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Field Assignment 09-01 Worksheet for Identifying Concerns

1. How do you think about yourself as a teacher? Explain. As a teacher I see myself as loving and caring towards my students I see myself being respectable of family and culture and being a resource to child and family.

2. How do you support childrens learning and development? Give some examples. I would support childrens learning and development by getting to know each child as an individual, getting to know the child/children areas of strength and weakness and taking this knowledge into consideration when planning my curriculum in effort to help each child reach his/her full potential.

3. How do you partner with families? Give some examples. I would partner with families by providing them with resources to help with their child/children development, I would be an advocate for child/family and last but not lease I would work with the family to better help the child/children achieve his/her full potential; as the family would know the child/children best.

4. How do you collaborate with other professionals? Give some examples. I would collaborate with other professionals by having meetings, attending trainings together, learn how to accept positive criticism and by asking for help if I need it.

5. What are the influences on you of program variables such as mentors, team meetings, and so on? How doe these effect you? Give some examples. Mentors, team meeting and so on would effect me in a positive way, as it would give assurance that I have support form a team of people who care and wants to see me succeed.

6. What are the influences of external system variables such as state and national guidelines, licensing requirements, etc.? How do these affect you? Give some examples.

For me the important thing is knowing the guidelines and staying with in them.

7. What other concerns/questions do you have about being a professional in the field? My concern about being a professional in the field is being an advocate for a child, especially if the parent is not concern about what I find concerning when it comes to the child.

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