Job Portal Documentation

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offering superior services from a global staff of 117, dedicated to making every client and every project our top priority. rom our humble beginnings as an !T consulting firm "e have al"ays maintained our staff as our greatest feature. or us a project is not only measured by end results, but also by the relationship created along the "ay. #e make each project our o"n, not only keeping landmarks but also gaining a greater understanding of our clients during the course of the journey. $o" "e "ork is as important to us as "hat "e accomplish. rom our site project managers to our satellite office logistics personnel, our people are the very heart of our enterprise. #hile many firms offer a transitional staff assembled on a per%project basis, "e maintain a substantial list of employees and long%term contractor relationships enabling us to guarantee a higher degree of e&cellence and competence for our clients. 'll of this means that The Metric Soft has the talent, support and resolves to make even the most unusual project into a viable success. The Metric Soft began business in 1(() as an !nformation Technology *utsourcing +!T*, services provider.

The right combination of e&pertise, affordability, responsiveness and -uality. The Metric soft solutions reflect outsourcing at it best.


rom day one, Metric Soft greatest advantage has been our .beyond possible/ philosophy. !t0s an approach that drives everything "e do.


Metric Soft has the e&pertise and e&perience in managing e&tended teams "ith highly comple& research groups. 1. !ncreasing 1usiness 2alue 2. 3eliable 4lobal 5artner

Increasing B siness Va! es:

The Metric Soft is an established !T consulting and services company offering a "ide range of Soft"are solutions that help deliver superior business value. #e conceptuali6e and develop industry%specific technology solutions that are tailored to our customers7 re-uirements. #e have successfully undertaken and completed !T engagements for global corporations including countries. #e help our customers remain competitive by providing cost%effective and customi6ed solutions in application development and maintenance, enterprise resource planning S'5 and *racle. *ur domain e&pertise in focus areas including 1 S!, Telecom, Manufacturing, !S2s and !nternational *rgani6ations enables us to offer business relevant ortune 899 companies in 8:

Solutions. ;omplementing this domain e&pertise is our focus on -uality. #e are committed to providing consistently high -uality delivery.

3eliable 4lobal 5artner 5roven Track 3ecord ocus on ;ustomer 3elationships le&ible <ngagement Models Seasoned Team

<stablished Soft"are 5rocesses =no"ledge 1uilding


Soft"are development and integration are central to most information systems projects. #e speciali6e in consulting services for any soft"are development life cycle environment. *ur consultant0s focus is on delivering effective soft"are systems to businesses that are committed to any designing and developing tools. #e "ill also provide support for the end users of the soft"are. Millennium offers a complete line of object%oriented development services and technology advantages for "indo"s%centric solutions including project management, development, testing and soft"are support. #e take care of the development process right from 5roblem definition through testing to implementation and support. #e "ill envision your ne" ideas to a -uality business solution. *ur soft"are development strategy has helped our clients achieve higher 3*!, lo"er maintenance cost and greater competitiveness in business.

#e "ill partner "ith your !nformation Technology division to ensure all your application maintenance needs are met. #e "ill "ork "ith you as an e&tension of your division and "e have the high -uality process and the e&pertise to take the challenge and responsibility of maintaining your e&isting portfolio.

Stores of data and information can be the most important assets of an enterprise. *ur highly skilled professionals have e&tensive e&periences in system design and

development using S>? Server, Sybase, @12, *racle, and !nformi&. #e increase the value of large%scale databases through our e&pertise in data modeling, database and data "arehouse design and implementation, and database administration. #e undertake soft"are projects as a fully managed end%to%end service and deliver them "ithin schedules and budgets agreed upon "ith the client. The application development services provided by us span the entire project life cycle from re-uirements analysis, design, development, testing, integration, delivery, and implementation to after%sales support. #e offer the complete suite of traditional S'5 implementation Aservices for S'5 3B and my S'5 1usiness Suite solutions includingC 1usiness 1lueprint !mplementation ;onfiguration !ntegration *ngoing Support 5roject Management

Ra"i# SAP I$"!e$en%a%i&n:

ast implementations of S'5 'll !n *ne "ith industry templates and minimal customi6ation and integration.

Ra"i# En%er"rise P&r%a!:

i&ed price, fi&ed scope S'5 <nterprise portal deployments including role definition, directory integration, employee Self%service functions and vie"s.

SAP '"gra#es:
or customers considering S'5 upgrades to <nterprise or other dictions.

SAP S ""&r% &n De$an#:

Dero entry cost S'5 functional and technical support services, delivered via our technical e&perts.


ull application life cycle management services, backed by contracted Service ?evel 'greements +S?'s,.

SAP Arc(i)ingC
;lean up your S'5 database "ith our 'rchiving services to deliver vastly improved performance.

SAP H&s%ing:
!nfrastructure management for demanding 2E&7 mission%critical S'5 systems.

EMBEDED S*s%e$ In+&r$a%i&n E$,e##e# S*s%e$C

' Special%purpose System in #hich the ;omputer !s ;ompletely encapsulated by the @evice !t ;ontrols.

*ne !nstance *f Some Mathematical *bject ;ontained #ithin 'nother !nstance.

Dis%ri, %e# Genera%i&n:

'lso =no"n 's <mbedded enervation *r @ecentrali6ed 4eneration.

5anasonic idelity 5ratt F #hitney Gike #almart

5fi6er 'lcon ?aboratories, !nc. 'pe& oot $ealth !ndustries, !nc. 1arco 2ie" ??; ;ybernet Systems ;orp. <verest F Hennings Me&ico $yperbaric Technologies, !nc. Monroe, !nc. 5ostin Technologies, !nc. ukuda @enshi ;o., ?td. Silgreen !nc. !1; 'sia ?td. *riental System Technology !nc. #ilson 4love ;o.

W(a% c&n%ri, %i&n -& !# %(e Pr&.ec% $a/e: 0 The project "ould help in effective and systematic record keeping that is storing and retrieving of useful data. 5roject "ill be able to give the report so that management can make decisions on the basis of those reports. Sc&"e &+ %(e s% #*: 0 The main Scope of studyC % 1. !t should contain all the information of ;ompany and 2acancy "hich is registered in this site. 2. !t should contain all the information of Hob Seeker like 5ersonal @etail, 5rofessional @etail, and <ducational @etail etc. B. !t should process and evaluate jobs registered by companies. E. !t should contain information related to Hob e&piry or re registration. 8. !t should inform both Hob Seeker and Hob 5rovider "hen the appropriate person is found for a job. ). !t should maintain proper financial records. 7. !t should have 'dministrator for scheduling administrative "ork of site. O,.ec%i)e &+ %(e "r&.ec%: ;omputeri6ed on ?ine Hob Search System is developed to facilitate the 4eneral administration system to manage the various information of the Hob Seeker and Hob 5rovider and the processes involved in a placement company. So, that

organi6ation can access accurate information -uickly and easily as and "hen re-uired, thereby improving its operational efficiency F effectiveness !n today7s competitive environment, "here <verybody "ants to be on the top, !nformation plays very crucial role. 's fast as information is accessed and processed, it can give good results. Today !nternet is the fast "ay of transferring @ata and !nformation over "ide area, hence ! have used internet as a "ay for e&changing information. ;omputeri6ed system helps to fulfill these goals. ;omputeri6ation of the official "orks "ill help in doing lot of manual "ork -uickly. !t "ill help in easy storage and access of all information, in short period of time.

