PR 14 04 09

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Weunesuay, Apiil 9, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu authentic conseivative canuiuate
foi Lieutenant uoveinoi, was infoimeu touay that he is ieceiving the enuoisement
of Texans foi Lawsuit Refoim PAC (TLRPAC). TLR PAC suppoiteu anu enuoiseu
Baviu Bewhuist in the Naich 4 Piimaiy.

"I appieciate the suppoit fiom TLR," saiu Ban Patiick. "They have playeu a integial
pait in shaping Texas into a conseivative, business fiienuly state.

"Texas' economic success is uue to a business enviionment chaiacteiizeu by low
taxes, light iegulation anu a faii anu pieuictable legal enviionment. It woulun't have
happeneu without TLR anu theii suppoit foi conseivative canuiuates foi public

"Ban Patiick's stiong finish in the Naich 4 Piimaiy, neaily 14 points aheau of
uoveinoi Bewhuist, shockeu the punuits," saiu Allen Blakemoie, Senioi Stiategist
foi the Patiick Campaign. "Patiick's 41% against a fielu of thiee, incumbent
statewiue electeu officials, pioveu that he has a winning message. TLR's suppoit is a
game-changei in the Lieutenant uoveinoi's iace. The question about whethei oi
not the Patiick Campaign will be competitively funueu has now been answeieu."

Noie infoimation about the Ban Patiick campaign is available at


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