Kamila IEP + Observations

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Belonging/Mana Whenua

Kamila has ability to connect previous experiences within and beyond centre. She also takes different role of wider world. such as doctor, seller.

Well-Being/Mana Atua
You identify how to respond your own emotion and the others. You care about your friends feeling. You asked to rest when feel tired.

Contribution/Mana Tangata
You enjoy your friendships with other children. You involved yourself in others game. One day I saw you playing in sandpit one child came she wanted buy ice cream and you also pretend to sell your ice cream.

Communication/Mana Reo
you extend your social skills by taking turn, negotiating, supporting others and understanding other peoples feelings.

Exploration/Mana Aotroa She develops her confidence in playing alongside with her friends to explore the environment and make sense of social world. Inxa Allah, We will provide you quality environment that you can confidently play with your friend and explore your imagination with them.

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