S"eci+ic O,.ec%i)e &+ %(e si%eC

*bjective of doing this project is to enhance my kno"ledge in the field of <%com technology using java +j2ee, as a language. Some of the client re-uirement and objectives of this site is as underC% To increase the business of ;lient. To make it 4lobal. To facilitate job search. To facilitate company so that it can search for best candidates available. To help candidates to fetch a right job. To act as a middle men connecting Hob seeker and 5rovider Iser can search for different options available. Iser can do on%line resume posting etc. Iser can use search engine to look for different vacancies, facilities available etc. Iser can do apply for job on%line. Iser can do"nload different forms etc.

So these are some of the objectives "hich "e have to accomplish. Fea% res &+ %(e si%e: 9

!t has the features of providing all the information online +through the net,. 'bout the 2acancy and 'bout the Hob seeker.

The Hob site is a special purpose "eb site as discussed above it is not a 5ortal. The site includes the search engine and advance search engine "hich gives the user easy "ay to find the 2acancy and eligible candidate for a post.

The site also includes the electronic mail facility for the users "ho have registered themselves.

The site acts as a middle%"are for the Hob Seeker and Hob 5rovider. The site has the facility to inform the Seeker and ;ompany about the job and candidate.



M&# !es &+ "r&.ec%: The project can be divided in to four main modules. Regis%ra%i&n $&# !e 1&, See/er A#$inis%ra%i&n sec%i&n 1&, Pr&)i#er A#$inis%ra%i&n sec%i&n Tes% *& r s/i!!s

M&# !e 2: Regis%ra%i&n $&# !e, "hich is further sub%divided intoC% Hob Seeker 3egistration. Hob 5rovider 3egistration. ;hange 5ass"ord Hob Seeker. ;hange 5ass"ord Hob 5rovider. orget 5ass"ord Hob Seeker. orget 5ass"ord Hob 5rovider. ?ogin for both Hob Seeker and Hob 5rovider.

M&# !e 3: 1&, See/er A#$inis%ra%i&n sec%i&n, "hich is further sub%divided into % 3esume 3egistration under 2acancy ;ategory. 3esume Ipdating Search for Hob according to his skill set.


<&pert 4uidance. 'pplication Status.

M&# !e 4: 1&, Pr&)i#er A#$inis%ra%i&n sec%i&n, "hich is further sub%divided into four sub% sectionsC % 3egister 2acancy. Ipdate 2acancy. Search for eligible candidate. ;heck Hob Status.

M&# !e 5: C(ec/ s/i!!s sec%i&n "hich is further sub%divided into t"o sub%sectionsC % 1eginners !ntermediate <&pert

Si%e W&r/ing :0 Case A Hob Seeker 'dministrationC% Hob Seeker has to register him self "ith the site. This is a free site for Hob Seeker. 13

'fter success full ?og in Hob Seeker can register his resume. Hob Seeker 3egister his 1io @ata in a particular 2acancy ;ategory. $e can also update his resume. $e can search for 2acancy according to his skill set and can apply for a job. $e can check his Hob Status i.e. from "here does he get a response.

Case B Hob 5rovider 'dministrationC% ;ompany has to register it self. 'fter success full ?ogin ;ompany can register 2acancy. 3egistration for 2acancy "ill generate 2acancy !d. ;ompany can update a 2acancy. ;ompany can search for skill full candidate to fill up Hob.



E6is%ing S*s%e$ #hen the re-uirement of this system is putted before the team they "as "illing to kno" that ho" the employee of the company is "orking. Then the study is done it gives the result that all the "ork is done manually and there is nothing that help the employee to save the time and do the "ork "ith the system. 'll the documentation is done by the employee of the company. ' lot of "orks have to be done before the candidates are placed in an organi6ation. 'll that the company needs to store about the job seekers must be "ritten on the paper. Some times it is very difficult to kno" about some special highlights of the job seeker, because the information is stored on the paper and it is not clear that due to human error or by some other means this paper is lost and the information is no" not in the hands of the company. 't the time of hiring the companies policy says that the only those companies can hire "ho are registered "ith S<<=H*1. So it is critical task to find out the registered employer, "hen the company has so many employers. There is e&tra re-uirement of employee "ho have to check that the re-uesting person is an registered employer. This seams a critical task Li$i%a%i&ns The current system have all the problems "hich generally in count in the manual system such as "astage of time, "astage of money, more efforts to "ork etc. if the responsible person "ants the full information of the total sale of various models of the vehicles at various center at the evening then heAshe can not get it. 1ecause the current system "ork manually and it is very slo" same as if heAshe "ants the total 16

production then it take time. The current system can not give the fast response as needed. !t also does not keep records of grievances of the faults in the vehicles in various parts of the country. !f heAshe "ants the information regarding the total stock at various "arehouses at hisJher office then using current system heJshe can not get it. $eJshe can not get the full information on time. !t may be late and this process is time consuming and generally the administrators receive the relevant information ne&t day "hich is the major limitation of e&isting system. Pr&"&se# s*s%e$: This site is an attempt to make the task of administrator as "ell as jobseekers easier. This project ensures the consistency by enabling the jobseekers to register themselves and to find the desired information of jobs, get them involved "ith the jobsite and can access the different services provided by the jobsite. The administrator has the right to kno" everything. $e has the right to kno" the details of the jobseekers, has the right to change any service that the jobsite is currently providing or can add services "hich are not being provided currently. <ven the customer7s pass"ords and hidden details are accessible by the administrator. Go" jobseekers are able to apply online also. Through this system all "orks are done through computer so it results in fast service provider. The jobseekers can also contact the company officials through email or his contact numbers but first they have to register themselves as a member by filling up a registration form "hich can be filled online. *nce registered, jobseekers can access this jobsite and register for any services being provided by, that too online by sitting at home "ithin a fraction of a second by a flick of a button. 'im of this project is to provide an environment helpful for administrator and jobseekers as "ell, so that, they find it easy to implement it "ithout any harassment for the jobseekers also. This project is developed after a


Through study of the e&isting manual system F the jobseekers re-uirements. 3e-uirement analysis is concerned "ith identifying the basic function of soft"are component in a hard"are F soft"are system.

Fea% res &+ "r&"&se# s*s%e$: The features of the proposed system are as follo"s. 5rovide the full information of employeesAemployer at various places at one site. 5rovide the full information of total vacancies at various regions at one site . 5rovide the full information of total vacancies of various industriesAcompanies at one site. $elps the management to find out the current trend in industries as "ell as current manpo"er pool.



