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Frequently, the conditional is used to express probability, possibility, wonder or conjecture, and is usually translated as would, could, must have or probably.

Next, let's look at some specific uses of the conditional.

To express speculation about the past: Aqul da correran ms de veinticinco kilmetros.


That day they must have run more than 25 kilometers. To express the future from the perspective of the past: Yo saba que abriran la tienda a las siete. I knew that they would open the store at seven o'clock. To express hypothetical actions or events which may or may not occur: Sera interesante estudiar chino. It would be interesting to study Chinese. To indicate what would happen were it not for some certain specific circumstance: Yo viajara pero no tengo dinero. I would travel but I don't have money. For polite use to soften requests: Por favor, podra decirme a qu hora abre la gasolinera? Could you please tell me what time the gas station opens? To ask for advice: Cul comprara Ud.? Which one would you buy? For reported speech: Juan dijo que terminara el trabajo. Juan said that he would finish the work. To express what would be done in a particular situation: Hablaras ingls en Espaa? Would you speak English in Spain? No. Hablara espaol. No. I would speak Spanish.






USAGE EXPRESSIONS WHICH ALWAYS TAKE SUBJUNCTIVE para que / de modo que Llevar un paraguas para que no nos mojemos. in order that / so that I'll take an umbrella so that we don't get wet. without He went without me realising. on condition that I'll tell you where we are going to be on condition that you don't come. provided that / as long as I'll do it tonight provided that you don't bother me any more. it's doubtful that It's doubtful that he'll come. unless We'll stay at home unless it's sunny.

sin que Se fue sin que me diera cuenta. a condicin que Te dir dnde vamos a estar a condicin que no vengas. con tal que Lo har esta noche con tal que no me molestes ms. *no es seguro que No es seguro que venga. a no ser que Quedaremos en casa a no ser que haga sol.

es posible que Es posible que vayamos a la playa maana.

it's possible that It's possible that we'll go to the beach tomorrow.


es probable que Es probable que llueva maana. hasta que Tienes que quedar hasta que lo hayas terminado. It's likely to rain tomorrow. until You have stay until you've finished it.

EXPRESSIONS WHICH SOMETIMES TAKE SUBJUNCTIVE cuando* (when referring to the future) Ven cuando quieras. antes (de) que* (when referring to the future) Vmonos antes de que lleguen. despus de que* (when referring to the future) Ir a casa despus de que todos se hayan ido. en cuanto / tan pronto como* (when referring to the future) Llmame en cuanto llegue. mientras* (when referring to the future or unknown) Mientras me pague, no me importa. siempre que* (when referring to the future or unknown) Puedes quedar siempre que no te muevas. quiz(s) / tal vez / acaso** when Come when you want. before Let's go before they arrive. after I'll go home after they've all gone. as soon as Phone me as soon as he arrives.

as long as As long as he pays me, I don't mind.

provided / providing You can stay provided you don't move.


* When these verbs refer to the future or the unknown they are followed by the subjunctive. When they express something habitual you don't use the subjunctive: e.g. Me matar cuando se entere. = He'll kill me when he finds out. BUT Siempre nos ayuda cuando es necesario. = She always helps us when necessary. ** They can be followed by the subjunctive or indicative. When the subjunctive is used, there is a greater degree of doubt. e.g. Quiz se han equivocado. Perhaps they've made a mistake. Quiz lo haga maana. Perhaps I'll do it tomorrow. (more doubt)



(wanting, requesting, permitting, forbidding, causing, necessity) querer que Quieres que me vaya? preferir que Sus padres prefieren que estudie medicina. to want Do you want me to go? to prefer His parents would prefer him to study medicine. to ask He asked me to lend him a thousand pesetas. to forbid I forbid you to speak to me like that. to tell someone to I told him not to do it. to persuade someone to She persuaded me to accept his offer. to be necessary It's not necessary for both of you to go. to have to / must You must go right now. there's no need We don't all need to come tonight.

pedir que Me pidi que le prestara mil pesetas.

prohibir que Te prohbo que me hables as. decir a alguien que Le dije que no lo hiciera. persuadir a alguien de que Me persuadi de que aceptara su oferta. hacer falta No hace falta que os vayis los dos. es preciso* que Es preciso que te vayas ahora mismo. no es preciso que No es preciso que vengamos todos esta noche.

