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Emily McMahon

Franciscan University of Steubenville 1235 University Blvd. Box 53 Steubenville! "# $3 52 emcmahon%%2& '( Moulton Street )ehoboth! M* %2(' 5%+,25 , 5%(


-o obtain a teachin. /osition in the field of Elementary Education. Franciscan University of Steubenville Steubenville! "# $3 52 Bac!elor of Science " Double #a$or in Early C!il%!oo% E%ucation an% Intervention S&ecialist Ex/ected May 2%1( Licensure: 0re,1 , 3 and .rades $,5 Endorsement 2ntervention S/ecialist , 1 ,12 )eadin. Endorsement , 1 , 12 , 30*4 3.+ Bristol Co''unity Colle(e Fall )iver! M* %2(2% , 5om/eted 2+ credits


Volunteer 3reenloc6 -hera/eutic )idin. 5enter! )ehoboth! M* *u.ust 2%% to /resent. ,7or6in. 8ith /hysically and mentally disabled individuals of varyin. and bac6.rounds , #i//othera/y and thera/eutic ridin. sessions , Ex/erience in teachin. clients to ride and 8or6 8ith horses , Ex/erience in hel/in. clients9 thera/ists administer treatment -out! .rou& *ea%er "ur :ady of Mount 5armel 5atholic 5hurch! See6on6 M*! S/rin. 2%13. *ssisted in the /lannin.! leadershi/! and
runnin. of bi,8ee6ly youth .rou/ sessions for /arish teens.


Volunteer My Brother9s 1ee/er! Easton! M*! ;ecembers 2%1%,2%13. *ssisted 8ith center9s 5hristmas /ro.ram for families in need! ex/erience in non,/rofit field and in servin. community. .roun%s0ee&er 0oten<a residence! )ehoboth M*! Summers 2%11,2%13. 7or6ed as a .ardener and .rounds6ee/er! .ained s6ills in 8or6in. 8ith /eo/le! manual labor! and landsca/e arts.


#orsebac6 )idin.! 2%%2 , /resent Member of =ational Fraternity of Student Musicians! 2%%(,2%1% Member of 7arriors of the 7ord household! 2%13 , /resent =orth ;a6ota Mission -ri/! S/rin. 2%1$ Ex/erienced in Microsoft! 7indo8s! and 0hotosho/ Elements. *vailable u/on re>uest.


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