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Double-Entry Journal - The Junior Learner

Write in the left column what your impressions or actual knowledge is about: Pre-task writing on this side a no res onse! is legiti"ate Physical growth -limbs grow faster than the trunks of their bodies -Growth is relatively slow from age 8-12 -full of energy low endurance tire easily but responsive to training -hand eye and hand foot coordination is difficult due to slow reaction time -activities with eyes and limbs develop slowly

Michelina (Mickey) Pucci

Post-task writing !hildren are becoming more aware of their physical differences in comparison to others" #t is important to embrace these differences allow for $uestions and encourage them in order to keep their self esteem up" %hrough the observation of children in P& class # notice that they are becoming more competitive" #t is necessary to discuss taking turns fair play not cheating and other values that will give a sense of right and wrong" 'llow for repetition practice and training as it will lead to mastery and the feeling of accomplishment" !hildren learn best at this level through active participation so opportunities to be creative e(press themselves and the integration of academics can refine their critical thinking skills" ,rom my own e(perience # remember feeling strange about the changes # was e(periencing and the need to fit in was important" 'mong both genders but more so the girls you can see small groups forming" %hough they prefer the small groups at this age in P& class # use a team work approach" %hey reali-e the impact of their behaviour on others and begin to reason to solve conflicts amongst peers" #n addition it is important that as a teacher we remain consistent and fair .be a role model/ as they respond to *fair* treatment" 0aving a safe learning environment and building positive relationships with our students will allow for positive behaviour"

)ocial growth -self-centered -small group work is better than large groups -'ccepts winning and losing poorly -responsive to *fair* treatment -)tart to compare strengths+weaknesses to others

!ognitive growth -eager to learn and please adults but need lots of support1 -Good imaginations however can be self-conscious -!urious need to know *why2*

%hrough several of the readings .3earner-!entered Principles %heorists !onstructivism/ there is an importance placed on the transition from concrete to abstract thinking and different avenues in which to achieve higher level thinking" # found the video with the )tatic &lectricity 'ctivity an e(cellent way to encourage students to discover concepts and principles to accommodate on their own" %hrough collaboration with the teacher as a facilitator students e(plored the possible causes of static electricity used reasoning and came to their own conclusions" #f students were incorrect the teacher 4umped in" %he students identify with real life scenarios and use these e(amples to construct their understanding" #t is beneficiary to both you and the students to know your learner5s cognition level and abilities" &veryone learns differently and it5s critical to use multiple forms of knowledge build upon prior knowledge and understand the social nature of knowledge"

%he 6unior 3earner is e(periencing many changes in their physical social and cognitive development" 7ue to these many changes it is important as educators to build safe classroom environments which enrich nurture and encourage our students to grow into knowledgeable self-respecting healthy adults" ,rom my own e(periences and this module # found that the 6unior 3earner is a teaching challenge where a lifelong learner is either made or broken based on their learning e(periences" 0ow and what they learn will decide if they are motivated to seek out new discoveries on their own" #t is important to use their eagerness to learn play and be creative to build upon their future skills" %hey still value intelligence seek out challenges and social interactions as they discover their own self identity" 's an educator # feel responsible to encourage positive growth and higher level learning in order to help all students reach their full potential"

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