* In general, the construction SER + ADJECTIVE + QUE needs the subjunctive. e.g. Es necesario que vayamos todos. It's necessary for us all to go. Va a ser muy difcil que acepte. It's very unlikely that he'll accept. The exceptions to this are SER + VERDAD and its synomyms (OBVIO, CLARO, EVIDENTE, etc.) e.g. Es verdad que trabaja demasiado. It's true he works too much. Es claro que no ha estudiado. It's clear he hasn't studied. Es evidente que ser cantante como su madre. It's obvious that she'll be a singer like her mother. 2. VERBS OF UNCERTAINTY / DOUBT etc. dudar que Nunca dud que viniera. negar que Neg que hubiera robado la botella. es increble que Es increble que lo hayas credo. to doubt I never doubted that he would come. to deny He denied that he had stolen the bottle. it's incredible that It's incredible that you believed him.


no creer que No creo que seas la persona adecuada para el trabajo. no parecer que No parece que estemos tan distintos. 3. VERBS OF EMOTIONS / EVALUATIONS sentir que Siento que tengas que marcharte. alegrarse de que Me alegro que hayas venido. extraarse de que Me extra de que no nos hubiera visto. tener miedo de que Tengo miedo de que vuelvan. ser raro que Es raro que no lo hayas encontrado. OTHER VERBS esperar (a) que Esperamos a que venga maana. esperar que Espero que no llegues tarde. to expect We expect him to come tomorrow. to hope that to be sorry that I'm sorry you have to go. to be glad I'm glad you came. to be surprised that I was surprised he hadn't seen us. to be afraid / scared I'm scared they'll come back. to be strange that It's strange that you haven't found it. to believe I don't think you're the right person for the job. to not seem We don't seem to be that different.

OTHER USES 1. AFTER A RELATIVE REFERRING TO AN UNSPECIFIC PERSON / THING Buscan un hombre que hable ingls para el trabajo. But: Conozco un hombre que habla ingls. They are looking for a man who speaks English for the job. (unspecific) I know a man who speaks English. (SPECIFIC)

2. AFTER QUE (wishing someone something) Que aproveche! Que tengan un buen viaje! 3. IMPERATIVES Bon apptit! / Enjoy your meal! Have a good journey!


(i) t form negative No lo hagas. (Remember t form affirmative: Sintate aqu - Sit here.) (ii) usted form affirmative / negative Hgalo ahora. No lo haga todava. (iii) ustedes affirmative / negative Hganlo ahora. No lo hagan todava. (iv) vosotros negative No lo hagis. (Remember vosotros affirmative: Cerrad la puerta Close the door.) 4. OJAL Ojal que Ojal que no llueva maana. Let's hope Let's hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Don't do it.

Do it now. Don't do it yet.

Do it now. Don't do it yet.

Don't do it.

5. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (when a future event is improbable or to talk about the past) Si viniera, iramos a ver la Alhambra. Si hubiera sabido, no lo habra hecho. If he came, we'd go to see the Alhambra. If I had known, I wouldn't have done it.







