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New Cross Labour Newsletter

One Nation Labour

Better schools and a brighter future for our young people

a further 10% the number of children getting five good GCSEs. As well as helping young people into higher education, well deliver 1,000 extra apprenticeships so all young Since 2010, Lewisham primary people can access high quality schools have improved hugely; vocational education. We will theyre now the fourth best in maintain a network of Childrens the country! In our secondary Centres and continue to provide schools, 26% more 16 year olds a primary school place for every are getting five good GCSEs. child in the borough. Despite Coalitions cuts, weve maintained 17 Childrens Joe Dromey, New Cross Labour Centres. Weve rebuilt or candidate said as a school refurbished 20 schools and governor, Im proud of Labours created over 2,500 new primary record on education. Well places. continue to improve local schools so all our kids can In the next four years we will achieve their full potential. support schools to increase by Young people in New Cross have such great potential. Giving them the best start in life is something we care deeply about.

Lewisham Labour offer major house-building promise

London is facing a growing housing crisis. Rents and house prices are rocketing and the Coalition has done nothing to help. In the last four years, Lewisham Labour has delivered over 2,000 affordable homes, more last year than in any other London borough. We've started building the firstnew council houses in a generation. Over the next four years we will deliver a major house-building programme, with 2,000 new affordable homes, including 500 new council homes. We will complete the renovation of all of our housing stock by 2018. And to tackle bad practice in the private rented sector, we will set up a Lewisham Lettings Agency, cracking down on the slum landlords that exploit the vulnerable. Brenda Dacres, New Cross Labour candidate said Lewisham Labour has a strong record on housing. Our major commitment to housebuilding will deliver the affordable and decent homes our community needs.

New Cross Labour - Working hard for you

Have your say on 22nd May
With local elections on May 22nd, tackle unemployment and poverty. your New Cross Labour team are Joe is a school governor at two asking for your vote. local schools. Brenda Dacresis a local mum and campaigner. She is passionate about improving education and is Secretary of the PTA at a local school and has served as a school governor. Brenda works in IT. Joe Dromeyis a researcher for a charity. He is determined to help Paul Maslinhas represented the area since 1998. He grew up in Lewisham and set up the Hales Gallery locally. Steve Bullock has been Lewishams Mayor since 2002. He has kept council tax low and fought hard to save Lewisham Hospital.
How to get in touch 07736 667 917 www.newcrosslabour.weebly. com Write to... Mayor Steve Bullock, Civic Suite Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU You can keep in touch on Twitter: @NewCrossLabour

Labour promise 2 year Council Tax Freeze

Local people are suffering from the Cost of Living Crisis. The average families is 1,600 a year worse off than they were in 2010. You may have seen thatCouncil Tax has been frozen againthis year to save you money. This is the third time in four years that Labour have frozen Council Tax. We can now promise tofreeze Council Tax for two more years until 2017, saving the average family the equivalent of 50 a year. New Cross CouncillorPaul Maslin said; times are tough, but by freezing Council Tax, we can make things a little easier for hardpressed families.

Joan Ruddock MP backs Labour candidates Dame Joan Ruddock MP , who has represented Deptford for 26 years, has given her backing to Labours candidates Brenda Dacres, Joe Dromey and Paul Maslin. Theyre hard working and dedicated people who will serve New Cross well. I will be stepping down next year, but I know they will go on to fight for local people and get the best for the area. On 22nd May, make sure you vote for Brenda, Joe, Paul and for Mayor Steve Bullock.

Labour leading the fight against Super Sewer Thames Water want to build the Thames Tunnel super sewer on Crossfields Green, right in the middle of Deptford. The construction will cause 3 years of noise, pollution and congestion, blighting the local area. Your New Cross Labour candidates have been standing up for the local community and leading the Dont Dump on Deptfords Heart campaign. Campaign coordinator Joe Dromey said; these plans are outrageous and well fight Thames Water all the way.

Promoted by Tom Smith on behalf of New Cross Labour both at 227b New Cross Road, SE14 5UH Printed by Anton Group Ltd, Christy Way Laindon Essex SS15 6TR

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