Feasi,i!i%* S% #* : ' feasibility study is conducted to select the best system that meets performance re-uirement. This entails an identification description, an evaluation of candidate system and the selection of best system for he job. The system re-uired performance is defined by a statement of constraints, the identification of specific system objective and a description of outputs. The key consideration in feasibility analysis are C Ec&n&$ic +easi,i!i%* The proposed system is economically feasible because the cost involved in purchasing the hard"are and the soft"are are "ithin approachable. The personal cost like salaries of employees hired are also nominal, because "orking in this system need not re-uired a highly -ualified professional. The operating%environment costs are marginal. The less time involved also helped in its economical feasibility. The benefits of this project include four typesC C&s% 7 sa)ing ,ene+i%s This project reduces the administrative and operational cost. 1ecause of the reduction in the use of paper, use of labors the cost also reduces. I$"r&)e0ser)ice0!e)e! ,ene+i%s


5roposed system improves the system7s performance because the current system is based on manual processing "hile the proposed system is based on computer processing. I$"r&)e0in+&r$a%i&n0!e)e! ,ene+i%s !t provides better information in the stipulated space and time for decision%making. Ti$e0sa)ing0,ene+i%s !t saves lots of time and provides the same result in a far lesser period of time. Te c (n ic a ! Fe a s i, i!i% *

HARDWARE & SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONS $ard"are re-uirement for development Har#-are C&n+ig ra%i&n
Pr&cess&r Me$&r* RAM Har# Dis/ M& se 8e*,&ar# Dri)e Prin%er : : 28) M1 @@3 E9 41 S'T' : !ntel 5entium E ;5I, 2.))4$6

: >uantum : Samsung +Multimedia Supported, : ;@%3#, loppy drive : $5%?aser printer

$ard"are re-uirement for !mplementation


Pr&cess&r: Mini$ $ : 8): M$6 5entium 5rocessor

Me$&r*: RAM Har# Dis/ : : : : : )E M1 E 41 192E K 7):, True Type ;olor%B2 1it 'ny Gormal Mouse. 'ny "indo" Supported =eyboard.

Dis"!a* M& se 8e*,&ar#

Soft"are re-uirement for development

S&+%-are C&n+ig ra%i&n O"era%ing S*s%e$ Fr&n% En# @ream "eaver Bac/ En# : : : #indo"s L5 5rofessional Hava, Hava Server 5ages, $TM?, *racle :iAMS%'ccess

Be(a)i&ra! Feasi,i!i%* <mployees of the company are habitual of "orking "ith manual system and don7t have the kno"ledge of "orking in a computer application based environment that is used in their intranet and are generally resistant to make changes in their "orking attitude. 5eople are inherently resistant to change and computers have been kno"n to facilitate changes. 'n estimate should be made of ho" strong a reaction the staffs are likely to have to"ards the development of an online computeri6ed system because no" this may lead to e&pulsion of some of the staffs from their jobs. So a system has to be chosen "hich "ill provide them much more facilities and less mental disturbance to check "eather correct entry is entered and that too at 22

its right place. The System "ill provide them automatic reporting and checks on entries "hile storing as "ell as entering. So the front end has been made user friendly for both the jobseekers and the employees.


Symbols Used :In !"#! $ %!#&$# DFD'( )# *(#" + ,, )-n. (/01 ,(23 In4*$5O*$4*$ D&$& P! %#((-n.

F, ) + "&$& 1. On# )&/ "&$& +, ). 2. T) )&/ "&$& +, ). D&$& ($ !#







4ive details

4ive applicant details

4ive job *pening

4et vacancy detail 4et emp. details

4et vacancy @etails 1OBSEE8ER MANAGEMENT Selection process status 3esume status

3eport of selected applicants

:0Le)e! Da%a F!&- Diagra$


'ser ID L&gi n I+ NePass-&r # Ne- 'ser

'ser ID


I+ )a!i#



Ne- 'ser




I# & "ass-&r#

See/er !&gin Pr&cess

Va!i# I# & "ass-&r#

Regis%ra%i&n #e%ai!s

1&, Sec%i&n

Ne- 1&, see/er

1&, #e%ai!s

1&, searc(


Searc( .&, & ne-s

Ne- E$"!&*er !&gin

See/er #e%ai!s
Ge% #e%ai!s

Regis%ra%i &n #e%ai!s Ne-s !e%%er E$"!&*er L&gin "r&cess 1&, #e%ai!s 1&,s


I# &
Pass-&r #

1&, see/er

C&$ in+&; E$"!&*er

30Le)e! #a%a F!&- Diagra$



E-R DIAGRAM E048Q*&,-+-%&$6 1 , %&$- n ;N&0# Fn&0# H-.: S4#%-. 6 1(##7#! E94#!-#n%# S7-,,( H&(
C:#%7 U(#!

P&(() !" U(#!n&0#

6 1 S##7 C n$! , N&0# E0&-,

6 1 E94 6 1 , %. 6 1 %&$. C 0. 6 1( E0&-, -" M&-n$&-n U(#!n&0#

R#.-($!&$- n

6 1(##7#! M&n&.#0# n$

N#)( ,#$$#! P&(() !" U(#!n&

R#.-($!&$- n E04, /#! 30

S-$# , .-n

S-$# 0&4 , .-n

E0-, C 04&n/ n&0# ; %&$- n R#+#!#n%#8n R#0&!7 U(#! n&0#

P&(() ! E04, /#! C:#%7

E04 % n$! ,


!n our data flo" diagram, "e give names to data flo"s, processes and data stores. 'lthough the names are descriptive of data, they do not dive details .So follo"ing @ @, our interest is to build some details of the contents of data flo"s, processes and data store. ' data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data .!t is a set of rigorous definitions of all @ @ data elements and data structures .The data dictionary for the current system has been given as underC

Ta,!es +&r Pr&.ec%:

E$"!&*er: This table maintains details of <mployer Fie!# Na$e Iser name 5ass"ord company%name company%location company email Da%a T*"e Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t

1&,s: This table maintains details of Hobs Fie!# na$e username Hob company Hob category Hob location HobMe&p Hob email Da%a %*"e Te&t, Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t 32

empMphone empMemail

Te&t Te&t

Vacanc*: This table maintains detail of jobs for "hich vacancies are open Fie!# Na$e Iser name 5ass"ord fname lname email jobloc prfjobloc e&p jcat key skills highest degree speciali6ation Da%a T*"e Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t Te&t

Ne-s!e%%er: This table stores and maintains status ne"s Fie!# Na$e Game email Da%a T*"e Te&t Te&t

Si%e a#$in: This table stores and maintains status site admin Fie!# Na$e Isername 5ass"ord Da%a T*"e Te&t Te&t



Main o!m


"obsee#e! lo$in


Ne% "obsee#e! Si$n&'


Em'loye! lo$in


Ne% Em'loye! Si$n&'


Si(e adminis(!a(o! lo$in




In(e!)ie% Ti's *o! P!o*essionals


Res&me Ti's *o! P!o*essionals


"ob ai! Lis(


Con(a+( &s


Ne%sle((e! S&bs+!i'(ion


,o( Va+an+ies


IT "OBS O'enin$s


Ne% "OBS T-is .ee#


See#"OBs/+om s&++ess s(o!ies


"OBS o! Disabled 'eo'le


"ob ai! lis(



Testing plays a critical role in -uality assurance for soft"are .@ue to the limitation of the verification method for the previous phases, design and re-uirement fault also appear in the code. Testing is used to detect these errors, in edition to the error introduced during coding phase. Testing is a dynamic method for verification and validation, "here the system is to be tested is e&ecuted and behavior of the system is observed. @ue to this testing the failure of the system can be observed, from "hich the presence of fault can be deduced. $o"ever, separate activities have to be performed to identify the faults. There are t"o method of testingC + nc%i&na! and s%r c% ra!. !n functional testing, the internal logic of the system under testing is not considered and the test cases are decided from the specification or the re-uirements. !t is often called .1lack 1o& Testing/. <-uivalence class partitioning, boundary analysis, and cause effect graphing are e&amples of methods for selecting test cases for functional testing. !n structural testing, the test cases are decided entirely on the internal logic of the program or module being tested. 's the goal of testing is to detect any errors in the programs different flavor of testing are often used. Init testing are used to test a module or a small collection of modules and the focus is on detecting coding errors in modules. @uring integration testing modules are combined into sub%system, "hich are then tested. The goal here is to test the system design. !n system testing and acceptance testing, the entire System is tested. The goal here is to test the re-uirement themselves. Structural 54