How to Find the Imperfect Subjunctive Stem 3rd person preterite cupieron dieron dijeron imperfect subjunctive stem cupiediedije3rd person preterite pidieron pudieron pusieron imperfect subjunctive stem pidiepudiepusie-

infinitive caber dar decir

infinitive pedir poder poner


infinitive dormir estar haber hacer ir leer 3rd person preterite durmieron estuvieron hubieron hicieron fueron leyeron imperfect subjunctive stem durmieestuvie hubiehiciefueleyeinfinitive preferir querer saber sentir ser 3rd person preterite prefirieron quisieron supieron sintieron fueron imperfect subjunctive stem prefiriequisiesupiesintiefuetraduje-

traducir tradujeron

tuvieron tuvietrajeron trajetener traer While all conjugations (-ar, -er, -ir) have the same endings in the imperfect subjunctive, there are two options for endings for the imperfect subjunctive. The first option is used widely in speech in Spain, Latin America, and South America. The second option is used more in written language in Spain. Imperfect Subjunctive Endings: 2 Options! 1st option (more common) yo t usted, l, ella nosotros vosotros -ra -ras -ra 2nd option (Spain only) yo t usted, l, ella -se -ses -se -semos -seis

-ramos nosotros -rais vosotros

-ran -sen ustedes, ellos, ellas ustedes, ellos, ellas Tricky Nosotros All nosotros verb forms will carry a tilde on the vowel before the ending. Conjugation Examples hacer (hicie -) 2nd option hablase hablases hablase

hablar (habla-) 1st option yo t usted, l, ella hablara hablaras hablara

traducir (traduje-) 1st option 2nd option | 1st option | 2nd option hiciera hicieras hiciera hiciese hicieses hiciese | tradujera | tradujese | tradujeras |tradujeses | tradujera | tradujese

nosotro hablramo hablsemo s vosotro s ustedes , ellos, ellas hablaran hablasen s hablarais s hablaseis

hiciramo hicisemo | tradujramos |tradujsemo s hicierais s hicieseis s | tradujerais |tradujeseis



| tradujeran |tradujesen


1. The Independent Clause is in the Past
If the WEIRDO verb (independent clause) is in the preterite or the imperfect, then the subjunctive verb that follows will also be imperfect. Quera que vinieras/vinieses a mi fiesta. (I wanted you to come to my party.) Tena miedo de que no lloviera/lloviese. (I was scared it wouldnt rain.)

2. The Independent Clause Refers to a Previous Occurrence

This is used to express current emotions, doubts, etc. about something that happened in the past. Es bueno que (l) se casara/casase. (Its good that he got married.) No me parece que el viaje fuera/fuese largo. (It doesnt seem to me that they journey was long.)

3. To Indicate Unlikely Events

Use Ojal or ojal que to express the idea of hoping for something that is unlikely to happen or are impossible. Ojal que nevara/nevase en Panam maana. (I hope it snows in Panama tomorrow.) Ojal mi hermano se casara/casase. (I wish my brother would get married.)

4. If Clauses
When introduced with si (if) the imperfect subjunctive can support an independent clause which introduces a dependent conditional clause. These are usually situations that are not very likely. Si yo fuera/fuese reina, viajara por todo el mundo. (If I were queen, I would travel all over the world.) Pintara ms seguido si tuviera/100064/tuviese ms tiempo. (I would paint more often if I had more time.)

1) Conjugate each verb in parenthesis to the imperfect subjunctive (both options) to complete each sentence. Example: El recomend que yo (aprender) espaol. -' aprendiera, aprendiese 1. 2. 3. 4. Necesitaba que t (venir) temprano. No pensabas que yo (poder) hacerlo. Me alegr que vosotros me (comprar) este regalo. Mi madre tena miedo que la (picar) las araas.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Yo quera que mis abuelos (viajar). Si (tener) ms dinero, comprara un coche nuevo. Queramos que nos (mudar) a otra ciudad. Querra que ella me (escribir) una carta. Ojal que (llover) maana. Me asust de que t (ir) a la fiesta.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. vinieras, vinieses pudiera, pudiese comprarais, compraseis picaran, picasen viajaran, vijasen tuviera, tuviese mudramos, mudsemos escribiera, escribiese lloviera, lloviese fueras, fueses


To address condition, use estar (essence). Estar is an irregular verb. It does not follow the standard rules of conjugation for regular -ar verbs. Therefore, you must memorize it.
estar estoy ests est estamos estis estn

To address an essential quality, use ser (condition). Ser is also irregular and must be memorized.
ser soy eres es


somos sois son

If you are talking about what something is, use ser; if you are talking about how something is, use estar.
What is she like? She is quiet. Use ser: Ella es callada. How is she acting? She is being quiet. Use estar: Ella est callada.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Gema est en Australia (Gema is in Australia). Los nios estn callados (the children are quiet). Estamos de acuerdo (we are in agreement). Qu ests comiendo? (What are you eating?).



