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*ibo+'et /! A+bas /! #+bo+rd'e+ ! )+benovitch ! Capdevi'a F! Ath's -. 3enera' Anaesthesia; -ata' and non -ata' Cardiac Arrest )e'ated to Anaesthesia. #epartment o4 Anaesthesio'og( and Critica' Care. 2000. 32?=332 1o+nker #! )eeves=Giets $! 3opinanth "/! /eter! &sai 0H! 2oon &$! C+Cick $2. Cardiac Arrest +pon 0nd+ction i4 3enera' Anaesthesia; &ransesophagea' ,choceardiograph(=assisted #iagnosis o4 0mpending /arado:ica' ,mbo'+s. Anaesthesio'og(. 2007. 111;?A7=<0 0rita' %! %awashima 1! $owao(. Ann+a' morta'it( and morbidit( in operating room. A s+mmar( o4 morbidit( and morbidit( between 1777 and 2002 in apan; a brie4 review. 2as+i. 2008. .3;320=33.



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