testing can be used for unit testing "hile at higher level mostly functional testing is used. !n the project Monthly Materiali6ation 3eport System "e used the unit testing and functional testing. System testing is a critical phase in systems implementation. Testing of a system involves hard"are device testing and debugging of computer programs and testing information processing procedures. Testing can be done "ith test data, "hich attempts to simulate all possible conditions that may arise during processing. The plane for testing are prepared and then implemented. The testing methods adopted in the testing of the system "ere !ndependent Init Testing and System Testing In#e"en#en% 'ni% Tes% <I'T= !IT focuses first on the modules, independently of one another, to locate errors. This enables the tester to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained "ithin that module alone. Those resulting from the interaction bet"een modules are initially avoided. !IT is generally "hite bo& oriented "hich is predicted on the close e&amination of procedural detail. !t e&ercises all the logical decisions on their true and false side, e&ecutes all loops at their boundaries and "ithin their operational bounds and checks "hether the re-uired validations have been met. #hite bo& testing e&ercises internal data structure to assure their validity.

SYSTEM TESTING $ere the system testing involved is the most "idely used testing process consists of five stages as sho"n in the figure. !n general, the se-uence of testing activities is component testing, integration testing then user testing. $o"ever, as defects are discovered at any one stage, they re-uired program modifications to correct them and this may re-uired other stages in the testing process to be repeated.


Init testing Module testing Sub% system testing System testing

'cceptanc e testing

(Component testing)

(Integration testing)

(User testing)


Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing performs a very critical role for -uality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of the soft"are. The results of testing are used later on during maintenance also. Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if the parts of the system are correct, the goal "ill be successfully achieved. !n ade-uate testing or non%testing leads to errors that may not appear until months or even years later +3emember the Ge" Nork three day po"er failure due to a misplaced O1reak7 statement,. This creates t"o problemsC 1. The time lag bet"een the cause and the appearance of the problem. 2. The time interval effect of the system errors on files and the records on the system. ' small error can conceivably e&plode into a much larger problem. <ffective testing early in the process translates directly into long term cost savings from a reduced number of errors. 'nother reason for system testing is its utility as a user oriented vehicle before implementation. The best program is "orthless if it does not meet the user re-uirements. Infortunately, the user7s demands are often compromised by efforts to facilitate program or design efficiency in terms of processing time or design efficiency.


Thus in this phase "e "ent to test the code "e "rote. #e needed to kno" if the code compiled "ith the design or notP #hether the code gave the desired outputs on given inputsP #hether it "as ready to be installed on the user7s computer or some more modifications "ere neededP Through the "eb applications are characteristically different from there soft"are counterparts but the basic approach for testing these "eb applications is -uite similar. These basic steps of testing have been picked from soft"are engineering practices. The follo"ing are the steps, "e undertookC 1. The content of the !ntranet site is revie"ed to uncover ;ontent errors. ;ontent <rrors covers the typographical errors, grammatical errors, errors in content consistency, graphical representation and cross referencing errors 2. The design model of the "eb application is revie"ed to uncover the navigation errors. Ise cases, derived as a part of the analysis activity allo"s a "eb designer to e&ercise each usage scenario against the architectural and navigational design. !n essence these non%e&ecutable tests help to uncover the errors in navigation. 3. #hen "eb applications are considered the concept of unit changes. <ach "eb page encapsulates content navigation links, content and processing elements + orms, Scripts, HS57s as in our case,. !t is not al"ays possible to test each of these individually. Thus is the base of the "eb applications the unit to be considered is the "eb page. Inlike the testing of the algorithmic details of a module the data that flo"s across the module interface, page level testing for "eb applications is driven by content, processing and links encapsulating the "eb page.


4. The 'ssembled "eb application is tested for overall functionality and content delivery. The various user cases are used that test the system for errors and mistakes. 8. The #eb application is tested for a variety of environmental settings and is tested for various configurations and upon various platforms. The modules are integrated and integration test are conducted. 1. Thread based testing is done to monitor the regression tests so that the site does not become very slo" is a lot of users are simultaneously logged on. 2. ' controlled and monitored population of end users tests !ntranet application, this all comprises of the Iser 'cceptance Testing. 1ecause "eb application evolves continuously, the testing process is an ongoing activity, conducted by "eb support staff in our case the *rgani6ation7s !S people "ho "ill finally update and manage the application. PSYCHOLOGY OF TESTING The aim of testing is often to demonstrate that a program "orks by sho"ing that it has no errors. The basic purpose of testing phase is to detect the errors that may be present in the program. $ence one should not start testing "ith the intent of sho"ing that a program "orks, but the intent should be to sho" that a program doesn7t "ork. Testing is the process of e&ecuting a program "ith the intent of finding errors. TESTING OB1ECTIVES:


The main objective of testing is to uncover a host of errors, systematically and "ith minimum effort and time. Stating formally, "e can say, 1. Testing is a process of e&ecuting a program "ith the intent of finding an error. 2. ' successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error. B. ' good test case is one that has a high probability of finding error, if it e&ists. E. The tests are inade-uate to detect possibly present errors. 8. The soft"are more or less confirms to the -uality and reliable standards. LEVELS OF TESTING !n order to uncover the errors present in different phases, "e have the concept of levels of testing. The basic levels of testing are ;lient Geeds 'cceptance Testing


System Testing


!ntegration Testing


Init Testing

'ni% %es%ing Init testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of soft"are i.e. the module. Ising the detailed design and the process specifications, testing is done to


uncover errors "ithin the boundary of the module. 'll modules must be successful in the unit test before the start of the integration testing begins. !n this project each service can be thought of a module. There are so many modules like ?ogin, $3 @epartment, !ntervie"er Section, etc. <ach module has been tested by giving different sets of inputs. #hen developing the module as "ell as finishing the development, the module "orks "ithout any error. The inputs are validated "hen accepting them from the user. In%egra%i&n Tes%ing 'fter unit testing, "e have to perform integration testing. The goal here is to see if modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces bet"een modules. This testing activity can be considered as testing the design and hence the emphasis on testing module interactions. !n this project the main system is formed by integrating all the modules. #hen integrating all the modules ! have checked "hether the integration effects "orking of any of the services by giving different combinations of inputs "ith "hich the t"o services run perfectly before !ntegration. SYSTEM TESTING $ere the entire soft"are system is tested. The reference document for this process is the re-uirements document, and the goal is to see if soft"are meets its re-uirements. $ere entire O$3357 has been tested against re-uirements of project and it is checked "hether all re-uirements of project have been satisfied or not. ACCEPTANCE TESTING