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Son las dos de la tarde Ellos son de Espaa Soy profesor Soy espaol Mi hermano es catlico La mesa es de madera El coche es mo/tuyo/suyo/nuestro/vuestro/suyo Ella es mi hermana Est lloviendo La cena es en mi casa La nieve es blanca

Periphrasis Construction
Many verb phrases have a helper verb, which is fully conjugated, but doesnt provide the main meaning of the verbal phrase, and also a second non-finite verb (an infinitive or a participle) which is not conjugated, but provides the actual action and meaning of the verbal phrase. conjugated verb + (preposition) + non-finite verb (infinitive/participle) Voy a estudiar. (I am going to study.) Has ido a Espaa? (Have you been to Spain?) Estn leyendo un libro. (She is reading a book.)

Common Verbal Periphrases

Many of the most common verbal periphrases are listed below, grouped by the function of the second verb.


Verb + Infinitive acabar de + infinitivo (to have just done something) acertar a + infinitivo (to manage to do something) acostumbrar a + infinitivo (to get used to doing something) alcanzar a + infinitivo (to be able to do something) cesar de + infinitivo (to cease to do something) comenzar a + infinitivo (to being to do something deber + infinitivo (to have to do something) dejar de + infinitivo (to stop doing something) echar(se) a + infinitivo (to burst/break into doing something) empezar a + infinitivo (to begin to do something) estar por + infinitivo (to be on the verge of doing something) estar a punto de + infinitivo (to be about to do something) haber de/que + infinitivo (to have to do something) ir a + infinitivo (going to do something) poder + infinitivo (to be able to do something) ponerse a + infinitivo (to start to do something) quedar por + infinitivo (to remain to do something) llegar a + infinitivo (to come to do something) romper a + infinitivo (to suddenly start doing something) soler + infinitivo (to do something usually) venir a + infinitivo (to come to do something) volver a + infinitivo (to return to do something) tardar en + infinitivo (to take a long time to do something) tener que + infinitivo (to have to do something) terminar de + infinitivo (to finish doing something)

Verb + Present Participle andar + present participle (to be doing something) estar + present participle (to be doing something) ir + present participle (to be gradually doing something) llevar + present participle (to continue to do something from the past) seguir + present participle (to keep doing something) venir + present participle (to have been doing something)

Verb + Past Participle dejar + past participle (to appoint something) haber + past participle (to have done something) - all the perfect tenses llevar + past participle (to have done something) quedar + past participle (to remain something) sentirse + past participle (to have been somethinged - passive) tener + past participle (to maintain a state of something) traer + past participle (to maintain a state of something) verse + past participle (to have been somethinged - passive)


Simple prepositions
Below you will find a list of the most common simple prepositions in Spanish. a ante bajo con to, at before, in the presence of under with desde from, since en entre in, on, at between, among detrs de segn sin sobre tras behind according to without about, on, upon, above, over, around after, behind

hacia until, toward hasta until, toward

contra against

de of, from por for, by para for, in order to See the article on por vs. para for more information on these similar prepositions

In most cases, prepositions are used the same way in Spanish as they are used in English and you will find their placements fairly logical. There are a few, however, that warrant a little extra attention. For each preposition below you will find the occasions it is used most commonly as well as several examples with translations since one preposition in Spanish can have many different translations in English.

