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Lecture plan 2009

APPLIED PHYSICS I - FIELDS AND WAVES Course Co e !"CPH-#0#0# Course Content$ %o ule I$ &sc'llat'ons ( Wa)es Introduction to S.H.M., Damped Oscillations, Differential Equation and its solution Different conditions of damping, logarithmic decrement, Quality actor, orced oscillations, "mplitude and requency #esponse, #esonance, Sharpness of #esonance Introduction to $lane $rogressi%e &a%es, Differential Equation and Solution Superposition of $rogressi%e &a%es, Stationary 'a%es Introduction to (ltrasonics, )eneration and application of ultrasonic 'a%es %o ule II$ Wa)e Nature o* L'+,t Interference, *oherent Sources, *onditions of interference, Interference due to di%ision of 'a%efront, resnel+s ,iprism Interference due to di%ision of amplitude, -e'ton+s rings Interference due to 'edge shaped film, Interference due to thin films, Diffraction, resnel and raunhofer diffraction, raunhofer diffraction at a single slit, dou,le slit, - Slits, .ransmission grating, #ayleigh criterion and #esol%ing po'er of grating. $olari/ation, 0irefringence, -icol prism Optical rotation ,Half and quarter 'a%e plates, $roduction and analysis of plane, circularly and elliptically polari/ed light, $olarimeters 12orent/ half shade 3 ,iquart/4. %o ule III$ Electro-a+net'cs Scalar and %ector fields, gradient of a scalar field, physical significance of gradient, Equipotential surface. 2ine, surface and %olume integrals, Di%ergence and curl of %ector field and mathematical analysis physical significance, Electric flu5, )auss+ la'6 $roof and "pplications, )auss di%ergence and Sto7es theorems. Differential form of )auss+ 2a', "mperes 2a', Displacement current, aradays 2a', Ma5'ell equations in free space 3 isotropic media 1Integral form 3 differential form4, EM 'a%e propagation in free space. $oynting %ector 2 ! 2 ! 2 ! ! 2 ! ! ! 2 ! ! ! ! ! 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! Lecture Hours

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