'cceptance Testing is performed "ith realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the soft"are is "orking satisfactorily. Testing here is focused on e&ternal behavior of the systemQ the internal logic of program is not emphasi6ed. Test cases should be selected so that the largest number of attributes of an e-uivalence class is e&ercised at once. The testing phase is an important part of soft"are development. !t is the process of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine "hether the objectives are met and the user re-uirements are satisfied. WHITE BO> TESTING This is a unit testing method, "here a unit "ill be taken at a time and tested thoroughly at a statement level to find the ma&imum possible errors. ! tested step "ise every piece of code, taking care that every statement in the code is e&ecuted at least once. The "hite bo& testing is also called 4lass 1o& Testing. ! have generated a list of test cases, sample data, "hich is used to check all possible combinations of e&ecution paths through the code at every module level. #hite%bo& test focuses on the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure that all statement in the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure that all statement in the program control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure that all statement in the program has been e&ecuted at least once during testing and that all logical conditions have been e&ercised. 1asis path testing, a "hite bo& techni-ue, makes use of program graphs +or graph matrices, to derive the set of linearly independent test that "ill ensure coverage. ;ondition and data flo" testing further e&ercising degrees of comple&ity. BLAC8 BO> TESTING


This testing method considers a module as a single unit and checks the unit at interface and communication "ith other modules rather getting into details at statement level. $ere the module "ill be treated as a block that "ill take some input and generate output. *utput for a given set of input combinations are for"arded to other modules. 1lack%bo& test are designed to uncover errors functional re-uirement "ithout regard to the internal "orkings of a program. 1lack%bo& testing techni-ues focus on the information domain of the soft"are, deriving test cases by partitioning the input and output domain of a program in manner that provides through test coverage. The black%bo& test is used to demonstrate that soft"are functions are operational, that input is properly produced, and that the integrity of e&ternal information are maintained. ' black%bo& test e&amines some fundamental aspect of a system "ith little or no regard for the integral logical structure of the soft"are. 4raph based testing methods e&plore the relationship bet"een and behavior of program objects. <-uivalence partitioning divides the input classes of data are likely to e&ercise specific soft"are function. 1oundary values analysis probes the program7s ability to handle data at the limits of acceptability.

TEST INFORMATION FLOW ' strategy for soft"are testing may also be vie"ed in the conte&t of the spiral. Init testing begins at the vorte& of the spiral and, concentrates on each unit, component of the soft"are as implemented in source code. Testing progresses moving out"ard along the spiral to integration testing, "here the focus is on designed the construction of the soft"are architecture. Taking another turn out"ard on spiral, "e encounter validation testing, "here re-uirements established as part of soft"are re-uirements analysis are validated against the soft"are that has been constructed. inally, "e arrive at system testing, "here the soft"are and other system elements are tested as a "hole. To test computer soft"are, "e spiral out along stream lines that broaden the scope of testing "ith each turn. 63

;onsidering the process from a procedural point of vie", testing "ithin the conte&t of soft"are engineering is actually a series of four steps that are implemented se-uentially. The steps are sho"n in igure. !nitially, tests focus on each component individually, ensuring that it functions properly as unit. $ence, the name unit testing. Init testing makes heavy use of "hite%bo& testing techni-ues, e&ercising specific paths in module7s control structure to ensure complete coverage and ma&imum error detection.

System Testing Validation Testing Integration Testing

Validation testing Code


System Security System Engineering



There are basically t"o types of security associated "ith this systemC% 2; P(*sica! sec ri%*:0 @amage due to natural causes like earth tremor, flooding, "ater logging, fire ha6ards, atmospheric or environmental conditions etc. or overcoming these difficulties the replica of the data are automatically stored at various net"orks and for environmental conditions 'ir conditioning environment is created. 3; Da%a sec ri%*:0 There are basically t"o problems associated "ith data securityC% 1. @ata not being available to the authori6ed person at the time of need. 2. @ata becoming available to the unauthori6ed person. To overcome these difficulties the follo"ing access facilities has been providedC% i, I#en%i+ica%i&n:0 Ini-ue !ds for the different users have been provided. ii= A %(en%ica%i&n:0 System checks the pass"ord under the particular user identification. The computer permits the various resources to the authori6ed person. iii, A %(&ri?a%i&n:0 The access control mechanism to prevent unauthori6ed logging to the system.



System implementation is the stage "hen the user has thoroughly tested the system and approves all the features provided by the system. The various tests are performed and the system is approved only after all the re-uirements are met and the user is satisfied. The ne" system may be totally ne"Q replacing an e&isting manual or automated system, or it may a major modification to an e&isting system. !n the either case, proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet organi6ation re-uirements .successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organi6ation using the ne" system +that is a design -uestion, ,but improper "ill prevent it. !mplementation is the process of having systems personal cheek out and put ne" e-uipment to use, train users, install the ne" application and construct any files of data needed to use it. This phase is less creative than system design. @epending on the si6e of the organi6ation that "ill be involve in using the application and the risk involved in its use, system developer may choose to test the operation in only one area of the firm "ith only one or t"o persons. Some times, they "ill run both old and ne" system in parallel "ay to compare the results. !n steel other situations, system developers stop using the old systems one day and start using the ne" one the ne&t. The implementation of the "eb based or ?'G base net"ork project has some e&tra steps at the time of implementation. #e need to configure the system according the re-uirement of the soft"are.


or the project "e need to install and configure "eblogicserver:.1, database server and deployment directory for the project.

As"ec%s &+ i$"!e$en%a%i&n:0 The t"o aspects of implementation areC Training 5ersonnel ;onversion 5rocedures

Training:0 <ven "ell designed and technically elegant systems can succeed or fail because of the "ay they are used. Therefore the -uality of the training received by the personnel involved "ith the stem in various "ays helps or hinders, and may event prevent, the successful implementation of an information system. Since



Soft"are maintenance is the last phase in the soft"are <ngineering process that eliminates errors in the "orking system during its "ork span and to tune the system to any variations in its "orking environment. The system re-uires maintenance as there may be changes and re-uirements in the organi6ational needs, government policies, hard"are and soft"are environment etc. often small system deficiencies are found as a system is brought into operation and changes are made to remove them. System re-uirements may be revised as a result of system usage or changing operational needs. 5erhaps oversight that occurred during the development process needs to be corrected. *ften the maintenance need arises to capture additional data for storage in a database or in transaction files or perhaps it may be necessary to add error detection features to prevent system users from in adversely taking an un"anted action. Maintenance of the system after it is installed is concerned "ith an additional factor in hard"are. *nce the system is delivered and installed there is a brief "arranty period during "hich time the vendor is responsible for maintenance. This is a typically a (9 day period after that time the purchaser has the option of ac-uiring maintenance from various sources. Maintenance source e&cepting vendor is also available from companies speciali6ing in providing the service, called third party maintenance companies. #hen the system is installed, it is generally used for long period. The average life of system is E%) years, "ith the eldest applications often is used for over 19 years. The need for debugging and correcting errors or failure on an emergency basic is comparatively lo"C less than 29R of the task of correction. System and organi6ation are in constant state of flu&Q therefore the maintenance of the system also involved adoptions for earlier version of soft"are. 70

'ppro&imately 29R of all maintenance "ork is performed to accommodate changes in report, files and database. The greatest amount of maintenance "ork is for user enhancement, improved documentation and recording system components or greater efficiency. 'bout )9R of all maintenance is for this purposed. ollo"ing table summari6ed the broad classes of maintenance found in development of

CATEGORY C&rrec%i)e A#a"%i)e Pre e++ec%i)e Pre)en%i)e

ACTIVITY <mergency fi&es, routine debugging. 'ccommodation of changes to data and to hard"are Iser enhancement, improved documentation recording of

and soft"are, ;hanges in the e&ternal environment. computational efficiency, user recommendations for ne" capabilities. 3outine service of cleaning and adjusting the e-uipment to prevent breakdo"ns, future maintainability reliability enhancement, recovering design information to improve the overall -uality. Main%aina,!e Design The points to reduce the needs for maintenance areC More accurately defining the user7s re-uirements during the system development assembling better system documentation.