This is a very common preposition that can mean to, at, by, or for depending on the manner it is used. It can be used to: indicate motion (to) Fuimos a Espaa. (We went to Spain.) Iremos al museo el martes. (We will go to the museum on Tuesday.)

connect one verb to an infinitive (not translated directly) Vamos a bailar. (We are going to dance.) Empec a leer. (I began to read.)

indicate manner, how something is done (on, by, with) Vamos a pie. (We went on foot.) Lo hice a mano. (I did it by hand.) Escribe a lpiz. (He writes with a pencil.)

introduce a person as a direct object - Personal a (not translated directly) Conoces a Isabela? (Do you know Isabela?)


Veo a mi madre. (I see my mother.)

introduce an indirect object (to, for) Le di el regalo a Celia. (I gave the gift to Celia.) Compr los tomates a Anita. (I bought the tomatoes for Anita.)

express time (at, is) Cenamos a las seis. (We eat dinner at six o'clock.) Estamos a martes. (It is Tuesday.)

This preposition can mean of or from, depending on the use. It can be used to: indicate possession (of) Atlanta es la capital de Georgia. (Atlanta is the capitol of Georgia.) El caf de Manuel (Manuel's cafe)

indicate cause (from, with) Estoy cansada de correr. (I am tired from running.) Estamos contentos de nuestro hijo. (We are happy with our son.)

indicate origin (from, of) Ella es de Uruguay. (She is from Uruguay.) Sonia es la ms inteligente de la familia. (Sonia is the most intelligent of the family.)

describe a noun with another noun or infinitive (of) Un vaso de vino (A glass of wine) El jugo de naranja (Orange juice)

compare (than) Juan es el ms grande de todos los estudiantes del quinto grado. (Juan is the biggest of all 5th grade students.) Hay ms de 10 personas en la clase de historia. (There are more than 10 people in the history class.

and also in idioms De ahora en adelante (From now on) De pie (Standing)

This common preposition can mean in, on, at, about, or by depending on the context. It can be used to:


indicate location (in, on, at) Est en mi mochila. (It is in my backpack.) Pon el cuadro en la pared. (Put the painting on the wall.) Ellos estn en la iglesia. (They are at church.)

to indicate time (in) Fui a Per en el verano. (I went to Peru in the summer.) Vienen en una hora. (They are arriving in one hour.)

to indicate manner, how something is done (by) Vamos a Italia en tren. (We go to Italia by train.) Me voy al doctor en coche. (I go to the doctor by car.)

idioms (see compound prepositions below) En broma (As a joke) En serio (Seriously) En vivo (Live)

a al

- to, at, in, into - to the, at the etc1

al lado de - next to; compared to a partir de - starting from, upwards of alrededor de antes de bajo cerca de como con contra de de - around - before - under - near - as, like with; of, containing (un vaso con gua = a glass of

a travs de - through, across


- against - of; made of; used to make compounds in Spanish - from (when expressing movement)


de del desde despus de detrs de durante en en lugar de en medio de entre fuera de hacia hasta para para por por segn sin sobre tras - (in time expressions) by, in the (morning, day etc) - of the, in the etc1 from, since (used instead of de when stressing notion

of movement, or with times, prices, values)

- after - behind - during, for (a period of time) - in, on2, at - instead of - in the middle of - between, among - outside - towards3 - until, up to - (in time phrases) around, by for: expressing destination, direction, recipient ("brought it for me"), opinion ("for me, it seems...") for: in most other senses ('because of', 'on behalf of', 'in exchange for/per', 'to the value of', 'instead of')

en vez de - instead of

- (indicating place) via, through; throughout; around - according to, depending on - without, -less - on, on top of, above2 behind, from behind; (with time phrases) after, subsequent to


"To Become" in Spanish
There are several different Spanish equivalents for the English verb "to become," depending on several factors. (Note that in English, various verbs like "to get" and "to turn" are sometimes more idiomatic than the literal meaning "to become.") Ponerse is followed by an adjective and indicates an involuntary physical or emotional change. Me puse enfermo en Madrid. Ana se pone roja cuando habla. I got sick in Madrid. Ana turns red when she talks.

