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All images taken from www.lifeprint.

com Retrieved November 28, 2012

Tegan Waters

Visual Input Enhancement and the Deaf Learner

Please choose one of the three topics below, and write a single paragraph (between eight and ten sentences) about that topic. Leave a blank line in between each line of your writing. ~ My best friend ~ My first job ~ My worst day

The writing below includes visual enhancement about one of the structures were learning. What do you notice? Talk with a partner and decide what the rule is for the simple past tense.

We worked for many hours until we finished the project. It was completed in time and we presented it to the class. They liked it very much, and applauded for our presentation.

Next, read the text of the paragraph I will display in just a minute. Read it over several times. After a few minutes, I will take the paragraph down. You must get with a partner and re-write as much of the paragraph as you can remember.

Yesterday my friend and I ran a few errands. First we went to a local store and bought a CD that was released last Saturday. Then, we visited the Farmers market. It was held indoors because the owners expected snow on the ground. After we left the market, we ate a delicious lunch of the stuffed cabbage that we purchased from a nice German lady who worked at the market.

Your final test is a grammaticality judgment test. The test consists of two parts. In the first part, you will be given two sentences, one of which is ungrammatical. You must choose the letter of the ungrammatical sentence. In the second portion of the grammaticality judgment test, you will be given an ungrammatical sentence and you must re-write it so that it is grammatical.

Part One (a) Our friends are playing cards in the living room (b) Ana is write a letter to her mother right now

Part Two (a) Last year my counselor help me with my schedule (b) **Please re-write the sentence above to make it grammatical**

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