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In order to address the research problem (using interactive design to motivate children to read) and measuring the impact of the suggested solutions on users (children), I propose to use three different methodologies: usability testing, scenario-based design, and expert interview.

Usability Testing:
Usability testing is an evaluative method that allows teams to observe an individual experience with a digital tool with the purpose of identifying the parts of interface that frustrate or confuse users. referenceThis information can then inform any design or redesign of the interface. I propose to evaluate the users e-reading experience (UX) through observation. Three children between the ages of 6 and 12 who lack motivation to read will participate in the study. In order to provide a more natural and more comfortable environment for the participants, the facilitator and observer will visit the children at their place (school, book club or at the childs home). The instruments used for this usability testing equipment will include video cameras, laptops and the medium to test the prototype (iPad).

1- The facilitator will have a preliminary interview with the child. He or she will begin by introducing himself/herself and spending a few minutes chatting with the child. The goal of this initial discussion is to make the child comfortable. 2- The facilitator will then have the child reflect on his/her own motivation for reading, asking the following questions: - What do you think of reading? - Do you like to read? - Why do you/dont you like to read 3- Before the test, the facilitator will introduce the story without giving any information about the navigation. 4- During the usability test, the observer will note the following: - eye movement - facial expressions (looking for signs of interest, confusion, questioning, disinterest, fear, enthusiasm and any other feelings that may be expressed through facial ex pressions). - the number of the times the participant clicks on a page or touches the screen (for ex ample, if the default number for touching the screen is once, then more than a touch indicates an error) - any thinking aloud (Some children think aloud while they read or navigate, and this process will be documented as well.) - any requests for help during the usability test (Any facilitator intervention or assis

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