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I think that I have progressed significantly compared to my last attempt at a magazine.

For example, my first magazine doesnt appear as a proper magazine at all due to the fact that I was at a beginners level with Photoshop. As such, it only contains basic colours and a basic font type with no added enhancements to them. With my music magazine, however, you can see a noticeable difference in the styles. The masthead has a different font style as well as a stroke effect for it to stand out among the picture. The cover lines also contain stroke effects for enhancements but have the same font style in order to keep it consistent with each other.

A similar occurrence had taken place with my contents page. Like my first front cover, my contents page appears to have very little content on it and contains the same basic font style. My music magazine contents page however contain a much more noticeable difference such as a background colour, three different images and two font styles. While it may not contain as much content as a normal music magazine, it does have enough to draw attention towards the audience. The contents page also contains the same colour scheme as my front cover and maintains its consistency throughout.

The use of the double page spread was a new feature as it was completely ignored during the first magazine work. The DPS contains a two different font styles for its information regarding the article and it still follows the colour scheme first established in the front cover of Angel. While it was difficult to follow at first, the use of InDesign was definitely beneficial for my magazine as I could create the double page spread a lot faster and easier compared to if I had done it via Photoshop.

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