Ising more effective methods for designing process logic and communicating it
to project team members. Making better use of e&isting tools and techni-ues. Managing the system engineering process effectively.


The maintenance for !ntegrated 'dvertising System "as performed "ith the above% mentioned points as the underlying principles and according to the demands of the users.


This is a "ell defined job of our team that has taken si& "eeks to analy6e the situation in "hich this project "ill "ork and the environment of the company that "ill use this project. !t "as a good e&perience for us to "ork in a company that has a very friendly environment and learning atmosphere. ! am very thankful to Mr; M&(# G r+an /(an; #ho gave a lot of good programming skills and so many company related skills that "ill help me in the futureP ! am also thankful to a!! $* +rien#s an# %ea$ $e$,ers.



!n future this project can be treated as product according to specification and needs of any organi6ation. Since Hobseeker plays key role in any organi6ationQ thus, success over a long period of time and reliance of organi6ation over recruitment is going to be one of the most considered topic for any organi6ation. Therefore Hobs seeker 5rocess "ill be of great help in carrying out recruitment process smoothly and effectively.

't present days every organi6ation is using "eb technology for their proper functioning, so this "eb based project is all in all important from market aspects.

urthermore if this project "ill be uploaded, it can be used as Hobs site and any organi6ation can register their self on the site to carry out their recruitment process making this site as Hobs seeker.


Since, every system has some limitations so our proposed system is also not untouchable in this regard. 'lthough it includes every kind of features but it can7t be used in a huge organi6ation "here number of net"orks are very large, because the data base used in this system is an average one. 'lso it doesn7t have different kind of access feature for different users.

Re sa,i!i%*: 3eusability is possible as and "hen "e re-uire in this application. #e can update it ne&t version. 3eusable soft"are reduces design, coding and testing cost by amorti6ing effort over several designs. 3educing the amount of code also simplifies understanding, "hich increases the likelihood that the code is correct. #e follo" up both types of reusabilityC Sharing of ne"ly "ritten code "ithin a project and reuse of previously "ritten code on ne" projects. E6%ensi,i!i%*: This soft"are is e&tended in "ays that its original developers may not e&pect. The follo"ing principles enhance e&tensibility like $ide data structure, avoid


traversing multiple links or methods, 'void case statements on object type and distinguish public and private operations. R&, s%ness: !ts method is robust if it does not fail even if it receives improper parameters. There are some facilities like 5rotect against errors, *ptimi6e after the program runs, validating arguments and 'void predefined limits.

'n#ers%an#a,i!i%*: ' method is understandable if someone other than the creator of the

method can understand the code +as "ell as the creator after a time lapse,. #e use the method, "hich small and coherent helps to accomplish this. C&s%0e++ec%i)eness: !ts cost is under the budget and make "ithin given time period. !t is desirable to aim for a system "ith a minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy all the re-uirements. Scope of this document is to put do"n the re-uirements, clearly identifying the information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs e&pected from the system.



1. httpCAA""" 2. httpCAA""" 3. httpCAA""" 4. httpCAA"""." 5. httpCAA""" 6. httpCAA"""." 7. httpCAA"""

13EE by 4'33N ;*3G<??. 13EE by 'llamaraju F 1uest +'press 5ublications,. 1SP & Ser)!e%s by Marty $all +SIG Microsystems, SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN by <?!'S M '#'@. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING by !'G S*MM<2!??<.



Bac/en# re$ains &n ser)er si#e an# (as %-& c&$"&nen%s i;e; 2; Ser)er si#e "r&gra$ 3; Da%a Base; Da%a ,ase is the most important thing in this universe as data base gives identity to a thing "ithout data base e&istence of a thing is impossible "hile "orking on a project first step is to design a database. W(a% is #a%a ,ase@ @ata 1ase is a collection of tables and table is a collection of records in a tabular form i.e. in ro" and columns. Da%a Base can ,e #i)i#e# in%& %-& "ar%s:0 2; RDBMS; 3; DBMS; #e "ill be using 3@1MS +3elational @atabase Management System, in our project i.e. oracle :i <nterprise edition. W(* -e are sing Orac!e <RDBMS=@ S&$e &+ %(e $eri%s &+ sing Orac!e <RDBMS= are as n#er:0 ;entrali6ation of database. ;lient Server Technology.


Security. Gormali6ation of @ata 1ase. 3elationship. Transaction 5rocessor. !t gives some internet related features.

$ence because of these features "e are using *racle as a back end technology. ABO'T ORACLE Ai *racle :i contains all the features of previous version. !t also supports some ne" features F enhancement to some e&isting features. *racle servers provide deficient F effective solution for the major features.

?arge @atabase F Space Management ;ontrol

Many ;oncurrent @atabase 5erformances $igh Transaction 5rocessing 5erformance $igh 'vailability ;ontrolled 'vailability !ndustry 'ccepted Standards Manageable Security

@atabase <nforced !ntegrity

@istributed @atabase System 5ortability ;ompatibility ;onnectivity


NEW FEAT'RES OF ORACLE Ai !mproved Scalability !mproved Security !mproved 5erformance 2ia 5artition <nhanced Support for @atabase 3eplication ;apability To $andle a Much ?arger Gumber *f ;oncurrent Isers Ge" F !mproved @ata Types

W(a% is Mi##!e Ware@ Middle #are is a concept, Middle #are provides centrali6ation of business logic i.e. instead of putting logic on each and every client machine "e put logic on a centrali6ed server hence middle "are is nothing but a server side program "here all your business logic and business methods reside. !t remains on server side and it has all the logical building. Middle "are providesC% 2; M !%i"!e C!ien% access; 3; Cen%ra!i?e# , siness !&gic in case &+ #is%ri, %e# a""!ica%i&n; 1ecause "e are "orking on @istributed 'pplication 1ased 5roject "e need platform independent ?anguageC% Tec(n&!&g* 'se#


In%r&# c%i&n %& 1a)a Hava is a high level, third%generation programming language, like ;, time environment that contains built%in support for the #orld #ide #eb. His%&r* &+ 1a)a Hava development began at Sun Microsystems in 1((1, the same year the #orld #ide #eb "as conceived. Hava7s creator, Hames 4osling did not design java for the !nternet. $is *bjective "as to create a common development environment for consumer electronic devices "hich "as easily portable from one device to another. This effort evolved into a language , code named *ak and later renamed Hava that retains much of the synta& and po"er of cTT , but is simpler and more platform independent. 1a)a Fea% res S&$e &+ %(e i$"&r%an% +ea% res &+ 1a)a are as +&!!&-s: Simplicity *rientation 5latform !ndependence ortran, 5erl and many others. !t is a platform for distributed computing S a development and run%

Security $igh 5erformance Multi Threading @ynamic linking. 4arbage ;ollection.

