Football: FOOTBALL, The Most Popular Sport in The World Today

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FOOTBALL, the most popular sport in the world today

Football is the game which is played on the rectangular grass. It is played with the ball. In this game, the goalkeeper is the only player who allowed to use his hands and arms to catch and pass the ball to the rest of his team. The main purpose of the game is to score by kicking the ball into the opposing goal. and The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. The width of the fields for the non-international matches is in the range of 50-100 yards and the length is in the range of 100-130 yards. The international adult matches may be 64-75 meters in width and the 100-110 meters in length. In the front of each goal, there is also a one area for the penalty. Football game has been established with the team sport and it is played by two teams of 11 players. It is one of the most popular

games in the world. In this game, the points are scored in a variety of ways, by throwing the ball to another player, including carrying the ball over the goal line or kicking the ball through the goal posts on the opposing side. The main object of the game is to score a point by just kicking the ball into the goal of the other team. There is also a one referee and the two assistant referees. The basic equipment for the players are required to wear a footwear, shorts, socks, shirt and adequate shin guards. But the goalkeeper must wear clothes which are easily distinguished from that worn by the other players and the match officials. football is very exciting , it makes you wait to the last minute in the match to know the result because the result of the match is determined only by the whistle of the referee that ends the game. Practicing football also improves the team work in the players, it is not important who will score the goal, the most important is to make the team win the match. So I think it is an interesting and exciting game to watch and play.

Name/ Moaz Abdelmeguid Mohamed Class/ 9-G Teacher / Elisha Sanjab

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