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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Reading, 3rd Grade Central Focus: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text.

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate Date submitted: 03/14/14 Date taught: 03/17/14 understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Daily Lesson Objective: Given the passage Keeping Vegetables Fresh, students will be able to underline a problem, circle a solution, and provide an example of a question they asked themselves while finding either a problem or a solution. 21st Century Skills: Communication and Collaboration Communicate Clearly and Collaborate with Othersstudents will need to be able to communicate ideas effectively during the group discussion Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Reason Effectively- Students will need to use reasoning skills during the group discussion and the independent practice Life and Career Skills Initiative and Self-Direction- students will be working independently during independent practice.

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary): Function: Display understanding of a learned topic Academic Vocabulary: Problem Solution Asking Answering Comprehension

Prior Knowledge: The students should have a general idea of how to ask and answer questions.


Description of Activities and Setting I will begin the lesson by asking a question. This question will be, What is a strategy that you have practiced using to help you comprehend the text that you are reading? The students should mention that they have practiced asking themselves questions and answering them. I will then ask the students to give me examples of questions that they can ask themselves while reading the text. I will say, Today we will continue practicing asking and answering questions. However, we will focus on finding the problems and solutions of the texts that we read. One way that we can find problems and solutions in stories is to ask ourselves questions. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to clearly identify problems and solutions in the texts that you read. I will begin an interactive read aloud with the book Nate the Great and the Missing Key by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. I will ask the students to be listening for the problem in the story and to give me the thumbs up symbol when they hear it. Other than this, I will model asking and answering myself questions throughout the story, including asking myself about the problem and solution. I will also pause occasionally to ask the students questions about the story and having them turn and talk to a partner about the question I asked. After reading the story and modeling asking and answering questions, we will further discuss what the problem and solution in the story was. I will ask, How did determining the problem and solution help us further comprehend

Time 5 mins.

1. Focus and Review

1 min.

2. Statement of Objective for Student

20 mins.

3. Teacher Input

the story? We will then move on to taking a few notes off of a PowerPoint. Slide 1 will have the title Finding the Problem and Solution to help us further comprehend the text. Slide 2 will have the definitions of problem and solution. Problem: an issue that needs to be solved; Solution: how the problem is solved. 5-8 mins. Students will work in pairs to fill in the missing problem and solution in two different scenarios. Scenario 1: Problem- Sallys mom forgot to send a spoon in her lunchbox to eat her yogurt with. Solution- __________________ Scenario 2: Problem-____________________ Solution- Sally gave her puppy a bath. The students should fill in the blanks with a logical solution and a logical problem that shows that they fully understand the concept. After the students are finished filling in their problems and solutions, I will choose a few students to share what they wrote. As a class, we will determine if their answers are logical and convey an understanding of what problems and solutions are. 5-10 mins. 5. Independent Practice The students will read the passage, Keeping Vegetables Fresh. They will be instructed to underline a problem in the passage and to circle a solution in the passage. At the bottom of the page, they will write one question that they asked themselves to help them find either the problem or the solution. Formative: I will check for understanding by asking questions throughout the lesson. I will also listen to their answers during the guided practice activity to see if they are grasping the concept. 6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills: Summative: They will be given a passage, Keeping Vegetable Fresh. They will have to underline a problem and circle a solution in this passage. At the bottom of the passage, they will write one question that they asked themselves to help them find either the problem or the solution. Correctly completing 3 out of 3 of these components will show mastery. Correctly completing 2 out of 3 of these components will show partial mastery. Correctly completing 1 or 0 out of 3 of these components will show non-mastery. 1 min. In closing, I will reiterate that asking and answering questions about their texts to help them find the problem and solution can help further comprehension. I will encourage them to look for problems and solutions as they read their just right books. I will then release them to begin reading their just right books.

4. Guided Practice

7. Closure

Formative Assessment Results: Through asking questions and listening to their answers throughout the lesson, I can conclude that the students have an understanding of problem and solution. 8. Assessment Results of all objectives/skills: Summative Assessment Results: 13 out of 15 students scored 3/3- Mastery 2 out of 15 students scored 2/3- Partial Mastery

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations ELL Student: Partner this student with the bilingual student in the class who also speaks her native language to help with any translation needs.

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations For struggling readers: Give them the passage to read beforehand so that they can have time to practice reading it before they have to pick out a problem and solution.

For those who finish early: Have another short passage for them to read while the other students finish. Materials/Technology: PowerPoint, Nate the Great and the Missing Key by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Keeping Vegetables Fresh from, paper, pencil References: Mrs. Patience- 3rd Grade teacher Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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