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Agency Project Who: Sacred Pathways and UNC Chapel Hill Apples Service Learning Students What: Parent-Child

Engagement/Enrichment Reading Activity When: Tuesday, March 11th 2014 Where: Pembroke Elementary School (1st-5th grade) Why: My Field Placement Supervisor has recommended a parent-child engagement project at which time APPLES students from UNC-Chapel Hill will assist in working with parents and children in a reading activity. Free books will be issued to children. Also, parents will be encouraged to periodically either read to their child/children at home and to purchase books instead of toys to continue listening to their children read and/or reading to them. Parents will also be encouraged to get public library cards. Parent-child engagement activities will be beneficial to the child and the parent as well. Parent-child engagement can encourage home reading time, reading for leisure and promotes lifelong reading as well as reading literacy.

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