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By Kyle Maher

Giralang 2014:
Is taught by Ms Suey
Has 30 students Is a year 5/6 class

Is a very busy class

There are 13 girls and17 boys.

Reading groups
In reading groups, the class has six groups. They are

group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5 and group 6. During this time they break off into their groups and do the activity that their group is doing on that day.

This term, Giralang is learning about Antarctica. They

have learnt about penguins and other animals that live there. They have also learnt about explorers that have been to Antarctica such as Sir Douglas Mawson.

In maths, Giralang have been focusing on times tables and division. They do maths after lunch everyday like most other classes do.

In spelling, Giralang have the same spelling words for

two weeks so they have time to practice and learn their words. They start with a pre-test and end with a posttest.

In art, they have been learning how to draw whales

and penguins. They have competitions on who has the best drawing and so on.

For sport, Giralang been practising for the cross

country. When it is raining they play silent ball inside.

In the library, Giralang have borrowing on Thursday

and have library lessons on Tuesday.

That is the information on the class Giralang. They are

a very busy class.

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