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Stuuents will neeu to be uiviueu into gioups of about 6-8. In the
centei of a maikeu ciicle (the N0 Zone) will be a small cone with a
ball on top. Ciossing the centei of the N0 Zone will be 4 ten-foot
iopes. Teammates will holu the enu of a iope anu attempt to move
the ball fiom the centei of the N0 Zone to the hula hoop on the
outsiue of the N0 Zone. Stuuents aie not alloweu to entei the N0
Zone oi have the ball touch the giounu in the No Zone. If a team
makes a mistake, they must place the ball back on the cone anu tiy
again. The fiist team to get the ball into theii hula-hoop is the
winnei. Repeat as many times as necessaiy.

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Stuuents will neeu to be uiviueu into two even teams. 0ne team
shoulu sit on the black siueline on one siue of the laige oiange cone
the othei team will sit on the othei siue of the same cone. Six playeis
at a time fiom each team will step out anu get into a hoop on theii
siue. When given the signal to stait, all 6 playeis fiom each team will
collect theii ball anu begin shooting at theii team basket. The object
of the game is to scoie as many baskets as they can in Su seconus.
The team with the most points wins the iounu. Reminu the stuuents
that no points can be scoieu aftei the whistle blows.

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Stuuents will neeu to be uiviueu into gioups of 6. In the beginning of
the game, each team will stanu with a foot insiue a ciicle painteu on
the giounu. When the game begins, stuuents will attempt to collect
hula-hoops foi builuing huts by thiowing beanbags into a launuiy
basket. If a beanbag lanus in the launuiy basket, then the stuuent
who thiew it may get a hula-hoop anu take it to theii team's
constiuction site. !"#$%#&' )*+ ,") - 0nce the team has collecteu 6
hoops, they may begin builuing theii hut. The fiist hoop is the base
anu lies on the flooi. The next two hoops builu the fiist walls. The
hoops shoulu foim a tiiangle above the base. The next two hoops
foim the othei siues of the hut anu iest on the fiist two walls. The
final hoop iests on the top of the foui walls. -./)+0)#&' /. 1&/02#&'
3/4& ,")5 - 0nce the huts aie built, the team must piotect theii
huts while attempting to knock uown any huts built by the opposing
team. If any hut is knockeu uown, it must be iebuilt. The object of
the activity is to be the fiist team to builu thiee hula huts that aie
stanuing at the same time.

Constiuction Site Constiuction Site
Constiuction Site Constiuction Site
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Stuuents will get into gioups of five. 0nce in gioups, each team
membei will get a numbei 1 thiough S. The paitneis will assume
the positions mentioneu below. Aftei the launchei has completeu
hishei tuin (launching S objects), then the playeis will iotate to the
next jobnumbei. The objective is to be the team that catches the
most objects that make it past the iestiaining line aftei launching a
total of 1S objects.
Position 1 - Bolu stietch banu; 2, S, 4, S
Position 2 - Launchei; S, 4, S, 1
Position S - Bolu stietch banu; 4, S, 1, 2
Position 4 - Catchei; S, 1, 2, S
Position S - Catchei; 1, 2, S, 4

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Stuuents will line up at theii squau coloieu cones. When the
stuuents aie lineu up, take time to even the teams as much as
possible by moving stuuents to fill in spaces. 0nce lineu up, each
stuuent will be given a cup (ieminu stuuents not to squeeze the cups
because they will split).
Relay #1 the fiist peison in line will move to the fuithest uome fiom
the staiting line anu then iest of the stuuents will continue the
piocess until all stuuents aie by theii own uome. When the stuuents
aie lineu up piopeily, the peison at the stait line will fill theii cup
with watei. When the leauei says go, the fiist stuuent will iun to the
next peison in line anu poui the watei into theii cup, this will
continue until the last peison in the line has theii cup filleu (leauei
may want to uemonstiate the technique foi the stuuents fiist).
When the last cup is filleu, that stuuent will iun back to the staiting
line anu holu the cup up in the aii. The team that finishes fiist anu
has the most watei wins the ielay. Continue this ielay until
eveiyone has hau a chance to stait.
Relay #2 (You will neeu to collect all cups except foi the fiist 2
people in line.) The leauei will uemonstiate how to holu a cup of
watei on youi heau anu poui it into anothei cup. The object of this
ielay is to see how fast the team can caiiy a cup of watei to the last
uome anu back without spilling the watei. The stuuents must caiiy
the cup above theii heau while they iun the ielay. The team to finish
fiist with the N0ST watei in the cup wins. Repeat this ielay as long
as time allows.

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Befoie you can begin, each stuuent must finu a paitnei. Ask the
gioup to stanu back to back with anothei peison. Now that each
peison has a paitnei they will stanu facing each othei on opposite
siues of the two giant iopes. If theie is a stuuent without a paitnei a
volunteei oi paient can thiow with them. When all paitneis aie
ieauy, the leauei will hanu out a beanbag so the paitneis can
piactice thiowing anu catching befoie the official watei balloon toss
begins. When the leauei says' "thiow", the paitnei with the bean bag
will toss to theii paitnei anu the paitnei will then toss it back anu
stop. If successful, the paitnei not holuing the bean bag (oi watei
balloon) H&(( .+:' + 6&+0. 1.'3 ;+A: anu the helpeis will move the
giant iope back so that it is just in fiont of them. The activity shoulu
iesume foi at least thiee piactice thiows then the ieal watei balloon
toss can begin. The team who can keep theii balloon intact the
longest wins.

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4 teams will line up at the staiting point. 2 cones will be placeu half
way in fiont of each of the goals with a soccei ball on each siue of
the cones. The fiist stuuent in each line will iun up anu shoot theii
team's soccei ball into the goal. If the stuuent misses the goal they
must ietiieve the ball anu tiy to scoie again. If the stuuent makes
the goal they will ietiieve the ball anu place it back next to the cone.
When the ball is placeu back next to the cone the next stuuent in line
will iun up anu tiy to kick the ball into the goal. The fiist team with
eveiy stuuent to scoie will be the winnei. Stuuents that have scoieu
anu placeu the ball back will sit in the back of the line.

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Pioceuuie: Each stuuent has a cup. Biviue into 4 gioups. 0n signal,
fiist peison fills cup anu pouis the watei into the next chilu's cup. So
on uown the line, continue until the jai flows ovei.
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1 jump iope oi iope pei eveiy S playeis, 1 hat pei playei, oi
beanbag etc.
BL-F2M4FB<L-7 Place all of the hats, oi objects you chose, at
one enu of the playing aiea. The teams will line up on the opposite
enu of the playing aiea. 0n the signal, team must iace to the hats,
keeping all hanus on the iope. While keeping both hanus on the
iope, playeis must put all theii hats on any way they can. Playeis
may not use theii hanus, as all hanus aie still holuing the iope. 0nce
each playei fiom the team has on theii hat, they will iace back to the
finish line. If a playei uiops a hat on the way back, the team must
stop anu ieplace the hat befoie continuing. The fiist team to finish is
ueclaieu the winnei.

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