Anti Tory

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Tories are the real scroungers. scroungers.


The moneygrabbing minister Maria Miller was forced to resign today. She has not been subjected to the same draconian sanctions as someone who cant meet Job centers unfair targets. She hasnt been arrested like someone found to have taken a bottle of water worth 3.50 during the riots. The Governments attacks on the least well off are set to continue Two thirds of all households affected are households with disabled people in them, who have a spare room for their carer to stay in, or who for other health reasons have made alterations to their homes. The five richest families in Britain possess more wealth than the entire poorest fifth of the population. Benefits claimants are being victimised, when it is rich Tory loving landlords who gain most from the benefits system. The Tory nasty rhetoric is trying to use scapegoating of immigrants to divert people from the real problems in society. The racist rhetoric is designed to divide us and drive pay and living standards down. WE DEMAND: * High taxes on the rich to fund public services. * A complete end to bankers bonuses. * For an increase in benefits and the wages of the poorest paid. * For a reversing of cuts and an end to privatisation of our NHS.

Hate the Tories?

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This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker

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