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HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Newfoundland and Labrador Tracey Perry MHA Dis ric of For une Bay!

"a#e La Hune
Marc$ %&' %()* Dear Me+bers of $e U,oc- Selec ion "o++i ee. / is a #leasure for +e o #ro0ide +y $i1$es reco++enda ion of Mr2 3a+es S$e##ard as a 0ery deser0in1 candida e for $e U,oc- 4olun eer Award %()*2 / $a0e -nown $is e5ce# ional youn1 +an for +any years and $a0e always been 0ery i+#ressed wi $ $is co++i +en o $is co++uni y and $is ne0er fal erin1 dedica ion o wor- o i+#ro0e $e 6uali y of life in our re+o e rural re1ion' and indeed $e #ro0ince2 3a+es is an e5 re+ely well rounded and confidan indi0idual $a ne0er $esi a es o lend a $and o a wor $y cause!fro+ $is early in0ol0e+en wi $ $e ,oyal Ar+y "ade s' S uden and Town "ouncils' local #aris$ and $e "anadian ,ed "ross' $e $as always s$own o be an e5 re+ely successful fundraiser and a 1rea ea+ +e+ber $a s ri0es for e5cellen resul s2 ,ecen ly in +y dis ric ' / was 0ery #roud of Mr2 S$e##ard7s in0ol0e+en as Mar-e in1 Direc or for a Le T$e+ Be 8ids Pro9ec $a resul ed in $e :New Be1innin1s "o++uni y Par-; loca ed beside "onrad Fi <1erald Acade+y in En1lis$ Harbour =es 2 / can rela e firs $and $ow fabulous i was o see so +any $a##y faces wor-in1 o1e $er o crea e $is wonderful #lay1round $a will be en9oyed by c$ildren for decades o co+e> His $ard wor- was 1rea ly a##recia ed by all residen s and we cer ainly $an- $i+ for +a-in1 suc$ a 0aluable con ribu ion of $is s-ills and alen s o +a-e our co++uni ies $eal $ier and $a##ier2 / is also 0ery i+#or an o reco1ni<e $e Mr2 S$e##ard7s -een in eres in $e #oli ical #rocess and $is 1rea #assion o see $is s#ecial #lace we li0e in be $e absolu e bes i can be2 / ruly belie0e 3a+es is one of our +os 0aluable 0olun eers w$ose ideas' willin1ness o $el# o $ers' s ren1 $ of c$arac er' and 0ocal ad0ocacy for #olicies and #ro1ra+s $a be er $e li0es of Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans ruly is +a-in1 our #ro0ince a s ron1er and +ore 0ibran #lace o li0e2 As you re0iew $is +any creden ials and 0olun eer effor s' add $e 6uali ies of a ruly en1a1in1 #ersonali y' 6uic- wi ' friendly o#en c$arac er' a second o none ea1erness o learn' all co+bined in a re+ar-ably ar icula e indi0idual' you oo will $a0e e0ery confidence in acce# in1 $is fine youn1 +an as reci#ien of $e U,oc- 4olun eer Award2 / a+ 0ery #leased o offer +y s ron1 endorse+en of Mr2 S$e##ard for $is award as / $a0e no doub $a 3a+es will con inue o be an e5cellen role +odel for all you $ o fully en1a1e in disco0erin1 $ow i+#or an $eir alen s and con ribu ions are o s$a#in1 $e co++uni ies we li0e in2 Sincerely'

Tracey Perry MHA Dis ric of For une!Bay "a#e La Hune

Working for The People of Fortune Bay-Cape La Hune

"ons i uency Office. P2O2 Bo5 *%?' )() Main S ree ' S 2 Alban7s' NL A(H %E( Office P$one. @A(?B!CDE!D))% Toll Free. )!EEE!CDE!D))% Fa5. @A(?B CDE!D(A? Mobile. @A(?B CDE!&(A& E!+ail. TraceyPerryF1o02nl2ca or "arolyn"ollierF1o02nl2ca

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