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FORMATTING DOCUMENTSASSIGNMENT 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Open Formatting Documents 1 SD in the M: Drive.

Change the margins to .5 on each slide. Change the orientation to landscape. Change Awesome Manufacturing Holiday Party to font size 28. Add a partial 2 inch border along the left and below the title (see example below). Add a snowflake symbol before and after the title. (Hint: The snowflake symbol is under the Wingdings font.) Double underline Where, When, Attire, Menu Selections, and R.S.V.P. (Hint: Use Format Painter.) Tab the information after When, Where, and Attire over to 1 (see example below). Hyperlink the word online to a website of your choice. Add a double inch border around the RSVP information at the bottom of the page. Change Alice Henderson to All Caps without Retyping it. Change the paragraph spacing to 18 pt. after When, Where, and Attire. Create a numbered list for the menu selections. Create a bulleted list that includes a check box for the R.S.V.P. choices. Save as Formatting Documents 1 to your L: Drive. Have your work checked off by your teacher.

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