Objective: Personal Information

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Name Fathers Name Date of Birth NI# $ Domi)i*e ,en-er .arita* /tatus 1e*i0ion Nationa*ity #onta)t No A--ress: : JUNAID KHAN : Ayub Khan : 17/0 /1!"" 1%%0&'&!((717'! Hari+ur .a*e : /in0*e Is*am : 2a3istan : 0%%1'("" 1"% Dar4esh 1oa- .oha**ah 5i- ,ah 6ehsi* 7

: : : :


Distri)t Hari+ur

To pursuer career in a professional organization where I can effectively and efficiently apply the concepts & skills learned during my academic career and from the Professional Organization. I am highly motivated individual, I like working in challenging and competitive environments:


Degree /8/8# F8A

Years &009 &00!

Marks !9/10(0 9"7/1100

Board/University BI/5 AbbottabaBI/5 Abbottaba-

09 .onths #ourse :ffi)e Automation

;or3in0 as <ab 6e)hni)ian in =ua*ity De+artment ;ith Best4ay #ement Fa)tory Hattar /in)e From 09/10/&00" to 0%/10/&01%8

.y res+onsibi*ities are :'

=uarry sam+*in08 .i> 2i*e sam+*in08

#oa* 2i*e /am+*in08 ,y+sum an- <atrite /am+*in08 1a4 .i**? Ki*n Fee-? #*in3er? #ement @,rin-in0 A <oa-in0B sam+*es )o**e)tion From their sam+*in0 +oints at ea)h hour8 2re+are these sam+*es for )hemi)a* testin0 by C'1AD? e808 +ro)e-ure inEo*Ee- in #*in3er 2re+arations areF #o**e)t sam+*es an- sieEe from 10 mm an- then ( mm sieEe for <iter ;ei0ht? #rush bi0 ba**s of #3 @remainin0 aboEe 10 mm sieEeB by 1et)h Ja4 #rusher an- ,rin- at H51G:, Ba** / /4in0 .i**s? an- +re+are +ress by ta3in0 100 4ei0ht at H51G:, 2a**etiHin0 2ress8 @;a> 6ab*et .etho-B8 I/ame +ro)e-ures inEo*Ee- in +re+aration of 1.? KF an- #ement +ress formation8 #o**e)t #oa* .i** sam+*eF -etermine its moisture test by /artorious .oisture Ba*an)e Ana*yHerF test its resi-ue a*on0 1.? KF an- #. by A2<IN5 1esi-ue Determinatin0 A++aratus8 B*aine 6est of #ement? <:I 6est? D:# 6est? 1esi-ue 6est by !0 mi)rometer sieEe of #.? 1.? KF by manua**y? Free <ime test of #*in3er? et) #o**e)t #ement .i** out*et? se+arator reJe)te- an- finishe- +ro-u)t sam+*e to -etermine #ir)u*atin0 <oa- of mi**8 #rusher sieEe ana*ysis to )he)3 the +erforman)e of )rusher 48r8t +arti)*e siHe -istribution of )rushe- +ro-u)ts8 Be a)Kuainte- 4ith C1F @C'1ay f*uores)en)e s+e)trometerB8

1ea-in0 Is*ami) boo3s an- Ne4s 2a+er? Lisitin0 Ho*y ,raEes8

1eferen)e 4i** be 0iEen on the -eman-8

Ur-u 5n0*ish Hin-3o

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