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CAS Quotes
1) Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. Martin Luther King Jr. Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. Maxwell Maltz Everyday !"m more ama#ed by what $od can do through willing hearts serving his kingdom. Paty Villanueva &ou"re happiest when you are making the greatest contribution. Robert . Kenne!y (he happiest and most contented people are those who each per)orm to make the best o) their abilities. Al"re! A. Monta#ert Without community service, we would not have a strong +uality o) li)e. !t"s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. !t"s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. $r. $orothy %eight !) you want happiness )or an hour, take a nap. !) you want happiness )or a day, go )ishing. !) you want happiness )or a year, inherit a )ortune. !) you want happiness )or a li)etime, help someone. Anon .ever doubt that a small group o) thought)ul, committed citi#ens can change the world/ indeed, it"s the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mea! 1ove cannot remain by itsel)2 it has no meaning. 1ove has to be put into action and that action is service. Mother &eresa (his country will not be a good place )or any o) us to live in unless we make it a good place )or all o) us to live in. &hoeo!ore Roosevelt &ou cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. (o that end each o) us must work )or his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility )or all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most use)ul. Marie Curie

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5rs. $ichohi 11) 5ost 6mericans have never seen the ignorance, degradation, hunger, sickness, and )utility in which many other 6mericans live...(hey won"t become involved in economic or political change until something brings the seriousness o) the situation home to them. Shirley Chishol' 6 university should be a place o) light, o) liberty and o) learning. (en)a'in $israeli !) a man hasn"t discovered something that he will die )or, he isn"t )it to live. Martin Luther King* Jr. 7eople almost always do great things without knowing how to do them, and are +uite surprised to have done them. (ernar! $e ontenelle $iving kids clothes and )ood is one thing but it"s much more important to teach them that other people besides themselves are important, and that the best thing they can do with their lives is to use it in the service o) other people. $olores %uerta We can do no great things2only small things with great love. Mother &eresa 1ove grows by service. Charlotte Per+ins ,il'an 8rom now on in 6merica, any de)inition o) a success)ul li)e must include service to others. ,eorge %. -. (ush (he purpose o) human li)e is to serve and show compassion and the will to help others. Albert S.hweitzer Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve. Martin Luther King Jr. .o act o) kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. Aeso# Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve. Martin Luther King* Jr.

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5rs. $ichohi

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