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Measurement and Instrumentation Experiment No. #9 P ase An!"e Measurement #it inte!rated $ir$uits
I. O%&e$ti'e
Pro$eed a$$ordin! to t e *o""o#in! steps. Step , Ad&ust t e si!na" !enerator *re(uen$) to 7.. 89 and t e si!na" amp"itude to ,1. Step : Measure and re$ord t e output 'o"ta!e o* t e R3 *i"ter #it a d$ meter. Step ; Re$ord 'o"ta!e #a'e*orms at di**erent points. Step 6 Repeat steps : < ; *or 3 = ..,u*+ ..::u* and ,..u*.

To measure t e p ase an!"e %et#een t#o a$ (uantities usin! mu"tip")in! t)pe p ase dete$tor.


Measurement te$ ni(ue

T e t#o si!na"s are mu"tip"ied usin! an ana"o! XNOR $ir$uit. T e output o* t e XNOR $ir$uit is amp"i*ied and amp"itude "imited to !i'e s(uare #a'e. T is si!na" is *urt er pro$essed t rou! an a%so"ute 'a"ue amp"i*ier and t en t rou! a "o# pass *i"ter. T e *ina" output is a d$ 'o"ta!e and is re"ated to p ase an!"e %)+


Dra# t e p ase an!"e 's. 'o"ta!e output $ur'e. 3a"i%rate p ase an!"e readin!s. Exp"ain t e #or2in! prin$ip"e o* t e experimenta" $ir$uit.

V = ,-. , out de!ree V peak

1pea2 is t e OPAMP output pea2 'o"ta!e at saturation.



So*t#are simu"ation
Simu"ate t e experimenta" $ir$uit in 4i!. , #it PSPI3E. See t e e**e$ts o* $ an!in! t e R3 parameters o* t e "oad.

Experimenta" 3ir$uit
T e $ir$uit dia!ram is s o#n in 4i!. ,. Use an OPAMP /uA56,0 instead o* t e summin! node and in'ertin! !ain. Use a pre$ision *u"" #a'e re$ti*ier instead o* t e ABS %"o$2.

4i!. , Mu"tip")in! t)pe p ase an!"e measurin! $ir$uit >a9i Mu&i%ur Ra man+ Department o* E"e$tri$a" < E"e$troni$ En!ineerin!+ BUET+ D a2a. .6?.9?,6

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