you interacted with an immigrant or about a situation you saw involving an immigrant. This can be a story or a cartoon Was this an example of inclusion or exclusion? or 2) imagine you had to immigrate to Mexico. Look up the weather, the language, the food What might make you feel excluded or included? Or 3) write 5 excellent questions to ask our guest tomorrow? Options 1 &2 are due in 2 days option 3 is due tomorrow Post-Assessment: ask class to remind us of what inclusion and exclusion mean and what criteria are. What would be an unfair criteria and what would be a fair one? Transition: Tomorrow we will get to hear about some of these different immigration experiences I want you to think of how these relate to our story Matchbox Diary and how they relate to our experience this morning with the special corner Possible Modifications: cut info down to 1 article and a cartoon; instead of summarizing note key points: Research Connections: Baranowski, Michael. Wier, Kimberly.(2010). Power and Politics in the Classroom: The Effect of Student Roles in Simulations. Journal of Political Science Education, v6 n3 p.217-226. This work discuss the importance of children feeling empowered to effective learning. The lesson aims at turning the table and letting them start without power and then develop it through examining the fairness of the selection criteria. 12 minute

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