2542ctutorial 3

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Tutorial 3

1) Find the efficiency of single tone modulated AM wave if the modulation index is 0.5.

) !alculate the " #ower saving when the carrier and one of the side$ands are su##ressed in an AM wave modulated to a de#th of a) 100" $)50"

3) A sinusoidal carrier voltage of fre%uency 1 M&' and am#litude 100 (olts is modulated $y a sinusoidal voltage of fre%uency 5 )&' #roducing 50" modulation. !alculate the fre%uency and am#litude of u##er and lower side$ands.

*) A sinusoidal carrier voltage of fre%uency 1 00 )&' is am#litude modulated $y a sinusoidal voltage of fre%uency 0 )&' resulting in maximum and minimum modulated carrier am#litudes of 100 volts and +0 volts res#ectively. !alculate a) the fre%uency of lower and u##er side$ands $) the unmodulated carrier am#litude. c) modulation index and am#litude of each side$and.

5) A ,5 M&' carrier signal having an am#litude of 50 volts is modulated $y a 3 )&' audio signal having an am#litude of 0 volts. a) -.etch the audio signal $) -.etch the carrier signal c) !onstruct the modulated wave. d) /etermine the modulation index and " modulation e) 0hat fre%uencies would $e there in a s#ectrum analysis of the modulated wave1 f) 0rite trigonometric e%uation for the carrier and the modulating waves.

2) A sinusoidal carrier voltage fre%uency 10 M&' and am#litude 00 volts is am#litude modulated $y a sinusoidal voltage of fre%uency 10 )&' #roducing *0" modulation .!alculate the fre%uency and am#litude of u##er and lower side$ands.

,) 3nmodulated 4F carrier #ower of .0 sends a current of 5 am# rms through an antenna. 5n am#litude modulation $y another sinusoidal voltage6 the antenna current increases to 5.+ am#eres. !alculate a) the modulation index and $) carrier #ower after modulation.

7) 8x#lain the method of generation of /-9 using 4ing Modulator.

+) 8x#lain the fre%uency translation in /-9.

10) /raw the s#ectrum of AM with all relevant mathematical data.

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