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A Letter from Pastor Randy Eternity

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also he has put eternity in their hearts... Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV)

This life we have here on earth is fleeting and it is gone in a blink of an eye. The song, Who Am I by Casting Crowns, says, I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a vapor in the wind. Humanity has struggled with the fact that our time here on earth is short and that life after death is a mystery. In the Old Testament the afterlife was an unknown place. The OT writers reference a place called Sheol, which in Hebrew means, the grave. Eternity was described as darkness, a final sleep, or just death. Christ changed what eternity means with His death and resurrection. The New Testament tells us where we will spend eternity: heaven or hell. As Christians, we know we will spend eternity in heaven (Romans 10:9). But for those who reject Christs sacrifice and choose to live for this fleeti ng life, their eternity is hell (John 3:18). This November, Calvary Baptist will host a production called Eternity, which will portray the truth about heaven and hell and the decisions we make that will ultimately determine our eternity. It will reveal the importance of our lives and how it effects our eternity. Our lives belong to God and should revolve around His will and His kingdom. Eternity is here.

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