Volverse is followed by an adjective and indicates a sudden, profound change. Se volvi loco! Julio se ha vuelto imposible. He went crazy! Julio has become impossible.

Hacerse and llegar a ser are followed by a noun or adjective and indicate a change brought about by effort. Me hice mdico. Es posible hacerse rico en los EEUU? Llegars a ser abogado? Lleg a ser muy popular. I became a doctor. Is it possible to get rich in the US? Are you going to be a lawyer? He became very popular.

Convertirse en and transformarse en are followed by a noun and usually indicate a change to a thing rather than a person. La condicin se convirti en una emergencia mdica. La leche puede tranformarse en queso. The condition turned into a medical emergency. Milk can be turned into cheese.

There are also a number of Spanish verbs which express a specific change and tend to be somewhat more formal. When (se) is in parentheses, the verb may be used both intransitively and reflexively. adelgazar(se) cansarse emocionarse enfadarse enfermar enflaquecer(se) to become thin to get tired to get excited to become angry to become sick to become thin


enfurecerse engordar enloquecer(se) enmudecerse enojarse enorgullecerse enriquecerse enrojecer(se) ensordecer envejecer(se) palidecer to become furious to become fat to go mad to become mute to get angry to become haughty to get rich to become red to become deaf to become old to become pale


Subordinating conjunctions join dependent (subordinate) clauses to main clauses. You can recognize a dependent clause by the fact that it cannot stand alone - its meaning is incomplete without the main clause.

1. Dije que estoy ocupado. - I said that I am busy. The main clause is I said. What did I say? That I am busy. "I am busy" is incomplete without "I said." I might not in fact be busy, but I said that I was.

2. Como no tengo dinero, no puedo ir. - Since I don't have any money, I can't go. The main clause is I can't go. Why can't I go? Because I don't have any money. The idea here is not that I don't want to go, but the fact that I can't go since I don't have any money.

3. Te lo dir cuando nos veamos. - I will tell you when I see you. The main clause is I will tell you. When will I tell you? When I see you. So "I will tell you" is incomplete without the juxtaposition "when I see you."

Some common Spanish subordinating conjunctions: a condicin de que on the condition that a fin de que a menos que antes (de) que aunque bien que como con tal (de) que cuando en caso de que en vista de que hasta que mientras que para que por miedo de que porque so that unless before even though even though as, since provided that, as long as when in case in view of the fact htat until provided that, as long as so that for fear that because


pues puesto que que si sin que siempre que tan pronto como ya que for, because since that if without provided that, as long as as soon as since

Note that many of these conjunctions must be followed by the subjunctive.

Indirect interrogatives sentences are a kind of substantive subordinate sentences
Interrogatives sentences are a type of syntactic structures used to ask for unknown information. Indirect interrogatives are substantive subordinate sentences which have a function in the main phrase: subject (Es un misterio quin ir a la fiesta), direct object (Me pregunt si quera casarme con l), noun complement (la cuestin de si estudiaremos este tema). Indirect interrogative sentences can be total or partial: Total interrogative arent introduce by interrogative words and they are answered by yes or no: Te gusta el libro? Has hecho los deberes? Quieres salir de paseo? Partial interrogatives only affect to a part of the sentence, represented by a pronoun or interrogative adverb: Qu libro te gusta? Quin te llam? Cmo te encuentras? -Total indirect interrogatives are introduced by conjunction si (if). Partial indirect interrogatives are introduced by pronouns or interrogative adverbs ( cmo, cundo, qu, quin...). No s si la obra ha empezado ya. Me pregunto si tiene hermanos. No me dijo quin se lo cont. Ayer dijo qu ejercicios pondr en el examen. Commonly, indirect interrogatives are used as direct object of some verbs as: -Preguntar, decir, explicar, rumorear, gritar, aprender, saber, dudar, ver, or, etc. (ask, say, explain, to be rumoured, scream, learn, know, doubt, see, hear)

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