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Lesson 5 - Wedding Gown The Story When my sister got married, she wore my mother's wedding dress.

The day she tried it on, the gown fitted her exactly and mother started to cry. "Yo 're not losing a da ghter," ! reminded her, " tting my arm aro nd her, "yo 're gaining a son." "#h, forget a$o t that%" she said with a so$, "! sed to fit into that dress." &oca$ lary 'ractice (ar) the $est choice. * 'gown' is a ........ $ ilding where "eo"le marry dress worn at a s"ecial time "erson who is married meal ser+ed at wedding To 'fit' means to .......... find something o t li+e ha""ily see something sad $e the right si,e * ... is a noisy and irreg lar $reath from crying. gown gain so$ fit - estions for .isc ssion What is f nny a$o t this story/ Who do yo thin) is telling the story/ *cti+ities 0ow yo tell yo r friend1s2 the story in yo r own words. 'rono nce the following words se+eral times3 Gown (arry Gain Wore * 4 ssian 'ro+er$ #ne rotten egg s"oils twenty fresh ones.

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