*ne of the most important features of Hava is 5latform !ndependence "hich makes it famous and suitable language for #orld #ide #eb. W(* .a)a is P!a%+&r$ In#e"en#en%@ Hava is 5latform !ndependent because of Hava 2irtual Machine +H2M,. 1a)a Vir% a! Mac(ine <1VM=


The client application or operating system must have a java byte%code interpreter to e&ecute byte%code instructions. The interpreter is a part of a lager program called the H2M. The H2M interprets the byte code into native code and is available on a platform that supports java. C&nnec%i)i%* sing 1DBC There are four kinds of drivers available in HdbcC% 1. Hdbc*dbc 1ridge @river. 2. 5artly Hava @river. B. 5ure Hava @river. E. Gative @river. C!ien% Si#e In%er+ace: !n client side interface "e are usingC% Ser)!e% 9 1SP 7 In In%erne% Base# A""!ica%i&n;

13EE Fra$e-&r/ an# Arc(i%ec% re H2<< is one of the best solutions that "e have had so far for meeting the demand of today7s enterprise. H2<< specifies both the infrastructure for managing our applications, and the service '5!s for building our applications. The H2<< platform is essentially a distributed application%server environment% a java environment that provides the follo"ingC % ' set of java e&tension '5!s to build applications. These '5!s define a programming model for H2<< applications. ' run time infrastructure for hosting and managing applications. This is the server runtime in "hich our applications resides.


The applications that "e could develop "ith the above may be programs to drive "eb pages, or components to implement comple& database transactions, or even java applets, all distributed across the net"ork. T(e 13EE R n%i$e #hile H2<< bundles together '5!s that have been in e&istence in one form or another for -uite sometime, perhaps its most significant aspect is the abstraction of the runtime infrastructure. The H2<< specification doesn7t specify ho" a H2<< runtime should or could be built. !nstead, H2<< specify roles and interfaces for applications, and the runtime onto "hich applications could be deployed. This results in a clear demarcation bet"een applications and the runtime infrastructure. This demarcation allo" the runtime to abstract most of the infrastructure services that enterprise developers have traditionally attempt to build on their o"n. 's a result, H2<< application developers could just focus on the application logic and related service, "hile leveraging the runtime for all infrastructure%related services. 'part from specifying a set of standard '5!s, the H2<< architecture also provides a uniform means of accessing platform%level services via its runtime environment. Such service includes distributed transactions, security, messaging etc. T(e 13EE APIs 'se# @istributed applications re-uire access to a set of enterprise services. Typical services include transaction processing, database access, messaging, multithreading etc. The H2<< architecture unifies access to such services in its enterprise service '5!s. $o"ever, instead of having to access these service through proprietary or non standard interfaces, application programs in H2<< can access these '5!s via the container. There are various '5! specification in H2<< frame"ork "hich enable us to create an application at great speed "ith minimum effort. APIs 'se# T& B i!# %(e S&+%-are 2; 1DBC API


The H@1; '5! provides developers "ith a "ay to connect to relational data from "ithin java code. Ising the H@1; '5!, developers can create a client +"hich can be anything from an applet to an <H1, that can connect to a database, e&ecute structured -uery language statements, and processes the result of those statements. The '5! provides connectivity and data access across the range of relational databases. !t can do this because it provides a set of generic database access methods for s-l compliant relational databases. H@1; generali6es the most common database access functions by abstracting the vendor specific detail of particular database. The result is set of classes and interface, placed in the .a)a;sB! "ac/ageC "hich can be used "ith any database that has an appropriate H@1; drive. This allo" H@1; connectivity to be provided in a consistent "ay for any database. !t also means that "ith a little care to ensure the application confirms to the most commonly available database features, an application can be use "ith a different database simple by s"itching to a different H@1; driver. H@1; includes follo"ing packages for the means of database accessing and provides various features of the database. The packages are as follo"sC % .a)a;sB! Pac/age: 0

This package contains classes and interfaces designed "ith traditional clientAserver in mind. !ts functionality is focused primarily on basic database programming services such as creating connections, e&ecuting statements and prepared statements, and running batch -ueries. 'dvanced functions such as batch updates, scrollable result sets, transaction isolation, and s-l data types are also availabl .a)a6;sB! Pac/age: 0

This package introduces sum major architectural change to H@1; programming compared to java.s-l package, and provides better abstractions for connections management, distributed transactions, and legacy connectivity. This package also introduces container%managed connection pooling, distributed transactions, and ro" sets.


3; 1a)a Ser)!e%s: 0 Servlets are Hava technology7s ans"er to ;ommon 4ate"ay !nterface +;4!, programming. They are programs that run on a #eb server, acting as middle layer bet"een a re-uests coming from a #eb bro"ser or other $TT5 client and databases or applications on the $TT5 server. Their job is toC Rea# an* #a%a sen% ,* %(e ser; This data is usually entered in a form on a #eb page, but could also come from a Hava applet or a custom $TT5 client program. L&&/ " an* &%(er in+&r$a%i&n a,& % %(e reB es% %(a% is e$,e##e# in %(e HTTP reB es%; This information includes details about bro"ser capabilities, cookies, the host name of the re-uesting client, and so forth. Genera%e %(e res !%s; This process may re-uire talking to a database, e&ecuting an 3M! or ;*31' call, invoking a legacy application, or computing the response directly. F&r$a% %(e res !%s insi#e a #&c $en%; !n most cases, this involves embedding the information inside an $TM? page. Se% %(e a""r&"ria%e HTTP res"&nse "ara$e%ers; This means telling the bro"ser "hat type of document is being returned +e.g., $TM?,, setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks. Sen# %(e #&c $en% ,ac/ %& %(e c!ien%; This document may be sent in te&t format +$TM?,, binary format +4! underlying format. Many client re-uests can be satisfied by returning pre%built documents, and these re-uests "ould be handled by the server "ithout invoking servlets. !n many cases, ho"ever, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each re-uest. 1a)a Ser)er Pages: 0 images,, or even in a compressed format like g6ip that is layered on top of some other


Hava Server 5ages +HS5, technology enables you to mi& regular, static $TM? "ith dynamically generated content from servlets. Many #eb pages that are built by ;4! programs are primarily static, "ith the parts that change limited to a fe" small locations. or e&ample, the initial page at most on%line stores is the same for all visitors, e&cept for a small "elcome message giving the visitor7s name if it is kno"n. 1ut most ;4! variations, including servlets, make you generate the entire page via your program, even though most of it is al"ays the same. HS5 lets you create the t"o parts separately. ?isting 1.1 gives an e&ample. Most of the page consists of regular $TM?, "hich is passed to the visitor unchanged. 5arts that are generated dynamically are marked "ith special $TM?%like tags and mi&ed right into the page. T(e A#)an%ages &+ 1SP HS5 has a number of advantages over many of its alternatives. $ere are a fe" of them. Vers s Ac%i)e Ser)er Pages <ASP= 'S5 is a competing technology from Microsoft. The advantages of HS5 are t"ofold. irst, the dynamic part is "ritten in Hava, not 21Script or another 'S5%specific language, so it is more po"erful and better suited to comple& applications that re-uire reusable components. Second, HS5 is portable to other operating systems and #eb serversQ you aren7t locked into #indo"s GTA2999 and !!S. Nou could make the same argument "hen comparing HS5 to ;old usionQ "ith HS5 you can use Hava and are not tied to a particular server product. Vers s P re Ser)!e%s HS5 doesn7t provide any capabilities that couldn7t in principle be accomplished "ith a servlet. !n fact, HS5 documents are automatically translated into servlets behind the scenes. 1ut it is more convenient to "rite +and to modifyU, regular $TM? than to have a 6illion println statements that generate the $TM?. 5lus, by separating the presentation from the content, you can put different people on different tasksC your


