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Appendix 1



Year Level: 7 Learning Area: Science



Students Prior Knowledge: Have knowledge of food chains and food webs and their structure and organisation. The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (ACSS !"#$ Have been shown how to log into computer and %id blog.

Strand/Topic from t e Australian !urriculum: &nteractions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs' human activity can affect these interactions (ACSS (()$ "eneral !apa#ilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson) Literac$ %umerac$ &!T !ritical and (t ical competence creative #e aviour t in'ing !ross)curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson) A#original and Torres Strait &slander istories and cultures Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) Asia and Australias engagement wit Asia Sustaina#ilit$

Personal and Social competence

&ntercultura l understandi ng

Lesson *#+ectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb) As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: -

*emonstrate understanding by completing a mind map using tag+edo.

Complete food web activity in an appropriate time frame. Create pamphlet on organism from food web activity using &CT program Smore.

Teac ers Prior Preparation/*rganisation: ,inks to weebly site ,inks to Tag+edo Appropriate numbers of computers- &CT resource ,inks and e+ample of smore %idblog log in information Check weebly site and links

Provision for students at educational ris': - .or group activities students are paired according to their abilities. - Students with learning disabilities will have aid support or can sit with the teacher as complete the lesson together.

L(SS*% (,AL-AT&*% .to #e completed A/T(0 t e lesson1 Assessment of Lesson *#+ective and Suggestions for &mprovement:

Teac er self)reflection and self)evaluation:

/*//&!&AL -S( *%LY0 Comments by classroom teacher1 H2331 supervisor:


L(SS*% D(L&,(0Y .attac wor's eets2 e3amples2 mar'ing 'e$2 etc2 as relevant1 0esources/0eferences 4otivation and &ntroduction: Align these with the segment where they will be introduced. Today we are going to begin our web4uest. Can anybody tell me what a web5uest is6 &n this web5uest we will be e+ploring the ocean1 and the animals which live in it. 7e will focus on the idea of sustainability and the impact human activity can have on our environment. This will run over # lessons and we will be using a range of &CT tools to present and display our findings. .irst of all we will need to log onto our weebly site which will be our home base for activities.

Students will log on to the weebly site and click on the introduction page. &nform students about the kidblog set up1 provide the password and class number 8ake sure students understand how to snip and embed their work into their blog. 9+plain to students that all work uploaded to kidblog will be assessed. 3ersonal and peer reflection is also re4uired at the end of each session.

www.undertheseaandme. 7illiamsclass-

Teacher will address any 4uestions or concerns. Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & ey !uestions): &ntro: 7atch ;outube clip sparking prior knowledge <ideo about the food chains: Student will begin by compiling a diagnostic brainstorm using tag+edo. This brainstorm should include all prior knowledge relevant ideas Teacher will verbali=e instructions from weebly and assist students with the task. 9mbedded link

Students will upload the tag+edo to the class kidblog. Students will proceed to food web activity page. After completing food web activity and uploading their web to kid blog1 students will be given an organism to research. Students will then create a pamphlet using Smore1 They will address the following criteria: : "rophic level # $abitat # %pecial features& interesting facts # 'iet # (redators> windows-home.html

Lesson !losure:()eview lesson ob*ectives with students) Students will upload their Smore pamphlets to kid blog and give feedback to other groups. 3ersonal reflection is also re4uired1 students have the opportunity to highlight their strengths and weakneses. Teacher will review lesson and e+plain the &CT used within the lesson.

Transition: (+hat needs to happen prior to the ne,t lesson-) Students will log off computers and await further instruction. Assessment: .+ere the lesson ob*ectives met- $ow will these be *udged-) Assessment rubrics will be used for each session1 see teachers page on website.

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