#eb page design e&perts can build the $TM? using familiar tools and leave places for your servlet programmers to insert the dynamic content. Vers s Ser)er0Si#e Inc! #es <SSI= SS! is a "idely supported technology for inserting e&ternally defined pieces into a static #eb page. HS5 is better because you have a richer set of tools for building that e&ternal piece and have more options regarding the stage of the $TT5 response at "hich the piece actually gets inserted. 1esides, SS! is really intended only for simple inclusions, not for .real/ programs that use form data, make database connections, and the like. Vers s S%a%ic HTML 3egular $TM?, of course, cannot contain dynamic information, so static $TM? pages cannot be based upon user input or server%side data sources. HS5 is so easy and convenient that it is -uite reasonable to augment $TM? pages that only benefit slightly by the insertion of dynamic data. 5reviously, the difficulty of using dynamic data precluded its use in all but the most valuable instances.

W(a% is HTML@ $TM? +$yper Te&t Markup ?anguage,C ' markup language used to structure te&t and multimedia documents and to set up hyperte&t links bet"een documents, used e&tensively on the #orld #ide #eb. $TM? is a display language, not a programming language. $TM? is a markup language +the M? in $TM?, that uses a fi&ed set of markup tags. $TM? itself is the set of customi6able .markup/ tags that are inserted into $TM? document govern its format, multimedia content, and hyperlinks. 'ny $TM?


vie"er can display such documents but they are normally vie"ed usinga #eb bro"ser. $TM? is a programming language in that an $TM? document is a program that, "hen .run/ by a bro"ser, displays its te&t as hypermedia +multimedia "ith hyperlinks,. The .language/ $TM? is really only a collection of predefined tags "hich , "hen inserted into regular te&t, tell a "eb bro"ser ho" toC a. ormat the document and its te&t. into the displayed document. %. ?ink into other locations, in the same document, in another "eb page, or even on another computer +Server,, or ". ?ink to other programs "ritten in Hava, HavaScript or other languages +called ;4! applications,. Fea% res &+ HTML:0 $TM? stands for $yper Te&t Markup ?anguage. 'n $TM? file is a te&t file containing small markup tags. The markup tag tells the #eb bro"ser ho" to display the page. 'n $TM? file must have an htm or html file e&tension. 'n $TM? file can be created using a simple te&t editor. !t7s a display%only technology. b. !ncorporate i.e. insert a graphic image, video se-uence, or sound clip

W(a% is 1AVASCRIPT@ HavaScript is a compact, object%based scripting language. !t can provide interactive "eb pages, validate from data, and make your "eb page clearer. HavaScript is a light"eight interpreted scripting language. The language is most "ell kno"n for its use in "esites.!t "as originally developed by 1rendan <ach of Getscape ;ommunications. !t adds interactive functions to $TM? pages, "hich are


other"ise static. HavaScript is easier to use than Hava, but not as po"erful and deals mainly "ith the elements on the #eb page. *n the client, HavaScript is maintained as source code embedded into an $TM? page. *n the Server, it is compiled into byte code +intermediate language,, similar to Hava programs. Features of JavaScript: HavaScript "as designed to add interactively to $TM? pages. HavaScript is a scripting language%a scripting language is a light"eight programming language. ' HavaScript is usually embedded directly in $TM? pages. ' HavaScript is an interpreted language +means that script e&ecute "ithout preliminary compilation,. 'll major bro"sers, like Getscape and !nternet <&plorer, support HavaScript. F nc%i&ns &+ 1a)aScri"%:0 HavaScript gives you the ability to perform the follo"ing functionsC ;ontrol document appearance and content ;ontrol the bro"ser !nteract "ith document content !nteract "ith the user 3ead and "rite client state "ith cookies !nteract "ith applets Manipulate <mbedded !mages ?imitations of HavaScriptC% HavaScript does not have any graphics capabilities ;lient%side HavaScript can not read or "rite files HavaScript does not support net"orking of any kind HavaScript doesn7t have any multithreading capabilities.



Ana!*sis: 1reaking a problem into successively manageable parts for individual study. A%%ri, %e: ' data item that characteri6es an object. C&s%9Bene+i% Ana!*sis: The purpose of the comparing the projected savings and benefits to projected to costs to decide "hether the system change is justified. Da%a Base: ' store of integrated data capable being directly addressed for multiple userQ it is organi6ed so that various files can be accessed through a single referenced based on the relationship among records in the file rather than the physical location. DBMS:


The soft"are that determines ho" data must be structured to produce the user7s vie"Q and maintain update the system. Da%a F!&-: Moment of data in a systems from appoint of origin to specific destination indicated by a line and arro". Da%a Sec ri%*: 5rotection of data from loss, disclosure, modification or destruction. Da%a S%r c% re: ?ogically related set of data that can be decomposed into lo"er level data elementsQ a group of data elements handled as a unit. Design: 5rocess of devolving the technical and operational specification of a candidate system for implementation. Feasi,i!i%* S% #*: ' procedure that identifies describes and evaluates candidate systems and selects the best system for implementation. Fi!e: ;ollection related records organi6ed for a particular purpose also called a data set. F!&- C(ar%: ' graphic picture of the logical steps and se-uence involved in a procedure or a program. F&r$: ' physical carrier of data of information. I$"!e$en%a%i&n: !n system development% a phase that focuses on user training, site preparation and file conversion for installing a candidate system. Main%enance: 3estoring to its original condition. N&r$a!i?a%i&n:


' process of replacing a given file "ith its logical e-uivalentQ the object is true derive sample file "ith no redundant elements. O"era%ing S*s%e$: !n data base machine based soft"are that facilitates the availability information or reports through the @1MS. Pass-&r#: !dentity authenticator a key that allo" access to a program system or procedure. Per%: ' flo" system model used to manipulate various values as a basis for determining the critical path to interpret this relationship and to relate them back to the real "orld as a control techni-ue. Rec&r#: ' collection of aggregates or related item of data treated as a unit. S& rce c&#e: ' procedure or format that allo" enhancement on a soft"are package. S*s%e$: ' regular or orderly arrangement of components or parts in a connected and interrelated series or "holeQ a group of components necessary to some operation. S*s%e$ Design: @etailed concentration on the technical and other specification that "ill make the ne" system operational. S*s%e$ De)e!&"$en% Li+e C*c!e: ' structured se-uence of phases for implementing an information system. S*s%e$ Tes%ing: Testing the "hole system by the user after major programs and sub systems have been tested. 'ni% Tes%ing Va!i#a%i&n: Testing changes made in an e&isting or ne" programs. checking the -uality of soft"are in both simulated and live environment



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